3 research outputs found

    Fault diagnosis of industrial systems by conditional Gaussian network including a distance rejection criterion

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    The purpose of this article is to present a method for industrial process diagnosis with Bayesian network, and more particularly with conditional Gaussian network (CGN). The interest of the proposed method is to combine a discriminant analysis and a distance rejection in a CGN in order to detect new types of fault. The performances of this method are evaluated on the data of a benchmark example: the Tennessee Eastman Process. Three kinds of fault are taken into account on this complex process. The challenging objective is to obtain the minimal recognition error rate for these three faults and to obtain sufficient results in rejection of new types of fault

    Process fault prediction and prognosis based on a hybrid technique

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    The present study introduces a novel hybrid methodology for fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) and fault prediction and prognosis (FPP). The hybrid methodology combines both data-driven and process knowledge driven techniques. The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and the auxiliary codes detect and predict the abnormalities based on process history while the Bayesian Network (BN) diagnoses the root cause of the fault based on process knowledge. In the first step, the system performance is evaluated for fault detection and diagnosis and in the second step, prediction and prognosis are evaluated. In both cases, an HMM trained with Normal Operating Condition data is used to determine the log-likelihoods (LL) of each process history data string. It is then used to develop the Conditional Probability Tables of BN while the structure of BN is developed based on process knowledge. Abnormal behaviour of the system is identified through HMM. The time of detection of an abnormality, respective LL value, and the probabilities of being in the process condition at the time of detection are used to generate the likelihood evidence to BN. The updated BN is then used to diagnose the root cause by considering the respective changes of the probabilities. Performance of the new technique is validated with published data of Tennessee Eastman Process. Eight of the ten selected faults were successfully detected and diagnosed. The same set of faults were predicted and prognosed accurately at different levels of maximum added noise

    Identification of Dynamic Systems Using Bayesian Networks

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    Cílem této práce je vytvoření spojení mezi Bayesovskými sítěmi a parametrickou identifikací dynamických systémů. Nejprvé byl zpracován průzkum dostupné literatury a byly zformulovány důležité teoretické základy. Poté jsou uvedeny modely dynamických systémů na bázi Bayesovských sítí. Těžištěm práce je návrh a ověření metodologie identifikace dynamických systémů pomocí Bayesovských sítí. Součástí metodologie je nový přístup k volbě řádu výsledného modelu. Na závěr, byla ověřena navržená metoda identifikace dynamických systémů pomocí Bayesovských sítí na fyzikálních modelech dynamických systémů.Obecně je možno konstatovat, že je disertační práce zaměřena na návrh nového přístupu k identifikaci dynamických systémů ovlivněných šumem. Uvedené modely dynamických systémů na bázi Bayesovských sítí mohou být také využité k estimaci stavu, sledování a řízení dynamických systémů.The aim of this thesis is to provide the bridging between Bayesian networks and system identification. Firstly, the literature review and necessary theoretical prerequisites are provided. Secondly, Bayesian network based models of dynamic systems are introduced. Next, the methodology of Bayesian network based system identification is proposed and explored on simulated datasets. In addition, a new approach to the order selection for a resulting model is proposed and verified. Finally, the proposed Bayesian network based system identification approach is verified on real dynamic systems.Overally, the thesis proposes a new approach to system identification of dynamic systems influenced by noisy signals. In addition, Bayesian network based models proposed in this thesis can be used for state estimation, monitoring and control of dynamic systems