5 research outputs found

    Low kinetic inductance superconducting MgB2 nanowires with a 130-picosecond relaxation time for single-photon detection applications

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    Properties of superconducting nanowires set the performance level for Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors (SNSPD). Reset time in commonly employed large area SNSPDs, 1-10ns, is known to be limited by the nanowire\u27s kinetic inductance to the load impedance ratio. On the other hand, reduction of the kinetic inductance in small area (waveguide integrated) SNSPDs prevents biasing them close to the critical current due to latching into a permanent resistive state. In order to reduce the reset time in SNSPDs, superconducting nanowires with both low kinetic inductance and fast electron energy relaxation are required. In this paper, we report on a study of kinetic inductance in narrow (15-100nm) and long (up to 120m) superconducting MgB2 nanowires made from 5 nm-thick films, offering such combination of properties. Such films were grown using Hybrid Physical Chemical Vapor Deposition, resulting in a critical temperature of 32K, and a switch current density of 5107A/cm2 (at 4.8K). Using microwave reflectometry, we measured a kinetic inductance of Lk0(4.8K)=1.3-1.6 pH/ regardless of the nanowire width, which results in a magnetic field penetration depth of 90 nm. These values are very close to those in pristine MgB2. We showed that after excitations by a 50 fs pulsed laser the reset time in 35nm120m MgB2 nanowires is 130 ps, which is more than a factor of 10 shorter than in NbN nanowires of similar length-to-width ratios. Depending on the bias current, such MgB2 nanowires function as single-, double , or triple- photon detectors for both visible (= 630 nm) and infrared (= 1550 nm) photons, with a dark count rate of <10 cps. Although the apparent photon detection efficiency seems so far to be low, further technological advances (uniform nanowire width, smaller thickness, increasing the switching current closer to the pair-breaking current) may improve this figure of merit

    Isosurface modelling of soft objects in computer graphics.

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    There are many different modelling techniques used in computer graphics to describe a wide range of objects and phenomena. In this thesis, details of research into the isosurface modelling technique are presented. The isosurface technique is used in conjunction with more traditional modelling techniques to describe the objects needed in the different scenes of an animation. The isosurface modelling technique allows the description and animation of objects that would be extremely difficult, or impossible to describe using other methods. The objects suitable for description using isosurface modelling are soft objects. Soft objects merge elegantly with each other, pull apart, bubble, ripple and exhibit a variety of other effects. The representation was studied in three phases of a computer animation project: modelling of the objects; animation of the objects; and the production of the images. The research clarifies and presents many algorithms needed to implement the isosurface representation in an animation system. The creation of a hierarchical computer graphics animation system implementing the isosurface representation is described. The scalar fields defining the isosurfaces are represented using a scalar field description language, created as part of this research, which is automatically generated from the hierarchical description of the scene. This language has many techniques for combining and building the scalar field from a variety of components. Surface attributes of the objects are specified within the graphics system. Techniques are described which allow the handling of these attributes along with the scalar field calculation. Many animation techniques specific to the isosurface representation are presented. By the conclusion of the research, a graphics system was created which elegantly handles the isosurface representation in a wide variety of animation situations. This thesis establishes that isosurface modelling of soft objects is a powerful and useful technique which has wide application in the computer graphics community