3,831 research outputs found

    An algorithm to determine the Heegaard genus of simple 3-manifolds with non-empty boundary

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    We provide an algorithm to determine the Heegaard genus of simple 3-manifolds with non-empty boundary. More generally, we supply an algorithm to determine (up to ambient isotopy) all the Heegaard splittings of any given genus for the manifold. As a consequence, the tunnel number of a hyperbolic link is algorithmically computable. Our techniques rely on Rubinstein's work on almost normal surfaces, and also a new structure called a partially flat angled ideal triangulation.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figure

    Bounds for the genus of a normal surface

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    This paper gives sharp linear bounds on the genus of a normal surface in a triangulated compact, orientable 3--manifold in terms of the quadrilaterals in its cell decomposition---different bounds arise from varying hypotheses on the surface or triangulation. Two applications of these bounds are given. First, the minimal triangulations of the product of a closed surface and the closed interval are determined. Second, an alternative approach to the realisation problem using normal surface theory is shown to be less powerful than its dual method using subcomplexes of polytopes.Comment: 38 pages, 25 figure

    The homeomorphism problem for closed 3-manifolds

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    We give a more geometric approach to an algorithm for deciding whether two hyperbolic 3-manifolds are homeomorphic. We also give a more algebraic approach to the homeomorphism problem for geometric, but non-hyperbolic, 3-manifolds.Comment: first version: 12 pages. Replacement: 14 pages. Includes minor improvements to exposition in response to referee's comment
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