7 research outputs found

    First Evaluation of the CPU, GPGPU and MIC Architectures for Real Time Particle Tracking based on Hough Transform at the LHC

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    Recent innovations focused around {\em parallel} processing, either through systems containing multiple processors or processors containing multiple cores, hold great promise for enhancing the performance of the trigger at the LHC and extending its physics program. The flexibility of the CMS/ATLAS trigger system allows for easy integration of computational accelerators, such as NVIDIA's Tesla Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) or Intel's \xphi, in the High Level Trigger. These accelerators have the potential to provide faster or more energy efficient event selection, thus opening up possibilities for new complex triggers that were not previously feasible. At the same time, it is crucial to explore the performance limits achievable on the latest generation multicore CPUs with the use of the best software optimization methods. In this article, a new tracking algorithm based on the Hough transform will be evaluated for the first time on a multi-core Intel Xeon E5-2697v2 CPU, an NVIDIA Tesla K20c GPU, and an Intel \xphi\ 7120 coprocessor. Preliminary time performance will be presented.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Accepted to JINS

    Massively Parallel Computing and the Search for Jets and Black Holes at the LHC

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    Massively parallel computing at the LHC could be the next leap necessary to reach an era of new discoveries at the LHC after the Higgs discovery. Scientific computing is a critical component of the LHC experiment, including operation, trigger, LHC computing GRID, simulation, and analysis. One way to improve the physics reach of the LHC is to take advantage of the flexibility of the trigger system by integrating coprocessors based on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) or the Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture into its server farm. This cutting edge technology provides not only the means to accelerate existing algorithms, but also the opportunity to develop new algorithms that select events in the trigger that previously would have evaded detection. In this article we describe new algorithms that would allow to select in the trigger new topological signatures that include non-prompt jet and black hole--like objects in the silicon tracker.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to NIM

    Massively Parallel Computing at the Large Hadron Collider up to the HL-LHC

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    As the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) continues its upward progression in energy and luminosity towards the planned High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) in 2025, the challenges of the experiments in processing increasingly complex events will also continue to increase. Improvements in computing technologies and algorithms will be a key part of the advances necessary to meet this challenge. Parallel computing techniques, especially those using massively parallel computing (MPC), promise to be a significant part of this effort. In these proceedings, we discuss these algorithms in the specific context of a particularly important problem: the reconstruction of charged particle tracks in the trigger algorithms in an experiment, in which high computing performance is critical for executing the track reconstruction in the available time. We discuss some areas where parallel computing has already shown benefits to the LHC experiments, and also demonstrate how a MPC-based trigger at the CMS experiment could not only improve performance, but also extend the reach of the CMS trigger system to capture events which are currently not practical to reconstruct at the trigger level.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings of 2nd International Summer School on Intelligent Signal Processing for Frontier Research and Industry (INFIERI2014), to appear in JINST. Revised version in response to referee comment

    Simulating Nonlinear Neutrino Oscillations on Next-Generation Many-Core Architectures

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    In this work an astrophysical simulation code, XFLAT, is developed to study neutrino oscillations in supernovae. XFLAT is a hybrid modular code which was designed to utilize multiple levels of parallelism through MPI, OpenMP, and SIMD instructions (vectorization). It can run on both the CPU and the Xeon Phi co-processor, the latter of which is based on the Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture (MIC). The performance of XFLAT on various system configurations and physics scenarios has been analyzed. In addition, the impact of I/O and the multi-node configuration on the Xeon Phi-equipped heterogeneous supercomputers such as Stampede at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) was investigated