20,322 research outputs found

    Damage Tolerant Active Contro l: Concept and State of the Art

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    Damage tolerant active control is a new research area relating to fault tolerant control design applied to mechanical structures. It encompasses several techniques already used to design controllers and to detect and to diagnose faults, as well to monitor structural integrity. Brief reviews of the common intersections of these areas are presented, with the purpose to clarify its relations and also to justify the new controller design paradigm. Some examples help to better understand the role of the new area

    Distributed Sensing and Stimulation Systems Towards Sense of Touch Restoration in Prosthetics

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    Modern prostheses aim at restoring the functional and aesthetic characteristics of the lost limb. To foster prosthesis embodiment and functionality, it is necessary to restitute both volitional control and sensory feedback. Contemporary feedback interfaces presented in research use few sensors and stimulation units to feedback at most two discrete feedback variables (e.g. grasping force and aperture), whereas the human sense of touch relies on a distributed network of mechanoreceptors providing high-fidelity spatial information. To provide this type of feedback in prosthetics, it is necessary to sense tactile information from artificial skin placed on the prosthesis and transmit tactile feedback above the amputation in order to map the interaction between the prosthesis and the environment. This thesis proposes the integration of distributed sensing systems (e-skin) to acquire tactile sensation, and non-invasive multichannel electrotactile feedback and virtual reality to deliver high-bandwidth information to the user. Its core focus addresses the development and testing of close-loop sensory feedback human-machine interface, based on the latest distributed sensing and stimulation techniques for restoring the sense of touch in prosthetics. To this end, the thesis is comprised of two introductory chapters that describe the state of art in the field, the objectives and the used methodology and contributions; as well as three studies distributed over stimulation system level and sensing system level. The first study presents the development of close-loop compensatory tracking system to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of electrotactile sensory feedback in enabling real-time close-loop control in prosthetics. It examines and compares the subject\u2019s adaptive performance and tolerance to random latencies while performing the dynamic control task (i.e. position control) and simultaneously receiving either visual feedback or electrotactile feedback for communicating the momentary tracking error. Moreover, it reported the minimum time delay needed for an abrupt impairment of users\u2019 performance. The experimental results have shown that electrotactile feedback performance is less prone to changes with longer delays. However, visual feedback drops faster than electrotactile with increased time delays. This is a good indication for the effectiveness of electrotactile feedback in enabling close- loop control in prosthetics, since some delays are inevitable. The second study describes the development of a novel non-invasive compact multichannel interface for electrotactile feedback, containing 24 pads electrode matrix, with fully programmable stimulation unit, that investigates the ability of able-bodied human subjects to localize the electrotactile stimulus delivered through the electrode matrix. Furthermore, it designed a novel dual parameter -modulation (interleaved frequency and intensity) and compared it to conventional stimulation (same frequency for all pads). In addition and for the first time, it compared the electrotactile stimulation to mechanical stimulation. More, it exposes the integration of virtual prosthesis with the developed system in order to achieve better user experience and object manipulation through mapping the acquired real-time collected tactile data and feedback it simultaneously to the user. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed interleaved coding substantially improved the spatial localization compared to same-frequency stimulation. Furthermore, it showed that same-frequency stimulation was equivalent to mechanical stimulation, whereas the performance with dual-parameter modulation was significantly better. The third study presents the realization of a novel, flexible, screen- printed e-skin based on P(VDF-TrFE) piezoelectric polymers, that would cover the fingertips and the palm of the prosthetic hand (particularly the Michelangelo hand by Ottobock) and an assistive sensorized glove for stroke patients. Moreover, it developed a new validation methodology to examine the sensors behavior while being solicited. The characterization results showed compatibility between the expected (modeled) behavior of the electrical response of each sensor to measured mechanical (normal) force at the skin surface, which in turn proved the combination of both fabrication and assembly processes was successful. This paves the way to define a practical, simplified and reproducible characterization protocol for e-skin patches In conclusion, by adopting innovative methodologies in sensing and stimulation systems, this thesis advances the overall development of close-loop sensory feedback human-machine interface used for restoration of sense of touch in prosthetics. Moreover, this research could lead to high-bandwidth high-fidelity transmission of tactile information for modern dexterous prostheses that could ameliorate the end user experience and facilitate it acceptance in the daily life

    The challenge of advanced model-based fdir techniques for aerospace systems: the 2011 situation

