16 research outputs found

    Property-Driven Fence Insertion using Reorder Bounded Model Checking

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    Modern architectures provide weaker memory consistency guarantees than sequential consistency. These weaker guarantees allow programs to exhibit behaviours where the program statements appear to have executed out of program order. Fortunately, modern architectures provide memory barriers (fences) to enforce the program order between a pair of statements if needed. Due to the intricate semantics of weak memory models, the placement of fences is challenging even for experienced programmers. Too few fences lead to bugs whereas overuse of fences results in performance degradation. This motivates automated placement of fences. Tools that restore sequential consistency in the program may insert more fences than necessary for the program to be correct. Therefore, we propose a property-driven technique that introduces "reorder-bounded exploration" to identify the smallest number of program locations for fence placement. We implemented our technique on top of CBMC; however, in principle, our technique is generic enough to be used with any model checker. Our experimental results show that our technique is faster and solves more instances of relevant benchmarks as compared to earlier approaches.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 4 algorithms. Version change reason : new set of results and publication ready version of FM 201

    On partial order semantics for SAT/SMT-based symbolic encodings of weak memory concurrency

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    Concurrent systems are notoriously difficult to analyze, and technological advances such as weak memory architectures greatly compound this problem. This has renewed interest in partial order semantics as a theoretical foundation for formal verification techniques. Among these, symbolic techniques have been shown to be particularly effective at finding concurrency-related bugs because they can leverage highly optimized decision procedures such as SAT/SMT solvers. This paper gives new fundamental results on partial order semantics for SAT/SMT-based symbolic encodings of weak memory concurrency. In particular, we give the theoretical basis for a decision procedure that can handle a fragment of concurrent programs endowed with least fixed point operators. In addition, we show that a certain partial order semantics of relaxed sequential consistency is equivalent to the conjunction of three extensively studied weak memory axioms by Alglave et al. An important consequence of this equivalence is an asymptotically smaller symbolic encoding for bounded model checking which has only a quadratic number of partial order constraints compared to the state-of-the-art cubic-size encoding.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Partial Orders for Efficient BMC of Concurrent Software

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    This version previously deposited at arXiv:1301.1629v1 [cs.LO]The vast number of interleavings that a concurrent program can have is typically identified as the root cause of the difficulty of automatic analysis of concurrent software. Weak memory is generally believed to make this problem even harder. We address both issues by modelling programs' executions with partial orders rather than the interleaving semantics (SC). We implemented a software analysis tool based on these ideas. It scales to programs of sufficient size to achieve first-time formal verification of non-trivial concurrent systems code over a wide range of models, including SC, Intel x86 and IBM Power

    Effective Verification for Low-Level Software with Competing Interrupts

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    Interrupt-driven software is difficult to test and debug, especially when interrupts can be nested and subject to priorities. Interrupts can arrive at arbitrary times, leading to an exponential blow-up in the number of cases to consider. We present a new formal approach to verifying interrupt-driven software based on symbolic execution. The approach leverages recent advances in the encoding of the execution traces of interacting, concurrent threads. We assess the performance of our method on benchmarks drawn from embedded systems code and device drivers, and experimentally compare it to conventional approaches that use source-to-source transformations. Our results show that our method significantly outperforms these techniques. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to demonstrate effective verification of low-level embedded software with nested interrupt

    Frightening Small Children and Disconcerting Grown-ups: Concurrency in the Linux Kernel

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    International audienceConcurrency in the Linux kernel can be a contentious topic. The Linux kernel mailing list features numerous discussions related to consistency models, including those of the more than 30 CPU architectures supported by the kernel and that of the kernel itself. How are Linux programs supposed to behave? Do they behave correctly on exotic hardware? A formal model can help address such questions. Better yet, an executable model allows programmers to experiment with the model to develop their intuition. Thus we offer a model written in the cat language, making it not only formal, but also executable by the herd simulator. We tested our model against hardware and refined it in consultation with maintainers. Finally, we formalised the fundamental law of the Read-Copy-Update synchronisation mechanism, and proved that one of its implementations satisfies this law

    Master of Science

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    thesisGraphics Processing Units (GPUs) are highly parallel shared memory microprocessors, and as such, they are prone to the same concurrency considerations as their traditional multicore CPU counterparts. In this thesis, we consider shared memory consistency, i.e. what values can be read when issued concurrently with writes on current GPU hardware. While memory consistency has been relatively well studied for CPUs, GPUs present substantially different concurrency systems with an explicit thread and memory hierarchy. Because documentation on GPU memory models is limited, it remains unclear what behaviors are allowed by current GPU implementations. To this end, this work focuses on testing shared memory consistency behavior on NVIDIA GPUs. We present a format for describing GPU memory consistency tests (dubbed GPU litmus tests) which includes the placement of testing threads into the GPU thread hierarchy (e.g. cooperative thread arrays, warps) and memory locations into GPU memory regions (e.g. shared, global). We then present a framework for running GPU litmus tests under system stress designed to trigger weak memory model behaviors, that is, executions that do not correspond to an interleaving of the instructions of the concurrent program. We discuss GPU specific incantations (i.e. heuristics) which we found to be crucial for observing weak memory model executions; these include bank conflicts and custom GPU memory stressing functions. We then report the results of running GPU litmus tests in this framework and show that we observe a controversial relaxed coherence behavior on older NVIDIA chips. We present several examples of published GPU applications which may exhibit unintended behavior due to the lack of fence synchronization; one such example is a spin-lock published in the popular CUDA by Example book. We then test several families of tests and compare our results to a proposed operational GPU memory model and show that the model is unsound (i.e. disallows behaviors that we observe on hardware). Our techniques are implemented in a modified version of a memory model testing tool named litmus