83 research outputs found

    Matchgates and classical simulation of quantum circuits

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    Let G(A,B) denote the 2-qubit gate which acts as the 1-qubit SU(2) gates A and B in the even and odd parity subspaces respectively, of two qubits. Using a Clifford algebra formalism we show that arbitrary uniform families of circuits of these gates, restricted to act only on nearest neighbour (n.n.) qubit lines, can be classically efficiently simulated. This reproduces a result originally proved by Valiant using his matchgate formalism, and subsequently related by others to free fermionic physics. We further show that if the n.n. condition is slightly relaxed, to allowing the same gates to act only on n.n. and next-n.n. qubit lines, then the resulting circuits can efficiently perform universal quantum computation. From this point of view, the gap between efficient classical and quantum computational power is bridged by a very modest use of a seemingly innocuous resource (qubit swapping). We also extend the simulation result above in various ways. In particular, by exploiting properties of Clifford operations in conjunction with the Jordan-Wigner representation of a Clifford algebra, we show how one may generalise the simulation result above to provide further classes of classically efficiently simulatable quantum circuits, which we call Gaussian quantum circuits.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    A diagrammatic calculus of fermionic quantum circuits

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    We introduce the fermionic ZW calculus, a string-diagrammatic language for fermionic quantum computing (FQC). After defining a fermionic circuit model, we present the basic components of the calculus, together with their interpretation, and show how the main physical gates of interest in FQC can be represented in our language. We then list our axioms, and derive some additional equations. We prove that the axioms provide a complete equational axiomatisation of the monoidal category whose objects are systems of finitely many local fermionic modes (LFMs), with maps that preserve or reverse the parity of states, and the tensor product as monoidal product. We achieve this through a procedure that rewrites any diagram in a normal form. As an example, we show how the statistics of a fermionic Mach-Zehnder interferometer can be calculated in the diagrammatic language. We conclude by giving a diagrammatic treatment of the dual-rail encoding, a standard method in optical quantum computing used to perform universal quantum computation

    The Computational Power of Non-interacting Particles

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    Shortened abstract: In this thesis, I study two restricted models of quantum computing related to free identical particles. Free fermions correspond to a set of two-qubit gates known as matchgates. Matchgates are classically simulable when acting on nearest neighbors on a path, but universal for quantum computing when acting on distant qubits or when SWAP gates are available. I generalize these results in two ways. First, I show that SWAP is only one in a large family of gates that uplift matchgates to quantum universality. In fact, I show that the set of all matchgates plus any nonmatchgate parity-preserving two-qubit gate is universal, and interpret this fact in terms of local invariants of two-qubit gates. Second, I investigate the power of matchgates in arbitrary connectivity graphs, showing they are universal on any connected graph other than a path or a cycle, and classically simulable on a cycle. I also prove the same dichotomy for the XY interaction. Free bosons give rise to a model known as BosonSampling. BosonSampling consists of (i) preparing a Fock state of n photons, (ii) interfering these photons in an m-mode linear interferometer, and (iii) measuring the output in the Fock basis. Sampling approximately from the resulting distribution should be classically hard, under reasonable complexity assumptions. Here I show that exact BosonSampling remains hard even if the linear-optical circuit has constant depth. I also report several experiments where three-photon interference was observed in integrated interferometers of various sizes, providing some of the first implementations of BosonSampling in this regime. The experiments also focus on the bosonic bunching behavior and on validation of BosonSampling devices. This thesis contains descriptions of the numerical analyses done on the experimental data, omitted from the corresponding publications.Comment: PhD Thesis, defended at Universidade Federal Fluminense on March 2014. Final version, 208 pages. New results in Chapter 5 correspond to arXiv:1106.1863, arXiv:1207.2126, and arXiv:1308.1463. New results in Chapter 6 correspond to arXiv:1212.2783, arXiv:1305.3188, arXiv:1311.1622 and arXiv:1412.678