3 research outputs found

    Puesta a tierra en viviendas con sistema solar fotovoltaico como alternativa de generaci贸n de electricidad

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    Los Sistemas Solares Fotovoltaicos (SSFV) forman parte de la estrategia de desarrollo del Gobierno cubano para diversificar la matriz energ茅tica disminuyendo la dependencia de combustibles f贸siles e introduciendo tecnolog铆as amigables con el medio ambiente. Su implementaci贸n a nivel residencialse ha confiado a la empresa COPEXTEL y uno de los problemas principales que enfrenta es la condici贸n actual que presentan los sistemas el茅ctricos en las residencias cubanas que,en su mayor铆a,no poseen puesta a tierra ni protecci贸n diferencial que permita la protecci贸n ante corrientes de fuga. Otro problema, no menos importante, es el requerimiento de que el SSFV pueda ser utilizado cuando no haya conexi贸n a la red, lo cual actualmente no es posible. Resulta necesario definir cu谩les son los niveles de puesta a tierra requeridos, as铆 como una soluci贸n que permita considerar un servicio el茅ctrico con alta vitalidad, aun cuando no haya alimentaci贸n desde la red el茅ctrica convencional

    Influence of inverter-interfaced renewable energy generators on directional relay and an improved scheme

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    Renewable energy sources (RESs) are typically interfaced to the grid using power electronics which can cause their fault current characteristics to display significant low frequency harmonics and unbalanced sequence impedances. Such current characteristics can lead to the operation failure of fault component based directional relays. To demonstrate the influence of inverter-interfaced renewable energy generators (IIREGs) on directional relays in detail, analytical expressions for the IIREG equivalent positive- and negative-sequence superimposed impedances are derived in this paper. Considering various factors, the angular characteristics of the sequence superimposed impedances are investigated. Based on these attributes, it can be concluded that fault component based directional relays may be unable to operate in some circumstances. A novel high-frequency impedance-based protection scheme is proposed to manage the adaptability problem by determining the fault direction due to a stable impedance angle. The theoretical analysis and the proposed scheme are tested and verified through real time digital simulation (RTDS) simulation and field testing data

    Fault Characteristics Analysis and Line Protection Design Within a Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plant

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