489 research outputs found

    Comparing metaheuristic algorithms for error detection in Java programs

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    Chicano, F., Ferreira M., & Alba E. (2011). Comparing Metaheuristic Algorithms for Error Detection in Java Programs. In Proceedings of Search Based Software Engineering, Szeged, Hungary, September 10-12, 2011. pp. 82–96.Model checking is a fully automatic technique for checking concurrent software properties in which the states of a concurrent system are explored in an explicit or implicit way. The main drawback of this technique is the high memory consumption, which limits the size of the programs that can be checked. In the last years, some researchers have focused on the application of guided non-complete stochastic techniques to the search of the state space of such concurrent programs. In this paper, we compare five metaheuristic algorithms for this problem. The algorithms are Simulated Annealing, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization and two variants of Genetic Algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that Simulated Annealing has been applied to the problem. We use in the comparison a benchmark composed of 17 Java concurrent programs. We also compare the results of these algorithms with the ones of deterministic algorithms.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This research has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER under contract TIN2008-06491-C04-01 (the M∗ project) and the Andalusian Government under contract P07-TIC-03044 (DIRICOM project)

    Using heuristic search for finding deadlocks in concurrent systems

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    AbstractModel checking is a formal technique for proving the correctness of a system with respect to a desired behavior. This is accomplished by checking whether a structure representing the system (typically a labeled transition system) satisfies a temporal logic formula describing the expected behavior. Model checking has a number of advantages over traditional approaches that are based on simulation and testing: it is completely automatic and when the verification fails it returns a counterexample that can be used to pinpoint the source of the error. Nevertheless, model checking techniques often fail because of the state explosion problem: transition systems grow exponentially with the number of components. The aim of this paper is to attack the state explosion problem that may arise when looking for deadlocks in concurrent systems described through the calculus of communicating systems. We propose to use heuristics-based techniques, namely the A* algorithm, both to guide the search without constructing the complete transition system, and to provide minimal counterexamples. We have realized a prototype tool to evaluate the methodology. Experiments we have conducted on processes of different size show the benefit from using our technique against building the whole state space, or applying some other methods

    Towards Extending the Range of Bugs That Automated Program Repair Can Handle

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    Modern automated program repair (APR) is well-tuned to finding and repairing bugs that introduce observable erroneous behavior to a program. However, a significant class of bugs does not lead to such observable behavior (e.g., liveness/termination bugs, non-functional bugs, and information flow bugs). Such bugs can generally not be handled with current APR approaches, so, as a community, we need to develop complementary techniques. To stimulate the systematic study of alternative APR approaches and hybrid APR combinations, we devise a novel bug classification system that enables methodical analysis of their bug detection power and bug repair capabilities. To demonstrate the benefits, we analyze the repair of termination bugs in sequential and concurrent programs. The study shows that integrating dynamic APR with formal analysis techniques, such as termination provers and software model checkers, reduces complexity and improves the overall reliability of these repairs.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS 2022

    Implicit Invocation Meets Safe, Implicit Concurrency

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    Writing correct and efficient concurrent programs still remains a challenge. Explicit concurrency is difficult, error prone, and creates code which is hard to maintain and debug. This type of concurrency also treats modular program design and concurrency as separate goals, where modularity often suffers. To solve these problems, we are designing a new language that we call Panini. In this work, we focus on Panini\u27s asynchronous, typed events which reconcile the modularity goal promoted by the implicit invocation design style with the concurrency goal of exposing potential concurrency between the execution of subjects and observers. Since modularity is improved and concurrency is implicit in Panini, programs are easier to reason about and maintain. The language incorporates a static analysis to determine potential conflicts between handlers and a dynamic analysis which uses the conflict information to determine a safe order for handler invocation. This mechanism avoids races and deadlocks entirely, yielding programs with a guaranteed deterministic semantics. To evaluate our language design and implementation we show several examples of its usage as well as an empirical study of program performance. We found that not only is developing and understanding programs significantly easier compared to standard concurrent object-oriented programs, but also performance of Panini programs is comparable to their equivalent hand-tuned versions written using Java\u27s fork-join framework

    A Type-and-Effect System for Shared Memory, Concurrent Implicit Invocation Systems

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    Driven by the need to utilize multicore platforms, recent language designs aim to bring the concurrency advantages of events in distributed publish-subscribe systems to sequential OO programs that utilize the implicit invocation (II) design style. These proposals face two challenges. First, unlike the publish-subscribe paradigm where publisher and subscriber typically don\u27t share state, communicating via shared state is common in II programs. Second, type-and-effect systems that are generally designed for statically reasoning about a program\u27s execution are often too conservative to handle II that typically entails a virtual method invocation on zero or more dynamically registered handlers. To solve these problems, we present a novel hybrid type-and-effect system for exposing concurrency in programs that use II mechanisms. This type-and-effect system provides deadlock and data race freedom in such usage of II mechanisms. We have also implemented this type-and-effect system. An initial study shows its scalability benefits and acceptable costs

    Searching for Safety Violations Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

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    Generating Unit Tests for Concurrent Classes

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    Abstract—As computers become more and more powerful, programs are increasingly split up into multiple threads to leverage the power of multi-core CPUs. However, writing cor-rect multi-threaded code is a hard problem, as the programmer has to ensure that all access to shared data is coordinated. Existing automated testing tools for multi-threaded code mainly focus on re-executing existing test cases with different sched-ules. In this paper, we introduce a novel coverage criterion that enforces concurrent execution of combinations of shared memory access points with different schedules, and present an approach that automatically generates test cases for this coverage criterion. Our CONSUITE prototype demonstrates that this approach can reliably reproduce known concurrency errors, and evaluation on nine complex open source classes revealed three previously unknown data-races. Keywords-concurrency coverage; search based software en-gineering; unit testing I
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