14 research outputs found

    Finitely labeled generating trees and restricted permutations

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    Generating trees are a useful technique in the enumeration of various combinatorial objects, particularly restricted permutations. Quite often the generating tree for the set of permutations avoiding a set of patterns requires infinitely many labels. Sometimes, however, this generating tree needs only finitely many labels. We characterize the finite sets of patterns for which this phenomenon occurs. We also present an algorithm - in fact, a special case of an algorithm of Zeilberger - that is guaranteed to find such a generating tree if it exists.Comment: Accepted by J. Symb. Comp.; 12 page

    Inflations of Geometric Grid Classes: Three Case Studies

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    We enumerate three specific permutation classes defined by two forbidden patterns of length four. The techniques involve inflations of geometric grid classes

    Contents of Volume 41

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    Locally Convex Words and Permutations

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    We introduce some new classes of words and permutations characterized by the second difference condition π(i1)+π(i+1)2π(i)k\pi(i-1) + \pi(i+1) - 2\pi(i) \leq k, which we call the kk-convexity condition. We demonstrate that for any sized alphabet and convexity parameter kk, we may find a generating function which counts kk-convex words of length nn. We also determine a formula for the number of 0-convex words on any fixed-size alphabet for sufficiently large nn by exhibiting a connection to integer partitions. For permutations, we give an explicit solution in the case k=0k = 0 and show that the number of 1-convex and 2-convex permutations of length nn are Θ(C1n)\Theta(C_1^n) and Θ(C2n)\Theta(C_2^n), respectively, and use the transfer matrix method to give tight bounds on the constants C1C_1 and C2C_2. We also providing generating functions similar to the the continued fraction generating functions studied by Odlyzko and Wilf in the "coins in a fountain" problem.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Ascent Sequences Avoiding Pairs of Patterns

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    Ascent sequences were introduced by Bousquet-Melou et al. in connection with (2+2)-avoiding posets and their pattern avoidance properties were first considered by Duncan and Steingrímsson. In this paper, we consider ascent sequences of length n role= presentation style= display: inline; font-size: 11.2px; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; position: relative; \u3enn avoiding two patterns of length 3, and we determine an exact enumeration for 16 different pairs of patterns. Methods include simple recurrences, bijections to other combinatorial objects (including Dyck paths and pattern-avoiding permutations), and generating trees. We also provide an analogue of the Erdős-Szekeres Theorem to prove that any sufficiently long ascent sequence contains either many copies of the same number or a long increasing subsequence, with a precise bound

    Generating Permutations with Restricted Containers

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    We investigate a generalization of stacks that we call C\mathcal{C}-machines. We show how this viewpoint rapidly leads to functional equations for the classes of permutations that C\mathcal{C}-machines generate, and how these systems of functional equations can frequently be solved by either the kernel method or, much more easily, by guessing and checking. General results about the rationality, algebraicity, and the existence of Wilfian formulas for some classes generated by C\mathcal{C}-machines are given. We also draw attention to some relatively small permutation classes which, although we can generate thousands of terms of their enumerations, seem to not have D-finite generating functions

    Pattern Avoidance in Reverse Double Lists

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    In this paper, we consider pattern avoidance in a subset of words on {1,1,2,2,,n,n}\{1,1,2,2,\dots,n,n\} called reverse double lists. In particular a reverse double list is a word formed by concatenating a permutation with its reversal. We enumerate reverse double lists avoiding any permutation pattern of length at most 4 and completely determine the corresponding Wilf classes. For permutation patterns ρ\rho of length 5 or more, we characterize when the number of ρ\rho-avoiding reverse double lists on nn letters has polynomial growth. We also determine the number of 1k1\cdots k-avoiders of maximum length for any positive integer kk.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, 4 table