6 research outputs found

    Resource Management in a Peer to Peer Cloud Network for IoT

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    Software-Defined Internet of Things (SDIoT) is defined as merging heterogeneous objects in a form of interaction among physical and virtual entities. Large scale of data centers, heterogeneity issues and their interconnections have made the resource management a hard problem specially when there are different actors in cloud system with different needs. Resource management is a vital requirement to achieve robust networks specially with facing continuously increasing amount of heterogeneous resources and devices to the network. The goal of this paper is reviews to address IoT resource management issues in cloud computing services. We discuss the bottlenecks of cloud networks for IoT services such as mobility. We review Fog computing in IoT services to solve some of these issues. It provides a comprehensive literature review of around one hundred studies on resource management in Peer to Peer Cloud Networks and IoT. It is very important to find a robust design to efficiently manage and provision requests and available resources. We also reviewed different search methodologies to help clients find proper resources to answer their needs

    Reliable Machine Learning Model for IIoT Botnet Detection

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    Due to the growing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, network attacks like denial of service (DoS) and floods are rising for security and reliability issues. As a result of these attacks, IoT devices suffer from denial of service and network disruption. Researchers have implemented different techniques to identify attacks aimed at vulnerable Internet of Things (IoT) devices. In this study, we propose a novel features selection algorithm FGOA-kNN based on a hybrid filter and wrapper selection approaches to select the most relevant features. The novel approach integrated with clustering rank the features and then applies the Grasshopper algorithm (GOA) to minimize the top-ranked features. Moreover, a proposed algorithm, IHHO, selects and adapts the neural network’s hyper parameters to detect botnets efficiently. The proposed Harris Hawks algorithm is enhanced with three improvements to improve the global search process for optimal solutions. To tackle the problem of population diversity, a chaotic map function is utilized for initialization. The escape energy of hawks is updated with a new nonlinear formula to avoid the local minima and better balance between exploration and exploitation. Furthermore, the exploitation phase of HHO is enhanced using a new elite operator ROBL. The proposed model combines unsupervised, clustering, and supervised approaches to detect intrusion behaviors. The N-BaIoT dataset is utilized to validate the proposed model. Many recent techniques were used to assess and compare the proposed model’s performance. The result demonstrates that the proposed model is better than other variations at detecting multiclass botnet attacks

    A toolbox for Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Cyber Attacks Prevention and Detection

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThis Thesis provides a qualitative view on the usage of AI technology in cybersecurity strategy of businesses. It explores the field of AI technology today, and how it is a good technology to implement into Cyber Security. The Internet and Informational technology have transformed the world of today. There is no doubt that it has created huge opportunities for global economy and humanity. The fact that Businesses of today is thoroughly dependent on the Internet and Information Systems has also exposed new vulnerabilities in terms of cybercrimes performed by a diversity of hackers, criminals, terrorists, the state and the non-state actors. All Public, private companies and government agencies are vulnerable for cybercrimes, none is left fully protected. In the recent years AI and machine learning technology have become essential to information security, since these technologies can analyze swiftly millions of datasets and tracking down a wide range of cyber threats. Alongside With the increasingly growth of automation in businesses, is it realistic that cybersecurity can be removed from human interaction into fully independent AI Applications to cover the businesses Information System Architecture of businesses in the future? This is a very interesting field those resources really need to deep into to be able to fully take advantage of the fully potential of AI technology in the usage in the field of cybersecurity. This thesis will explore the usage of AI algorithms in the prevention and detection of cyberattack in businesses and how to optimize its use. This knowledge will be used to implement a framework and a corresponding hybrid toolbox application that its purpose is be to be useful in every business in terms of strengthening the cybersecurity environment