4 research outputs found

    First-order logic for safety verification of hedge rewriting systems

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    In this paper we deal with verification of safety properties of hedge rewriting systems and their generalizations. The verification problem is translated to a purely logical problem of finding a finite countermodel for a first-order formula, which is further tackled by a generic finite model finding procedure. We show that the proposed approach is at least as powerful as the methods using regular invariants. At the same time the finite countermodel method is shown to be efficient and applicable to the wide range of systems, including the protocols operating on unranked trees

    Finite Countermodel Based Verification for Program Transformation (A Case Study)

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    Both automatic program verification and program transformation are based on program analysis. In the past decade a number of approaches using various automatic general-purpose program transformation techniques (partial deduction, specialization, supercompilation) for verification of unreachability properties of computing systems were introduced and demonstrated. On the other hand, the semantics based unfold-fold program transformation methods pose themselves diverse kinds of reachability tasks and try to solve them, aiming at improving the semantics tree of the program being transformed. That means some general-purpose verification methods may be used for strengthening program transformation techniques. This paper considers the question how finite countermodels for safety verification method might be used in Turchin's supercompilation method. We extract a number of supercompilation sub-algorithms trying to solve reachability problems and demonstrate use of an external countermodel finder for solving some of the problems.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2015, arXiv:1512.0221

    Finite Models vs Tree Automata in Safety Verification

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    In this paper we deal with verification of safety properties of term-rewriting systems. The verification problem is translated to a purely logical problem of finding a finite countermodel for a first-order formula, which is further resolved by a generic finite model finding procedure. A finite countermodel produced during successful verification provides with a concise description of the system invariant sufficient to demonstrate a specific safety property. We show the relative completeness of this approach with respect to the tree automata completion technique. On a set of examples taken from the literature we demonstrate the efficiency of finite model finding approach as well as its explanatory power