12 research outputs found

    Learning to Learn to Disambiguate: Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Word Sense Disambiguation

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    The success of deep learning methods hinges on the availability of large training datasets annotated for the task of interest. In contrast to human intelligence, these methods lack versatility and struggle to learn and adapt quickly to new tasks, where labeled data is scarce. Meta-learning aims to solve this problem by training a model on a large number of few-shot tasks, with an objective to learn new tasks quickly from a small number of examples. In this paper, we propose a meta-learning framework for few-shot word sense disambiguation (WSD), where the goal is to learn to disambiguate unseen words from only a few labeled instances. Meta-learning approaches have so far been typically tested in an NN-way, KK-shot classification setting where each task has NN classes with KK examples per class. Owing to its nature, WSD deviates from this controlled setup and requires the models to handle a large number of highly unbalanced classes. We extend several popular meta-learning approaches to this scenario, and analyze their strengths and weaknesses in this new challenging setting.Comment: Added additional experiment

    MINER: Improving Out-of-Vocabulary Named Entity Recognition from an Information Theoretic Perspective

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    NER model has achieved promising performance on standard NER benchmarks. However, recent studies show that previous approaches may over-rely on entity mention information, resulting in poor performance on out-of-vocabulary (OOV) entity recognition. In this work, we propose MINER, a novel NER learning framework, to remedy this issue from an information-theoretic perspective. The proposed approach contains two mutual information-based training objectives: i) generalizing information maximization, which enhances representation via deep understanding of context and entity surface forms; ii) superfluous information minimization, which discourages representation from rote memorizing entity names or exploiting biased cues in data. Experiments on various settings and datasets demonstrate that it achieves better performance in predicting OOV entities

    Zero-Shot Learning with Common Sense Knowledge Graphs

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    Zero-shot learning relies on semantic class representations such as hand-engineered attributes or learned embeddings to predict classes without any labeled examples. We propose to learn class representations from common sense knowledge graphs. Common sense knowledge graphs are an untapped source of explicit high-level knowledge that requires little human effort to apply to a range of tasks. To capture the knowledge in the graph, we introduce ZSL-KG, a general-purpose framework with a novel transformer graph convolutional network (TrGCN) for generating class representations. Our proposed TrGCN architecture computes non-linear combinations of the node neighbourhood and shows improvements on zero-shot learning tasks in language and vision. Our results show ZSL-KG outperforms the best performing graph-based zero-shot learning framework by an average of 2.1 accuracy points with improvements as high as 3.4 accuracy points. Our ablation study on ZSL-KG with alternate graph neural networks shows that our TrGCN adds up to 1.2 accuracy points improvement on these tasks

    SIGL:Securing Software Installations Through Deep Graph Learning

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    Many users implicitly assume that software can only be exploited after it is installed. However, recent supply-chain attacks demonstrate that application integrity must be ensured during installation itself. We introduce SIGL, a new tool for detecting malicious behavior during software installation. SIGL collects traces of system call activity, building a data provenance graph that it analyzes using a novel autoencoder architecture with a graph long short-term memory network (graph LSTM) for the encoder and a standard multilayer perceptron for the decoder. SIGL flags suspicious installations as well as the specific installation-time processes that are likely to be malicious. Using a test corpus of 625 malicious installers containing real-world malware, we demonstrate that SIGL has a detection accuracy of 96%, outperforming similar systems from industry and academia by up to 87% in precision and recall and 45% in accuracy. We also demonstrate that SIGL can pinpoint the processes most likely to have triggered malicious behavior, works on different audit platforms and operating systems, and is robust to training data contamination and adversarial attack. It can be used with application-specific models, even in the presence of new software versions, as well as application-agnostic meta-models that encompass a wide range of applications and installers.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in the 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '21