5 research outputs found

    Depth, Highness and DNR degrees

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    We study Bennett deep sequences in the context of recursion theory; in particular we investigate the notions of O(1)-deepK, O(1)-deepC , order-deep K and order-deep C sequences. Our main results are that Martin-Loef random sets are not order-deepC , that every many-one degree contains a set which is not O(1)-deepC , that O(1)-deepC sets and order-deepK sets have high or DNR Turing degree and that no K-trival set is O(1)-deepK.Comment: journal version, dmtc

    A revised attack on computational ontology

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    There has been an ongoing conflict regarding whether reality is fundamentally digital or analogue. Recently, Floridi has argued that this dichotomy is misapplied. For any attempt to analyse noumenal reality independently of any level of abstraction at which the analysis is conducted is mistaken. In the pars destruens of this paper, we argue that Floridi does not establish that it is only levels of abstraction that are analogue or digital, rather than noumenal reality. In the pars construens of this paper, we reject a classification of noumenal reality as a deterministic discrete computational system. We show, based on considerations from classical physics, why a deterministic computational view of the universe faces problems (e.g., a reversible computational universe cannot be strictly deterministic)

    Finite Self-Information

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