2 research outputs found

    Ficção científica e medicina: elaborando uma framework para auxiliar o desenvolvimento de artefactos médicos

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    With technological advances, the human being becomes more and more reliant on technology. We use technology to work, to improve our social experiences, to learn, among many other activities. Medicine is no exception to this. It is common to hear about concepts originated on Science Fiction coming to life in areas such as spatial exploration or even communication. It is important to realise how Science Fiction helps teams working in those domains, as well as understand what consumers expect for the future. However, we rarely hear about Science Fiction directly influencing Medicine. Has this field also benefited from Science Fiction to create new or enhanced existing artifacts? This literary and cinematic genre pushes the boundaries of what is thought "possible" by idealizing artifacts that go beyond what is conceivable in their time. It is an outlet for those who want to imagine what the future might hold, without forgetting to distinguish the possible or plausible from the fantastical. In this dissertation, we go through how Science Fiction can be used as a guide to developing Medical Artifacts, as well as devise a framework that has the potential to help their developers make more informed decisions about the characteristics of those artifacts. MADIS - Medical Artifact Design Inspired by Science Fiction - is a framework that incorporates the knowledge acquired during the research and interviews with medical professionals to create a tool which supports the development of Medical Artifacts through the lens of Science Fiction.Com o avanço tecnológico, o ser humano torna-se cada vez mais dependente da tecnologia. Usamo-la para trabalhar, para melhorar a nossa experiência social, para aprender, etc. e a medicina não é uma exceção. É comum ouvirmos falar de conceitos originários da Ficção Científica ganharem vida em áreas como a exploração espacial ou até a comunicação, e ver como ajuda as equipas a saber o que os consumidores esperam do futuro. No entanto, raramente ouvimos falar da sua influência nas tecnologias que nos mantêm vivos. Terá sido a medicina também beneficiado dos mundos de Ficção Científica na criação ou aperfeiçoamento dos seus artefactos? Este género literário e cinematográfico supera as barreiras do que é pensado como “possível” ao idealizar artefactos que vão para além do que é concebível no seu tempo. É um escape para aqueles que querem imaginar o que o futuro nos espera, sem esquecer de distinguir o possível ou plausível do fantástico. Nesta dissertação, vamos ver como a Ficção Científica pode ser usada como um guia para desenvolver artefactos médicos, bem como elaborar uma framework para ajudar os seus criadores a tomar decisões mais informadas. MADIS - Design de Artefactos Médicos Inspirados pela Ficção-científica - é uma framework que incorpora o conhecimento adquirido durante a pesquisa e as entrevistas feitas a profissionais médicos para criar uma ferramenta que suporta o desenvolvimento de Artefactos Médicos através da Ficção Científica.Mestrado em Comunicação Multimédi

    Exploring 3d gesture metaphors for interaction with unmanned aerial vehicles

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    We present a study exploring upper body 3D spatial interaction metaphors for control and communication with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) such as the Parrot AR Drone. We discuss the design and implementation of five interaction techniques using the Microsoft Kinect, based on metaphors inspired by UAVs, to support a variety of flying operations a UAV can perform. Techniques include a first-person interaction metaphor where a user takes a pose like a winged aircraft, a game controller metaphor, where a user\u27s hands mimic the control movements of console joysticks, proxy manipulation, where the user imagines manipulating the UAV as if it were in their grasp, and a pointing metaphor in which the user assumes the identity of a monarch and commands the UAV as such. We examine qualitative metrics such as perceived intuition, usability and satisfaction, among others. Our results indicate that novice users appreciate certain 3D spatial techniques over the smartphone application bundled with the AR Drone. We also discuss the trade-offs in the technique design metrics based on results from our study. Copyright © 2013 ACM