9,212 research outputs found

    Too Trivial To Test? An Inverse View on Defect Prediction to Identify Methods with Low Fault Risk

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    Background. Test resources are usually limited and therefore it is often not possible to completely test an application before a release. To cope with the problem of scarce resources, development teams can apply defect prediction to identify fault-prone code regions. However, defect prediction tends to low precision in cross-project prediction scenarios. Aims. We take an inverse view on defect prediction and aim to identify methods that can be deferred when testing because they contain hardly any faults due to their code being "trivial". We expect that characteristics of such methods might be project-independent, so that our approach could improve cross-project predictions. Method. We compute code metrics and apply association rule mining to create rules for identifying methods with low fault risk. We conduct an empirical study to assess our approach with six Java open-source projects containing precise fault data at the method level. Results. Our results show that inverse defect prediction can identify approx. 32-44% of the methods of a project to have a low fault risk; on average, they are about six times less likely to contain a fault than other methods. In cross-project predictions with larger, more diversified training sets, identified methods are even eleven times less likely to contain a fault. Conclusions. Inverse defect prediction supports the efficient allocation of test resources by identifying methods that can be treated with less priority in testing activities and is well applicable in cross-project prediction scenarios.Comment: Submitted to PeerJ C

    Cascades and Dissipative Anomalies in Compressible Fluid Turbulence

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    We investigate dissipative anomalies in a turbulent fluid governed by the compressible Navier-Stokes equation. We follow an exact approach pioneered by Onsager, which we explain as a non-perturbative application of the principle of renormalization-group invariance. In the limit of high Reynolds and P\'eclet numbers, the flow realizations are found to be described as distributional or "coarse-grained" solutions of the compressible Euler equations, with standard conservation laws broken by turbulent anomalies. The anomalous dissipation of kinetic energy is shown to be due not only to local cascade, but also to a distinct mechanism called pressure-work defect. Irreversible heating in stationary, planar shocks with an ideal-gas equation of state exemplifies the second mechanism. Entropy conservation anomalies are also found to occur by two mechanisms: an anomalous input of negative entropy (negentropy) by pressure-work and a cascade of negentropy to small scales. We derive "4/5th-law"-type expressions for the anomalies, which allow us to characterize the singularities (structure-function scaling exponents) required to sustain the cascades. We compare our approach with alternative theories and empirical evidence. It is argued that the "Big Power-Law in the Sky" observed in electron density scintillations in the interstellar medium is a manifestation of a forward negentropy cascade, or an inverse cascade of usual thermodynamic entropy

    The Co-Evolution of Test Maintenance and Code Maintenance through the lens of Fine-Grained Semantic Changes

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    Automatic testing is a widely adopted technique for improving software quality. Software developers add, remove and update test methods and test classes as part of the software development process as well as during the evolution phase, following the initial release. In this work we conduct a large scale study of 61 popular open source projects and report the relationships we have established between test maintenance, production code maintenance, and semantic changes (e.g, statement added, method removed, etc.). performed in developers' commits. We build predictive models, and show that the number of tests in a software project can be well predicted by employing code maintenance profiles (i.e., how many commits were performed in each of the maintenance activities: corrective, perfective, adaptive). Our findings also reveal that more often than not, developers perform code fixes without performing complementary test maintenance in the same commit (e.g., update an existing test or add a new one). When developers do perform test maintenance, it is likely to be affected by the semantic changes they perform as part of their commit. Our work is based on studying 61 popular open source projects, comprised of over 240,000 commits consisting of over 16,000,000 semantic change type instances, performed by over 4,000 software engineers.Comment: postprint, ICSME 201

    Continuous Defect Prediction: The Idea and a Related Dataset

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    We would like to present the idea of our Continuous Defect Prediction (CDP) research and a related dataset that we created and share. Our dataset is currently a set of more than 11 million data rows, representing files involved in Continuous Integration (CI) builds, that synthesize the results of CI builds with data we mine from software repositories. Our dataset embraces 1265 software projects, 30,022 distinct commit authors and several software process metrics that in earlier research appeared to be useful in software defect prediction. In this particular dataset we use TravisTorrent as the source of CI data. TravisTorrent synthesizes commit level information from the Travis CI server and GitHub open-source projects repositories. We extend this data to a file change level and calculate the software process metrics that may be used, for example, as features to predict risky software changes that could break the build if committed to a repository with CI enabled.Comment: Lech Madeyski and Marcin Kawalerowicz. "Continuous Defect Prediction: The Idea and a Related Dataset" In: 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'17). Buenos Aires. 2017, pp. 515-518. doi: 10.1109/MSR.2017.46. URL: http://madeyski.e-informatyka.pl/download/MadeyskiKawalerowiczMSR17.pd


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    Nowadays, logistics for transportation and distribution of merchandise are a key element to increase the competitiveness of companies. However, the election of alternative routes outside the panned routes causes the logistic companies to provide a poor-quality service, with units that endanger the appropriate deliver of merchandise and impacting negatively the way in which the supply chain works. This paper aims to develop a module that allows the processing, analysis and deployment of satellite information oriented to the pattern analysis, to find anomalies in the paths of the operators by implementing the algorithm TODS, to be able to help in the decision making. The experimental results show that the algorithm detects optimally the abnormal routes using historical data as a base
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