712 research outputs found

    Typed feature structures, definite equivalences, greatest model semantics, and nonmonotonicity

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    Typed feature logics have been employed as description languages in modern type-oriented grammar theories like HPSG and have laid the theoretical foundations for many implemented systems. However, recursivity pose severe problems and have been addressed through specialized powerdomain constructions which depend on the particular view of the logician. In this paper, we argue that definite equivalences introduced by Smolka can serve as the formal basis for arbitrarily formalized typed feature structures and typed feature-based grammars/lexicons, as employed in, e.g., TFS or TDL. The idea here is that type definitions in such systems can be transformed into an equivalent definite program, whereas the meaning of the definite program then is identified with the denotation of the type system. Now, models of a definite program P can be characterized by the set of ground atoms which are logical consequences of the definite program. These models are ordered by subset inclusion and, for reasons that will become clear, we propose the greatest model as the intended interpretation of P, or equivalent, as the denotation of the associated type system. Our transformational approach has also a great impact on nonmonotonically defined types, since under this interpretation, we can view the type hierarchy as a pure transport medium, allowing us to get rid of the transitivity of type information (inheritance), and yielding a perfectly monotonic definite program

    Anomalous near-field heat transfer between a cylinder and a perforated surface

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    We predict that the radiative heat-transfer rate between a cylinder and a perforated surface depends non-monotonically on their separation. This anomalous behavior, which arises due to near-field effects, is explained using a heuristic model based on the interaction of a dipole with a plate. We show that nonmonotonicity depends not only on geometry and temperature but also on material dispersion - for micron and submicron objects, nonmonotonicity is present in polar dielectrics but absent in metals with small skin depths

    A Nonmonotonic Sequent Calculus for Inferentialist Expressivists

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    I am presenting a sequent calculus that extends a nonmonotonic consequence relation over an atomic language to a logically complex language. The system is in line with two guiding philosophical ideas: (i) logical inferentialism and (ii) logical expressivism. The extension defined by the sequent rules is conservative. The conditional tracks the consequence relation and negation tracks incoherence. Besides the ordinary propositional connectives, the sequent calculus introduces a new kind of modal operator that marks implications that hold monotonically. Transitivity fails, but for good reasons. Intuitionism and classical logic can easily be recovered from the system

    Typed feature structures, definite equivalences, greatest model semantics, and nonmonotonicity

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    Typed feature logics have been employed as description languages in modern type-oriented grammar theories like HPSG and have laid the theoretical foundations for many implemented systems. However, recursivity pose severe problems and have been addressed through specialized powerdomain constructions which depend on the particular view of the logician. In this paper, we argue that definite equivalences introduced by Smolka can serve as the formal basis for arbitrarily formalized typed feature structures and typed feature-based grammars/lexicons, as employed in, e.g., TFS or TDL. The idea here is that type definitions in such systems can be transformed into an equivalent definite program, whereas the meaning of the definite program then is identified with the denotation of the type system. Now, models of a definite program P can be characterized by the set of ground atoms which are logical consequences of the definite program. These models are ordered by subset inclusion and, for reasons that will become clear, we propose the greatest model as the intended interpretation of P, or equivalent, as the denotation of the associated type system. Our transformational approach has also a great impact on nonmonotonically defined types, since under this interpretation, we can view the type hierarchy as a pure transport medium, allowing us to get rid of the transitivity of type information (inheritance), and yielding a perfectly monotonic definite program

    Size dependence of second-order hyperpolarizability of finite periodic chain under Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model

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    The second hyperpolarizability γN(−3ωω,ω,ω)\gamma_N(-3\omega\omega,\omega,\omega) of NN double-bond finite chain of trans-polyactylene is analyzed using the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model to explain qualitative features of the size-dependence behavior of γN\gamma_N. Our study shows that γN/N\gamma_N/N is {\it nonmonotonic} with NN and that the nonmonotonicity is caused by the dominant contribution of the intraband transition to γN\gamma_N in polyenes. Several important physical effects are discussed to reduce quantitative discrepancies between experimental and our resultsComment: 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Housing prices and multiple employment nodes: is the relationship nonmonotonic?

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    Standard urban economic theory predicts that house prices will decline with distance from the central business district. Empirical results have been equivocal, however. Disjoints between theory and empirics may be due to a nonmonotonic relationship between house prices and access to employment arising from the negative externalities associated with proximity to multiple centres of employment. Based on data from Glasgow (Scotland), we use gravity-based measures of accessibility estimated using a flexible functional form that allows for nonmonotonicity. The results are thoroughly tested using recent advances in spatial econometrics. We find compelling evidence of a nonmonotonic effect in the accessibility measure and discuss the implications for planning and housing policy

    Metallic behavior in Si/SiGe 2D electron systems

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    We calculate the temperature, density, and parallel magnetic field dependence of low temperature electronic resistivity in 2D high-mobility Si/SiGe quantum structures, assuming the conductivity limiting mechanism to be carrier scattering by screened random charged Coulombic impurity centers. We obtain comprehensive agreement with existing experimental transport data, compellingly establishing that the observed 2D metallic behavior in low-density Si/SiGe systems arises from the peculiar nature of 2D screening of long-range impurity disorder. In particular, our theory correctly predicts the experimentally observed metallic temperature dependence of 2D resistivity in the fully spin-polarized system
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