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    For aerospace systems, advanced model-based Fault Detection, Identification, and Recovery (FDIR) challenges range from predesign and design stages for upcoming and new programs up to the improvement of the performance of in-service flying systems. However, today, their application to real aerospace world has remained extremely limited. The paper underlines the reasons for a widening gap between the advanced scientific FDIR methods being developed by the academic community and technological solutions demanded by the aerospace industry

    Final Causality in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas

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    Throughout his corpus, Thomas Aquinas develops an account of final causality that is both philosophically nuanced and interesting. The aim of my dissertation is to provide a systematic reconstruction of this account of final causality, one that clarifies its motivation and appeal. The body of my dissertation consists of four chapters. In Chapter 1, I examine the metaphysical underpinnings of Aquinas’s account of final causality by focusing on how Aquinas understands the causality of the final cause. I argue that Aquinas holds that an end is a cause because it is the determinate effect toward which an agent’s action is directed. I proceed by first presenting the general framework of causality within which Aquinas understands final causality. I then consider how Aquinas justifies the reality of each of the four kinds of cause, placing special emphasis on the final cause. In Chapter 2, I consider final causality from the perspective of goodness and explore the reasons why Aquinas thinks that the end of an action is always good. For even if one was convinced that the end of an action is indeed a cause, one might still resist attributing any normative or evaluative properties to the end, much less a positively-valenced normative property like goodness. In this chapter, I show how, given Aquinas’s metaphysics of powers and his characterization of goodness as that which all desire, it follows that every action is for the sake of some good. In Chapter 3, I consider Aquinas’s account of the relation between final causality and cognition. In many passages throughout his corpus—most famously in the fifth of his Five Ways—Aquinas advances the claim that cognition plays an essential role in final causality. In this chapter, I explore Aquinas’s account of the relation between final causality and cognition by reconstructing his Fifth Way and investigating the metaphysical foundations on which it rests. While the first three chapters of my dissertation focus on Aquinas’s account of final causality from the perspective of the ends of individual agents, in Chapter 4 I broaden my focus to consider the way in which the account of final causality developed in these earlier chapters shapes Aquinas’s philosophical cosmology. I argue that, on Aquinas’s view, when an individual agent acts for an end, it is plays a role in a larger system, e.g. a polis, an ecosystem, or the universe itself

    Damage Tolerant Active Contro l: Concept and State of the Art

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    Damage tolerant active control is a new research area relating to fault tolerant control design applied to mechanical structures. It encompasses several techniques already used to design controllers and to detect and to diagnose faults, as well to monitor structural integrity. Brief reviews of the common intersections of these areas are presented, with the purpose to clarify its relations and also to justify the new controller design paradigm. Some examples help to better understand the role of the new area

    Microprocessor based signal processing techniques for system identification and adaptive control of DC-DC converters

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    PhD ThesisMany industrial and consumer devices rely on switch mode power converters (SMPCs) to provide a reliable, well regulated, DC power supply. A poorly performing power supply can potentially compromise the characteristic behaviour, efficiency, and operating range of the device. To ensure accurate regulation of the SMPC, optimal control of the power converter output is required. However, SMPC uncertainties such as component variations and load changes will affect the performance of the controller. To compensate for these time varying problems, there is increasing interest in employing real-time adaptive control techniques in SMPC applications. It is important to note that many adaptive controllers constantly tune and adjust their parameters based upon on-line system identification. In the area of system identification and adaptive control, Recursive Least Square (RLS) method provide promising results in terms of fast convergence rate, small prediction error, accurate parametric estimation, and simple adaptive structure. Despite being popular, RLS methods often have limited application in low cost systems, such as SMPCs, due to the computationally heavy calculations demanding significant hardware resources which, in turn, may require a high specification microprocessor to successfully implement. For this reason, this thesis presents research into lower complexity adaptive signal processing and filtering techniques for on-line system identification and control of SMPCs systems. The thesis presents the novel application of a Dichotomous Coordinate Descent (DCD) algorithm for the system identification of a dc-dc buck converter. Two unique applications of the DCD algorithm are proposed; system identification and self-compensation of a dc-dc SMPC. Firstly, specific attention is given to the parameter estimation of dc-dc buck SMPC. It is computationally efficient, and uses an infinite impulse response (IIR) adaptive filter as a plant model. Importantly, the proposed method is able to identify the parameters quickly and accurately; thus offering an efficient hardware solution which is well suited to real-time applications. Secondly, new alternative adaptive schemes that do not depend entirely on estimating the plant parameters is embedded with DCD algorithm. The proposed technique is based on a simple adaptive filter method and uses a one-tap finite impulse response (FIR) prediction error filter (PEF). Experimental and simulation results clearly show the DCD technique can be optimised to achieve comparable performance to classic RLS algorithms. However, it is computationally superior; thus making it an ideal candidate technique for low cost microprocessor based applications.Iraq Ministry of Higher Educatio

