13 research outputs found

    Gyenge többségi függvények = Weak near-unanimity operations

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    Az OTKA pályázatom benyújtása (2008. február 11) óta 8 cikkem jelent nemzetközi folyóiratokban, de ezek közül csak kettő cikk született a kutatási programban megadott témában a beszámolási időszak alatt, ezért a többi 6 megjelent cikket nem tüntettem fel a jelentésben. Ezen cikkeken kívül a kutatási tervnek megfelelően további 3 kézirat van publikálásra benyújtva, illetve egy kézirat született, amely nincsen még benyújtva. A kutatási időszakban összesen hat nemzetközi konferencián adtam elő, ezek közül négyen meghívott előadóként. Az [1] cikkben egy irányított fákból álló speciális gráfosztályra, az úgynevezett speciális triádokra bizonyítjuk a homomorfizmus problémára vonatkozó dichotómia sejtés. A [2] cikkben algoritmust adunk arra, hogy láncok direkt szorzatában az azonos elemszámú ideálok melyikében maximális az elemek magasságának összege. A [3] kéziratban a korlátos szélességű és kevés részhatvánnyal rendelkező algebrákra vonatkozó kényszerkielégíthetőségi problémát megoldó algoritmusokat ötvöztem. A [4] kéziratban bebizonyítottuk a Valeriote sejtést reflexív irányított gráfokra. Az [5] kéziratban a Valeriote sejtés több ekvivalens megfogalmazását adtuk meg. A [6] kéziratban a CSP probléma egy teljesen új redukcióját vezettük be, amely segítségével újabb algebraosztályokra bizonyítható a dichotómia sejtés. | Since the submission of my OTKA grant proposal (2008/08/11) I had eight articles appeared in international journals, but only two of them were on a topic listed in the project proposal. Therefore, I did not mention the other 6 in this report. Beside these articles I have 3 submitted manuscripts and one manuscript not jet submitted. During the three years of this research grant I have given 6 talks on international conferences, four of them were invited plenary talks. In [1] we have proved the constraint satisfaction dichotomy conjecture for a special class of directed trees, for the class of special triads. In [2] we give an algorithm to determine the order ideal of a direct product of chains in which the number of elements equals a fixed integer and the sum of heights of elements is maximal. In [3] I have combined the algorithms solving the constraint satisfaction problem for bounded width algebras and for algebras of few subpowers. In [4] we have proved the Valeriote conjecture for reflexive directed graphs. In [5] we have given equivalent formulations of the Valeriote conjecture. in [6] we have introduced a completely new reduction of CSP problems that allowed the proof of the dichotomy conjecture for various new classes of algebras

    The number of clones determined by disjunctions of unary relations

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    We consider finitary relations (also known as crosses) that are definable via finite disjunctions of unary relations, i.e. subsets, taken from a fixed finite parameter set Γ\Gamma. We prove that whenever Γ\Gamma contains at least one non-empty relation distinct from the full carrier set, there is a countably infinite number of polymorphism clones determined by relations that are disjunctively definable from Γ\Gamma. Finally, we extend our result to finitely related polymorphism clones and countably infinite sets Γ\Gamma.Comment: manuscript to be published in Theory of Computing System

    Deciding absorption

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    We characterize absorption in finite idempotent algebras by means of J\'onsson absorption and cube term blockers. As an application we show that it is decidable whether a given subset is an absorbing subuniverse of an algebra given by the tables of its basic operations

    Topological Birkhoff

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    One of the most fundamental mathematical contributions of Garrett Birkhoff is the HSP theorem, which implies that a finite algebra B satisfies all equations that hold in a finite algebra A of the same signature if and only if B is a homomorphic image of a subalgebra of a finite power of A. On the other hand, if A is infinite, then in general one needs to take an infinite power in order to obtain a representation of B in terms of A, even if B is finite. We show that by considering the natural topology on the functions of A and B in addition to the equations that hold between them, one can do with finite powers even for many interesting infinite algebras A. More precisely, we prove that if A and B are at most countable algebras which are oligomorphic, then the mapping which sends each function from A to the corresponding function in B preserves equations and is continuous if and only if B is a homomorphic image of a subalgebra of a finite power of A. Our result has the following consequences in model theory and in theoretical computer science: two \omega-categorical structures are primitive positive bi-interpretable if and only if their topological polymorphism clones are isomorphic. In particular, the complexity of the constraint satisfaction problem of an \omega-categorical structure only depends on its topological polymorphism clone.Comment: 21 page


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    Abstract. We provide a new characterization of several Mal’tsev conditions for locally finite varieties using hereditary term properties. We show a particular example how lack of absorption causes collapse in the Mal’tsev hierarchy, and point out a connection between solvability and lack of absorption. As a consequence, we provide a new and conceptually simple proof of a result of Hobby and McKenzie, saying that locally finite varieties with a Taylor term possess a term which is Mal’tsev on blocks of every solvable congruence in every finite algebra in the variety. 1

    Congruence n-permutable varieties

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    Many experts have been doing research on characterizations of congruence n-permutable varieties in many different ways. In 1973 Hagemann and Mitschke, generalizing Maltsev conditions, provided a simple and nice characterization of congruence n-permutable varieties. We offer our own approach to the characterization of congruence n-permutable varieties, inspired by the Kearnes/Tschantz lemma