31 research outputs found

    Eye-tracking Web Usability Research

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    Rough Sets Applied to Mood of Music Recognition

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    Adopting collaborative games into Open Kanban

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    Organizational Ethics, Position and Their Relationship to Gender, Before and During Pandemic

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    This research investigates the levels of organizational ethics (OETH) among knowledge workers (KW), using their work information and communication technologies (ICT) with their executive position (supervisor/subordinate), in regional enterprises in Poland before and during the COVID19 pandemic. We analyzed levels of OETH and its three dimensions as organizational optimism (ETO), corporate social responsibility (CSR), top management action (TMA). We conducted our study twice, using an online survey among 137 KW before and 127 KW during a pandemic, combining random and snowball sampling to select data. We used multivariate statistical methods such as analysis of variance and causal moderation analysis to estimate the indirect effect of gender, the effect of the pandemic, as well as their interaction in the relation between position and OETH and its subscales.. Our findings show superiors manifested higher levels of OETH assessment than their subordinates, especially before the pandemic. Both groups displayed a pessimistic and low level of OETH, especially ETO, before the pandemic, and on the contrary, increased significantly to an average level during the pandemic. Gender and the pandemic affected the levels of OETH and occurred to be moderators of the considered relationship

    Uwarunkowania wykorzystania gier komputerowych w procesie nauczania

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    The major goal of this article is to analyse the behaviour of e-gamers and their opinion regarding possibility to use computer games in didactic process at the university or other higher education institutions. The research was done randomly in an academic environment, using questionnaires, distributed via the Internet. This article is to continue the set of articles dedicated to the analysis of e-gamers profile and environment that he/she belongs to. The current research is focused on behavioural patterns of e-gamers and possibility to use computer games to support didactic process at universities. After gathering results of questionnaires, the authors discussed those results and accompanied conclusions. Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza zachowań e-graczy i ich opinie dotyczące wykorzystania gier komputerowych w procesie dydaktycznym na uniwersytecie lub w innej instytucji edukacyjnej. Badania dokonano losowo w środowisku akademickim, używając ankiet rozprowadzanych przez Internet. Artykuł ten jest kontynuacją serii opracowań dedykowanej analizie profii e-graczy i środowiska, do którego oni należą. Badanie koncentruje się na tworzeniu wzorców zachowań e-graczy i możliwości zastosowania gier komputerowych do wspomagania procesu dydaktycznego na uniwersytetach. Po uzyskaniu wyników badań ankietowych autorzy przeprowadzili dyskusję wyników i wyciągnęli wnioski z badań