    Energy Efficiency in Communications and Networks

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    The topic of "Energy Efficiency in Communications and Networks" attracts growing attention due to economical and environmental reasons. The amount of power consumed by information and communication technologies (ICT) is rapidly increasing, as well as the energy bill of service providers. According to a number of studies, ICT alone is responsible for a percentage which varies from 2% to 10% of the world power consumption. Thus, driving rising cost and sustainability concerns about the energy footprint of the IT infrastructure. Energy-efficiency is an aspect that until recently was only considered for battery driven devices. Today we see energy-efficiency becoming a pervasive issue that will need to be considered in all technology areas from device technology to systems management. This book is seeking to provide a compilation of novel research contributions on hardware design, architectures, protocols and algorithms that will improve the energy efficiency of communication devices and networks and lead to a more energy proportional technology infrastructure

    Limited Bandwidth Wireless Communication Strategies for Structural Control of Seismically Excited Shear Structures

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    Structural control is used to mitigate unwanted vibrations in structures when large excitations occur, such as high winds and earthquakes. To increase reliability and controllability in structural control applications, engineers are making use of semi-active control devices. Semi-active control gives engineers greater control authority over structural response versus passive controllers, but are less expensive and more reliable than active devices. However, the large numbers of actuators required for semi-active structural control networks introduce more cabling within control systems leading to increased cost. Researchers are exploring the use of wireless technology for structural control to cut down on the installation cost associated with cabling. However wireless communication latency (time delays in data transmissions) can be a barrier to full acceptance of wireless technology for structural control. As the number of sensors in a control network grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to transmit all sensor data during a single control step over the fixed wireless bandwidth. Because control force calculations rely on accurate state measurements or estimates, the use of strategic bandwidth allocation becomes more necessary to provide good control performance. The traditional method for speeding up the control step in larger wireless networks is to spatially decentralize the network into multiple subnetworks, sacrificing communication for speed. This dissertation seeks to provide an additional approach to address the issue of communication latency that may be an alternative, or even a supplement, to spatial decentralization of the control network. The proposed approach is to use temporal decentralization, or the decentralization of the control network over time, as opposed to space/location. Temporal decentralization is first presented with a means of selecting and evaluating different communication group sizes and wireless unit combinations for staggered temporal group communication that still provide highly accurate state estimates. It is found that, in staggered communication schemes, state estimation and control performance are affected by the network topology used at each time step with some sensor combinations providing more useful information than others. Sensor placement theory is used to form sensor groups that provide consistently high-quality output information to the network during each time step, but still utilize all sensors. If the demand for sensors to communicate data outweighs the available bandwidth, traditional temporal and spatial approaches are no longer feasible. This dissertation examines and validates a dynamic approach for bandwidth allocation relying on an extended, autonomous and controller-aware, carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) protocol. Stochastic parameters are derived to strategically alter back-off times in the CSMA/CD algorithm based on nodal observability and output estimation error. Inspired by data fusion approaches, this second study presents two different methods for neighborhood state estimation using a dynamic form of measurement-only fusion. To validate these wireless structural control approaches, a small-scale experimental semi-active structural control testbed is developed that captures the important attributes of a full-scale structure

    Digital Signal Processing Research Program

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2, an introduction, reports on twenty-two research projects and a list of publications.Sanders, a Lockheed-Martin Corporation Contract BZ4962U.S. Army Research Laboratory Contract DAAL01-96-2-0001U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-93-1-0686National Science Foundation Grant MIP 95-02885U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-96-1-0930National Defense Science and Engineering FellowshipU.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-96-1-0072U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-95-1-0362National Science Foundation Graduate Research FellowshipAT&T Bell Laboratories Graduate Research FellowshipU.S. Army Research Laboratory Contract DAAL01-96-2-0002National Science Foundation Graduate FellowshipU.S. Army Research Laboratory/Advanced Sensors Federated Lab Program Contract DAAL01-96-2-000
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