4 research outputs found

    Globally and Locally Minimal Weight Spanning Tree Networks

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    The competition between local and global driving forces is significant in a wide variety of naturally occurring branched networks. We have investigated the impact of a global minimization criterion versus a local one on the structure of spanning trees. To do so, we consider two spanning tree structures - the generalized minimal spanning tree (GMST) defined by Dror et al. [1] and an analogous structure based on the invasion percolation network, which we term the generalized invasive spanning tree or GIST. In general, these two structures represent extremes of global and local optimality, respectively. Structural characteristics are compared between the GMST and GIST for a fixed lattice. In addition, we demonstrate a method for creating a series of structures which enable one to span the range between these two extremes. Two structural characterizations, the occupied edge density (i.e., the fraction of edges in the graph that are included in the tree) and the tortuosity of the arcs in the trees, are shown to correlate well with the degree to which an intermediate structure resembles the GMST or GIST. Both characterizations are straightforward to determine from an image and are potentially useful tools in the analysis of the formation of network structures.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, typographical error correcte

    A Linear Time Algorithm for Finding Minimum Spanning Tree Replacement Edges

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    Given an undirected, weighted graph, the minimum spanning tree (MST) is a tree that connects all of the vertices of the graph with minimum sum of edge weights. In real world applications, network designers often seek to quickly find a replacement edge for each edge in the MST. For example, when a traffic accident closes a road in a transportation network, or a line goes down in a communication network, the replacement edge may reconnect the MST at lowest cost. In the paper, we consider the case of finding the lowest cost replacement edge for each edge of the MST. A previous algorithm by Tarjan takes O(mα(m,n))O(m \alpha(m, n)) time, where α(m,n)\alpha(m, n) is the inverse Ackermann's function. Given the MST and sorted non-tree edges, our algorithm is the first that runs in O(m+n)O(m+n) time and O(m+n)O(m+n) space to find all replacement edges. Moreover, it is easy to implement and our experimental study demonstrates fast performance on several types of graphs. Additionally, since the most vital edge is the tree edge whose removal causes the highest cost, our algorithm finds it in linear time

    An O(1)-Approximation for Minimum Spanning Tree Interdiction

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    Network interdiction problems are a natural way to study the sensitivity of a network optimization problem with respect to the removal of a limited set of edges or vertices. One of the oldest and best-studied interdiction problems is minimum spanning tree (MST) interdiction. Here, an undirected multigraph with nonnegative edge weights and positive interdiction costs on its edges is given, together with a positive budget B. The goal is to find a subset of edges R, whose total interdiction cost does not exceed B, such that removing R leads to a graph where the weight of an MST is as large as possible. Frederickson and Solis-Oba (SODA 1996) presented an O(log m)-approximation for MST interdiction, where m is the number of edges. Since then, no further progress has been made regarding approximations, and the question whether MST interdiction admits an O(1)-approximation remained open. We answer this question in the affirmative, by presenting a 14-approximation that overcomes two main hurdles that hindered further progress so far. Moreover, based on a well-known 2-approximation for the metric traveling salesman problem (TSP), we show that our O(1)-approximation for MST interdiction implies an O(1)-approximation for a natural interdiction version of metric TSP

    Sensitivity Analysis for Shortest Path Problems and Maximum Capacity Path Problems in Undirected Graphs

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    This paper addresses sensitivity analysis questions concerning the shortest path problem and the maximum capacity path problem in an undirected network. For both problems, we determine the maximum and minimum weights that each edge can have so that a given path remains optimal. For both problems, we show how to determine these maximum and minimum values for all edges in O(m + K log K) time, where m is the number of edges in the network, and K is the number of edges on the given optimal path