5,239 research outputs found

    Geometric Axioms for Differentially Closed Fields with Several Commuting Derivations

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    A geometric first-order axiomatization of differentially closed fields of characteristic zero with several commuting derivations, in the spirit of Pierce-Pillay, is formulated in terms of a relative notion of prolongation for Kolchin-closed sets

    Algorithms yield upper bounds in differential algebra

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    Consider an algorithm computing in a differential field with several commuting derivations such that the only operations it performs with the elements of the field are arithmetic operations, differentiation, and zero testing. We show that, if the algorithm is guaranteed to terminate on every input, then there is a computable upper bound for the size of the output of the algorithm in terms of the input. We also generalize this to algorithms working with models of good enough theories (including for example, difference fields). We then apply this to differential algebraic geometry to show that there exists a computable uniform upper bound for the number of components of any variety defined by a system of polynomial PDEs. We then use this bound to show the existence of a computable uniform upper bound for the elimination problem in systems of polynomial PDEs with delays

    Computation of the unipotent radical of the differential Galois group for a parameterized second-order linear differential equation

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    We propose a new method to compute the unipotent radical Ru(H)R_u(H) of the differential Galois group HH associated to a parameterized second-order homogeneous linear differential equation of the form ∂2∂x2Y−qY=0,\tfrac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}Y-qY=0, where q∈F(x)q \in F(x) is a rational function in xx with coefficients in a Π\Pi-field FF of characteristic zero, and Π\Pi is a commuting set of parametric derivations. The procedure developed by Dreyfus reduces the computation of Ru(H)R_u(H) to solving a creative telescoping problem, whose effective solution requires the assumption that the maximal reductive quotient H/Ru(H)H / R_u(H) is a Π\Pi-constant linear differential algebraic group. When this condition is not satisfied, we compute a new set of parametric derivations Π′\Pi' such that the associated differential Galois group H′H' has the property that H′/Ru(H′)H'/ R_u(H') is Π′\Pi'-constant, and such that Ru(H)R_u(H) is defined by the same differential equations as Ru(H′)R_u(H'). Thus the computation of Ru(H)R_u(H) is reduced to the effective computation of Ru(H′)R_u(H'). We expect that an elaboration of this method will be successful in extending the applicability of some recent algorithms developed by Minchenko, Ovchinnikov, and Singer to compute unipotent radicals for higher order equations.Comment: 12 page

    Planar 2-homogeneous commutative rational vector fields

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    In this paper we prove the following result: if two 2-dimensional 2-homogeneous rational vector fields commute, then either both vector fields can be explicitly integrated to produce rational flows with orbits being lines through the origin, or both flows can be explicitly integrated in terms of algebraic functions. In the latter case, orbits of each flow are given in terms of 11-homogeneous rational functions WW as curves W(x,y)=constW(x,y)=\textrm{const}. An exhaustive method to construct such commuting algebraic flows is presented. The degree of the so-obtained algebraic functions in two variables can be arbitrarily high.Comment: 23 page

    Generic derivations on o-minimal structures

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    Let TT be a complete, model complete o-minimal theory extending the theory RCF of real closed ordered fields in some appropriate language LL. We study derivations δ\delta on models M⊨T\mathcal{M}\models T. We introduce the notion of a TT-derivation: a derivation which is compatible with the L(∅)L(\emptyset)-definable C1\mathcal{C}^1-functions on M\mathcal{M}. We show that the theory of TT-models with a TT-derivation has a model completion TGδT^\delta_G. The derivation in models (M,δ)⊨TGδ(\mathcal{M},\delta)\models T^\delta_G behaves "generically," it is wildly discontinuous and its kernel is a dense elementary LL-substructure of M\mathcal{M}. If T=T = RCF, then TGδT^\delta_G is the theory of closed ordered differential fields (CODF) as introduced by Michael Singer. We are able to recover many of the known facts about CODF in our setting. Among other things, we show that TGδT^\delta_G has TT as its open core, that TGδT^\delta_G is distal, and that TGδT^\delta_G eliminates imaginaries. We also show that the theory of TT-models with finitely many commuting TT-derivations has a model completion.Comment: 29 page
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