3 research outputs found

    Boundary element method for convex boundary control problems

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    summary:In this paper, we discuss the numerical methods for a class of convex boundary control problems. The boundary element method is applied for the approximations of the problems. The a posteriori error estimators for the boundary element approximations are presented, which can be applied as the indicators of the adaptive mesh refinement of the related boundary element methods

    Adaptive Semidiscrete Finite Element Methods for Semilinear Parabolic Integrodifferential Optimal Control Problem with Control Constraint

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    The aim of this work is to study the semidiscrete finite element discretization for a class of semilinear parabolic integrodifferential optimal control problems. We derive a posteriori error estimates in L2(J;L2(Ω))-norm and L2(J;H1(Ω))-norm for both the control and coupled state approximations. Such estimates can be used to construct reliable adaptive finite element approximation for semilinear parabolic integrodifferential optimal control problem. Furthermore, we introduce an adaptive algorithm to guide the mesh refinement. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the theoretical results

    Optimal control of systems with memory

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    The “Optimal Control of Systems with memory” is a PhD project that is borne from the collaboration between the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome and CNR-INM the Institute for Marine Engineering of the National Research Council of Italy (ex INSEAN). This project is part of a larger EDA (European Defence Agency) project called ETLAT: Evaluation of State of the Art Thin Line Array Technology. ETLAT is aimed at improving the scientific and technical knowledge of potential performance of current Thin Line Towed Array (TLA) technologies (element sensors and arrays) in view of Underwater Surveillance applications. A towed sonar array has been widely employed as an important tool for naval defence, ocean exploitation and ocean research. Two main operative limitations costrain the TLA design such as: a fixed immersion depth and the stabilization of its horizontal trim. The system is composed by a towed vehicle and a towed line sonar array (TLA). The two subsystems are towed by a towing cable attached to the moving boat. The role of the vehicle is to guarantee a TLA’s constant depth of navigation and the reduction of the entire system oscillations. The vehicle is also called "depressor" and its motion generates memory effects that influence the proper operation of the TLA. The dynamic of underwater towed system is affected by memory effects induced by the fluid-structure interaction, namely: vortex shedding and added damping due to the presence of a free surface in the fluid. In time domain, memory effects are represented by convolution integral between special kernel functions and the state of the system. The mathematical formulation of the underwater system, implies the use of integral-differential equations in the time domain, that requires a nonstandard optimal control strategy. The goal of this PhD work is to developed a new optimal control strategy for mechanical systems affected by memory effects and described by integral-differential equations. The innovative control method presented in this thesis, is an extension of the Pontryagin optimal solution which is normally applied to differential equations. The control is based on the variational control theory implying a feedback formulation, via model predictive control. This work introduces a novel formulation for the control of the vehicle and cable oscillations that can include in the optimal control integral terms besides the more conventional differential ones. The innovative method produces very interesting results, that show how even widely applied control methods (LQR) fail, while the present formulation exhibits the advantage of the optimal control theory based on integral-differential equations of motion