34 research outputs found

    Utilising Visual Attention Cues for Vehicle Detection and Tracking

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    Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been attracting attention from many researchers. Vision-based sensors are the closest way to emulate human driver visual behavior while driving. In this paper, we explore possible ways to use visual attention (saliency) for object detection and tracking. We investigate: 1) How a visual attention map such as a \emph{subjectness} attention or saliency map and an \emph{objectness} attention map can facilitate region proposal generation in a 2-stage object detector; 2) How a visual attention map can be used for tracking multiple objects. We propose a neural network that can simultaneously detect objects as and generate objectness and subjectness maps to save computational power. We further exploit the visual attention map during tracking using a sequential Monte Carlo probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter. The experiments are conducted on KITTI and DETRAC datasets. The use of visual attention and hierarchical features has shown a considerable improvement of \approx8\% in object detection which effectively increased tracking performance by \approx4\% on KITTI dataset.Comment: Accepted in ICPR202

    Transferring Cross-domain Knowledge for Video Sign Language Recognition

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    Word-level sign language recognition (WSLR) is a fundamental task in sign language interpretation. It requires models to recognize isolated sign words from videos. However, annotating WSLR data needs expert knowledge, thus limiting WSLR dataset acquisition. On the contrary, there are abundant subtitled sign news videos on the internet. Since these videos have no word-level annotation and exhibit a large domain gap from isolated signs, they cannot be directly used for training WSLR models. We observe that despite the existence of a large domain gap, isolated and news signs share the same visual concepts, such as hand gestures and body movements. Motivated by this observation, we propose a novel method that learns domain-invariant visual concepts and fertilizes WSLR models by transferring knowledge of subtitled news sign to them. To this end, we extract news signs using a base WSLR model, and then design a classifier jointly trained on news and isolated signs to coarsely align these two domain features. In order to learn domain-invariant features within each class and suppress domain-specific features, our method further resorts to an external memory to store the class centroids of the aligned news signs. We then design a temporal attention based on the learnt descriptor to improve recognition performance. Experimental results on standard WSLR datasets show that our method outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods significantly. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on automatically localizing signs from sign news, achieving 28.1 for [email protected]: CVPR2020 (oral) preprin

    StarNet: towards Weakly Supervised Few-Shot Object Detection

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    Few-shot detection and classification have advanced significantly in recent years. Yet, detection approaches require strong annotation (bounding boxes) both for pre-training and for adaptation to novel classes, and classification approaches rarely provide localization of objects in the scene. In this paper, we introduce StarNet - a few-shot model featuring an end-to-end differentiable non-parametric star-model detection and classification head. Through this head, the backbone is meta-trained using only image-level labels to produce good features for jointly localizing and classifying previously unseen categories of few-shot test tasks using a star-model that geometrically matches between the query and support images (to find corresponding object instances). Being a few-shot detector, StarNet does not require any bounding box annotations, neither during pre-training nor for novel classes adaptation. It can thus be applied to the previously unexplored and challenging task of Weakly Supervised Few-Shot Object Detection (WS-FSOD), where it attains significant improvements over the baselines. In addition, StarNet shows significant gains on few-shot classification benchmarks that are less cropped around the objects (where object localization is key)