2 research outputs found

    Finite element approximation of a phase field model for surface diffusion of voids in a stressed solid

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    We consider a fully practical finite element approximation of the degenerate Cahn-Hilliard equation with elasticity: Find the conserved order parameter, θ(x,t)∈[−1,1]\theta(x, t)\in [-1, 1], and the displacement field, u‾(x,t)∈R2\underline u(x, t)\in \Bbb R^2, such that γ∂θ∂t=∇⋅(b(θ)∇[−γΔθ+γ−1Ψ′(θ)+12c′(θ)CE‾‾(u‾):E‾‾(u‾)]),∇⋅(c(θ)CE‾‾(u‾))=0‾,\gamma\frac{\partial\theta}{\partial t}=\nabla\cdot (b(\theta)\nabla [-\gamma\Delta\theta + \gamma^{-1}\Psi'(\theta) + \tfrac 12 c' (\theta){\cal C}\underline{\underline{\cal E}}(\underline u) : \underline{\underline{\cal E}}(\underline u)] ),\quad \nabla\cdot (c(\theta){\cal C} \underline{\underline{\cal E}}(\underline{u})) = \underline 0, subject to an initial condition θ0(⋅)∈[−1,1]\theta^0(\cdot)\in [-1,1] on θ\theta and boundary conditions on both equations. Here γ∈R>0\gamma\in\Bbb R_{>0} is the interfacial parameter, Ψ\Psi is a nonsmooth double well potential, E‾‾ \underline{\underline{\cal E}} is the symmetric strain tensor, C\cal C is the possibly anisotropic elasticity tensor, c(s):=c0+12(1−c0)(1+s)c(s) := c_0+ \frac 12 (1- c_0) (1+s) with c0(γ)∈R>0c_0(\gamma)\in\Bbb R_{>0} and b(s):=1s2b(s) := 1 s^2 is the degenerate diffusion mobility. In addition to showing stability bounds for our approximation, we prove convergence, and hence existence of a solution to this nonlinear degenerate parabolic system in two space dimensions. Finally, some numerical experiments are presented