2,298 research outputs found

    Discriminative Deep Feature Visualization for Explainable Face Recognition

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    Despite the huge success of deep convolutional neural networks in face recognition (FR) tasks, current methods lack explainability for their predictions because of their "black-box" nature. In recent years, studies have been carried out to give an interpretation of the decision of a deep FR system. However, the affinity between the input facial image and the extracted deep features has not been explored. This paper contributes to the problem of explainable face recognition by first conceiving a face reconstruction-based explanation module, which reveals the correspondence between the deep feature and the facial regions. To further interpret the decision of an FR model, a novel visual saliency explanation algorithm has been proposed. It provides insightful explanation by producing visual saliency maps that represent similar and dissimilar regions between input faces. A detailed analysis has been presented for the generated visual explanation to show the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Unlocking Feature Visualization for Deeper Networks with MAgnitude Constrained Optimization

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    Feature visualization has gained substantial popularity, particularly after the influential work by Olah et al. in 2017, which established it as a crucial tool for explainability. However, its widespread adoption has been limited due to a reliance on tricks to generate interpretable images, and corresponding challenges in scaling it to deeper neural networks. Here, we describe MACO, a simple approach to address these shortcomings. The main idea is to generate images by optimizing the phase spectrum while keeping the magnitude constant to ensure that generated explanations lie in the space of natural images. Our approach yields significantly better results (both qualitatively and quantitatively) and unlocks efficient and interpretable feature visualizations for large state-of-the-art neural networks. We also show that our approach exhibits an attribution mechanism allowing us to augment feature visualizations with spatial importance. We validate our method on a novel benchmark for comparing feature visualization methods, and release its visualizations for all classes of the ImageNet dataset on https://serre-lab.github.io/Lens/. Overall, our approach unlocks, for the first time, feature visualizations for large, state-of-the-art deep neural networks without resorting to any parametric prior image model

    SeqVISTA: a graphical tool for sequence feature visualization and comparison

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    BACKGROUND: Many readers will sympathize with the following story. You are viewing a gene sequence in Entrez, and you want to find whether it contains a particular sequence motif. You reach for the browser's "find in page" button, but those darn spaces every 10 bp get in the way. And what if the motif is on the opposite strand? Subsequently, your favorite sequence analysis software informs you that there is an interesting feature at position 13982–14013. By painstakingly counting the 10 bp blocks, you are able to examine the sequence at this location. But now you want to see what other features have been annotated close by, and this information is buried several screenfuls higher up the web page. RESULTS: SeqVISTA presents a holistic, graphical view of features annotated on nucleotide or protein sequences. This interactive tool highlights the residues in the sequence that correspond to features chosen by the user, and allows easy searching for sequence motifs or extraction of particular subsequences. SeqVISTA is able to display results from diverse sequence analysis tools in an integrated fashion, and aims to provide much-needed unity to the bioinformatics resources scattered around the Internet. Our viewer may be launched on a GenBank record by a single click of a button installed in the web browser. CONCLUSION: SeqVISTA allows insights to be gained by viewing the totality of sequence annotations and predictions, which may be more revealing than the sum of their parts. SeqVISTA runs on any operating system with a Java 1.4 virtual machine. It is freely available to academic users at

    Targeted Background Removal Creates Interpretable Feature Visualizations

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    Feature visualization is used to visualize learned features for black box machine learning models. Our approach explores an altered training process to improve interpretability of the visualizations. We argue that by using background removal techniques as a form of robust training, a network is forced to learn more human recognizable features, namely, by focusing on the main object of interest without any distractions from the background. Four different training methods were used to verify this hypothesis. The first used unmodified pictures. The second used a black background. The third utilized Gaussian noise as the background. The fourth approach employed a mix of background removed images and unmodified images. The feature visualization results show that the background removed images reveal a significant improvement over the baseline model. These new results displayed easily recognizable features from their respective classes, unlike the model trained on unmodified data

    Protter: interactive protein feature visualization and integration with experimental proteomic data

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    Summary: The ability to integrate and visualize experimental proteomic evidence in the context of rich protein feature annotations represents an unmet need of the proteomics community. Here we present Protter, a web-based tool that supports interactive protein data analysis and hypothesis generation by visualizing both annotated sequence features and experimental proteomic data in the context of protein topology. Protter supports numerous proteomic file formats and automatically integrates a variety of reference protein annotation sources, which can be readily extended via modular plug-ins. A built-in export function produces publication-quality customized protein illustrations, also for large datasets. Visualizations of surfaceome datasets show the specific utility of Protter for the integrated visual analysis of membrane proteins and peptide selection for targeted proteomics. Availability and implementation: The Protter web application is available at http://wlab.ethz.ch/protter. Source code and installation instructions are available at http://ulo.github.io/Protter/. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary Information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Saliency-driven Class Impressions for Feature Visualization of Deep Neural Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a data-free method of extracting Impressions of each class from the classifier's memory. The Deep Learning regime empowers classifiers to extract distinct patterns (or features) of a given class from training data, which is the basis on which they generalize to unseen data. Before deploying these models on critical applications, it is advantageous to visualize the features considered to be essential for classification. Existing visualization methods develop high confidence images consisting of both background and foreground features. This makes it hard to judge what the crucial features of a given class are. In this work, we propose a saliency-driven approach to visualize discriminative features that are considered most important for a given task. Another drawback of existing methods is that confidence of the generated visualizations is increased by creating multiple instances of the given class. We restrict the algorithm to develop a single object per image, which helps further in extracting features of high confidence and also results in better visualizations. We further demonstrate the generation of negative images as naturally fused images of two or more classes.Comment: ICIP 202
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