72 research outputs found

    Gradient Flows in Filtering and Fisher-Rao Geometry

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    Uncertainty propagation and filtering can be interpreted as gradient flows with respect to suitable metrics in the infinite dimensional manifold of probability density functions. Such a viewpoint has been put forth in recent literature, and a systematic way to formulate and solve the same for linear Gaussian systems has appeared in our previous work where the gradient flows were realized via proximal operators with respect to Wasserstein metric arising in optimal mass transport. In this paper, we derive the evolution equations as proximal operators with respect to Fisher-Rao metric arising in information geometry. We develop the linear Gaussian case in detail and show that a template two step optimization procedure proposed earlier by the authors still applies. Our objective is to provide new geometric interpretations of known equations in filtering, and to clarify the implication of different choices of metric

    A Polynomial Chaos Approach to Stochastic LQ Optimal Control: Error Bounds and Infinite-Horizon Results

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    The stochastic linear-quadratic regulator problem subject to Gaussian disturbances is well known and usually addressed via a moment-based reformulation. Here, we leverage polynomial chaos expansions, which model random variables via series expansions in a suitable L2\mathcal{L}^2 probability space, to tackle the non-Gaussian case. We present the optimal solutions for finite and infinite horizons. Moreover, we quantify the truncation error and we analyze the infinite-horizon asymptotics. We show that the limit of the optimal trajectory is the unique solution to a stationary optimization problem in the sense of probability measures. A numerical example illustrates our findings

    Covariance Steering of Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Mixed Multiplicative and Additive Noise

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    In this paper, we study the covariance steering (CS) problem for discrete-time linear systems subject to multiplicative and additive noise. Specifically, we consider two variants of the so-called CS problem. The goal of the first problem, which is called the exact CS problem, is to steer the mean and the covariance of the state process to their desired values in finite time. In the second one, which is called the ``relaxed'' CS problem, the covariance assignment constraint is relaxed into a positive semi-definite constraint. We show that the relaxed CS problem can be cast as an equivalent convex semi-definite program (SDP) after applying suitable variable transformations and constraint relaxations. Furthermore, we propose a two-step solution procedure for the exact CS problem based on the relaxed problem formulation which returns a feasible solution, if there exists one. Finally, results from numerical experiments are provided to show the efficacy of the proposed solution methods