11 research outputs found

    A More Reliable Greedy Heuristic for Maximum Matchings in Sparse Random Graphs

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    We propose a new greedy algorithm for the maximum cardinality matching problem. We give experimental evidence that this algorithm is likely to find a maximum matching in random graphs with constant expected degree c>0, independent of the value of c. This is contrary to the behavior of commonly used greedy matching heuristics which are known to have some range of c where they probably fail to compute a maximum matching

    Matching with Commitments

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    We consider the following stochastic optimization problem first introduced by Chen et al. in \cite{chen}. We are given a vertex set of a random graph where each possible edge is present with probability p_e. We do not know which edges are actually present unless we scan/probe an edge. However whenever we probe an edge and find it to be present, we are constrained to picking the edge and both its end points are deleted from the graph. We wish to find the maximum matching in this model. We compare our results against the optimal omniscient algorithm that knows the edges of the graph and present a 0.573 factor algorithm using a novel sampling technique. We also prove that no algorithm can attain a factor better than 0.898 in this model

    Finding a Maximum Matching in a Sparse Random Graph in O(n) Expected Time

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    today We present a linear expected time algorithm for finding maximum cardinality matchings in sparse random graphs. This is optimal and improves on previous results by a logarithmic factor.

    Finding a Maximum Matching in a Sparse Random Graph in O(n) Expected Time

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    We present a linear expected time algorithm for finding maximum cardinality matchings in sparse random graphs. This is optimal and improves on previous results by a logarithmic factor.