7 research outputs found

    Task reweighting under global scheduling on multiprocessors

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    We consider schemes for enacting task share changes - a process called reweighting - on real-time multiprocessor platforms. Our particular focus is reweighting schemes that are deployed in environments in which tasks may frequently request significant share changes. Prior work has shown that fair scheduling algorithms are capable of reweighting tasks with minimal allocation error and that partitioning-based scheduling algorithms can reweight tasks with better average-case performance, but greater error. However, preemption and migration overheads can be high in fair schemes. In this paper, we consider the question of whether non-fair, earliest-deadline-first (EDF) global scheduling techniques can improve the accuracy of reweighting relative to partitioning-based schemes and provide improved average-case performance relative to fair-scheduled systems. Our conclusion is that, for soft real-time systems, global EDF schemes provide a good mix of accuracy and average-case performance

    Semi-Partitioned Scheduling of Dynamic Real-Time Workload: A Practical Approach Based on Analysis-Driven Load Balancing

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    Recent work showed that semi-partitioned scheduling can achieve near-optimal schedulability performance, is simpler to implement compared to global scheduling, and less heavier in terms of runtime overhead, thus resulting in an excellent choice for implementing real-world systems. However, semi-partitioned scheduling typically leverages an off-line design to allocate tasks across the available processors, which requires a-priori knowledge of the workload. Conversely, several simple global schedulers, as global earliest-deadline first (G-EDF), can transparently support dynamic workload without requiring a task-allocation phase. Nonetheless, such schedulers exhibit poor worst-case performance. This work proposes a semi-partitioned approach to efficiently schedule dynamic real-time workload on a multiprocessor system. A linear-time approximation for the C=D splitting scheme under partitioned EDF scheduling is first presented to reduce the complexity of online scheduling decisions. Then, a load-balancing algorithm is proposed for admitting new real-time workload in the system with limited workload re-allocation. A large-scale experimental study shows that the linear-time approximation has a very limited utilization loss compared to the exact technique and the proposed approach achieves very high schedulability performance, with a consistent improvement on G-EDF and pure partitioned EDF scheduling

    Optimal rate-based scheduling on multiprocessors

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    The PD2 Pfair/ERfair scheduling algorithm is the most efficient known algorithm for optimally scheduling periodic tasks on multiprocessors. In this paper, we prove that PD2 is also optimal for scheduling ā€œrate-basedā€ tasks whose processing steps may be highly jittered. The rate-based task model we consider generalizes the widely-studied sporadic task model

    Fine-Grained Task Reweighting on Multiprocessors

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    Fine-grained task reweighting on multiprocessors

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    We consider the problem of task reweighting in fair-scheduled multiprocessor systems wherein each taskā€™s processor share is speciļæ½ed as a weight. When a task is reweighted, a new weight is computed for it, which is then used in future scheduling. Task reweighting can be used as a means for consuming (or making available) spare processing capacity. The responsiveness of a reweighting scheme can be assessed by comparing its allocations to those of an ideal scheduler that can reweight tasks instantaneously. A reweighting scheme is fine-grained if any additional per-task ā€œerror ā€ (in comparison to an ideal allocation) caused by a reweighting event is constant. In prior work on uniprocessor notions of fairness, a number of ļæ½ne-grained reweighting schemes were proposed. However, in the multiprocessor case, prior work has failed to produce such a scheme. In this paper, we remedy this shortcoming by presenting a multiprocessor reweighting scheme that is ļæ½ne-grained. We also present an experimental evaluation of this scheme that shows that it is often much more responsive than prior (non-ļæ½ne-grained) schemes in enacting weight-change requests

    Fine-Grained Task Reweighting on Multiprocessors *

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    Adaptive Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems

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    Over the past few years, as multicore technology has become cost-effective, multiprocessor systems have become increasingly prevalent. The growing availability of such systems has spurred the development of computationally-intensive applications for which single-processor designs are insufficient. Many such applications have timing constraints; such timing constraints are often not static, but may change in response to both external and internal stimuli. Examples of such applications include tracking systems and many multimedia applications. Motivated by these observations, this dissertation proposes several different adaptive scheduling algorithms that are capable of guaranteeing flexible timing constraints on multiprocessor platforms. Under traditional task models (e.g., periodic, sporadic, etc.), the schedulability of a system is based on each taskā€™s worst-case execution time (WCET), which defines the maximum amount of time that each of its jobs can execute. The disadvantage of using WCETs is that systems may be deemed unschedulable even if they would function correctly most of the time when deployed. Adaptive real-time scheduling algorithms allow the timing constraints of applications to be adjusted based upon runtime conditions, instead of always using fixed timing constraints based upon WCETs. While there is a substantial body of prior work on scheduling applications with static timing constraints on multiprocessor systems, prior to this dissertation, no adaptive multiprocessor scheduling approach existed that is capable of ensuring bounded ā€œerrorā€ (where error is measured by comparison to an ideal allocation). In this dissertation, this limitation is addressed by proposing five different multiprocessor scheduling algorithms that allow a taskā€™s timing constraints to change at runtime. The five proposed adaptive algorithms are based on different non-adaptive multiprocessor scheduling algorithms that place different restrictions on task migrations and preemptions. The relative advantages of these algorithms are compared by simulating both the Whisper human tracking system and the Virtual Exposure Camera (VEC), both of which were developed at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition, a feedback-based adaptive framework is proposed that not only allows timing constraints to adapt at runtime, but also detects which adaptions are needed. An implementation of this adaptive framework on a real-time multiprocessor testbed is discussed and its performance is evaluated by using the core operations of both Whisper and VEC. From this dissertation, it can be concluded that feedback and optimization techniques can be used to determine at runtime which adaptions are needed. Moreover, the accuracy of an adaptive algorithm can be improved by allowing more frequent task migrations and preemptions; however, this accuracy comes at the expense of higher migration and preemption costs, which impacts average-case performance. Thus, there is a tradeoff between accuracy and average-case performance that depends on the frequency of task migrations/preemptions and their cost