22 research outputs found

    Deflation for semismooth equations

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    Variational inequalities can in general support distinct solutions. In this paper we study an algorithm for computing distinct solutions of a variational inequality, without varying the initial guess supplied to the solver. The central idea is the combination of a semismooth Newton method with a deflation operator that eliminates known solutions from consideration. Given one root of a semismooth residual, deflation constructs a new problem for which a semismooth Newton method will not converge to the known root, even from the same initial guess. This enables the discovery of other roots. We prove the effectiveness of the deflation technique under the same assumptions that guarantee locally superlinear convergence of a semismooth Newton method. We demonstrate its utility on various finite- and infinite-dimensional examples drawn from constrained optimization, game theory, economics and solid mechanics.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    A semismooth Newton method with analytical path-following for the H1H^1-projection onto the Gibbs simplex

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    An efficient, function-space-based second-order method for the H1H^1-projection onto the Gibbs-simplex is presented. The method makes use of the theory of semismooth Newton methods in function spaces as well as Moreau-Yosida regularization and techniques from parametric optimization. A path-following technique is considered for the regularization parameter updates. A rigorous first and second-order sensitivity analysis of the value function for the regularized problem is provided to justify the update scheme. The viability of the algorithm is then demonstrated for two applications found in the literature: binary image inpainting and labeled data classification. In both cases, the algorithm exhibits mesh-independent behavior

    Optimal control for the thin-film equation: Convergence of a multi-parameter approach to track state constraints avoiding degeneracies

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    We consider an optimal control problem subject to the thin-film equation which is deduced from the Navier--Stokes equation. The PDE constraint lacks well-posedness for general right-hand sides due to possible degeneracies; state constraints are used to circumvent this problematic issue and to ensure well-posedness, and the rigorous derivation of necessary optimality conditions for the optimal control problem is performed. A multi-parameter regularization is considered which addresses both, the possibly degenerate term in the equation and the state constraint, and convergence is shown for vanishing regularization parameters by decoupling both effects. The fully regularized optimal control problem allows for practical simulations which are provided, including the control of a dewetting scenario, to evidence the need of the state constraint, and to motivate proper scalings of involved regularization and numerical parameters

    A PDE-constrained optimization approach for topology optimization of strained photonic devices

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    Recent studies have demonstrated the potential of using tensile-strained, doped Germanium as a means of developing an integrated light source for (amongst other things) future microprocessors. In this work, a multi-material phase-field approach to determine the optimal material configuration within a so-called Germanium-on-Silicon microbridge is considered. Here, an ``optimal" configuration is one in which the strain in a predetermined minimal optical cavity within the Germanium is maximized according to an appropriately chosen objective functional. Due to manufacturing requirements, the emphasis here is on the cross-section of the device; i.e. a socalled aperture design. Here, the optimization is modeled as a non-linear optimization problem with partial differential equation (PDE) and manufacturing constraints. The resulting problem is analyzed and solved numerically. The theory portion includes a proof of existence of an optimal topology, differential sensitivity analysis of the displacement with respect to the topology, and the derivation of first and second-order optimality conditions. For the numerical experiments, an array of first and second-order solution algorithms in function-space are adapted to the current setting, tested, and compared. The numerical examples yield designs for which a significant increase in strain (as compared to an intuitive empirical design) is observed