140 research outputs found

    Simple parallel and distributed algorithms for spectral graph sparsification

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    We describe a simple algorithm for spectral graph sparsification, based on iterative computations of weighted spanners and uniform sampling. Leveraging the algorithms of Baswana and Sen for computing spanners, we obtain the first distributed spectral sparsification algorithm. We also obtain a parallel algorithm with improved work and time guarantees. Combining this algorithm with the parallel framework of Peng and Spielman for solving symmetric diagonally dominant linear systems, we get a parallel solver which is much closer to being practical and significantly more efficient in terms of the total work.Comment: replaces "A simple parallel and distributed algorithm for spectral sparsification". Minor change

    An Efficient Parallel Solver for SDD Linear Systems

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    We present the first parallel algorithm for solving systems of linear equations in symmetric, diagonally dominant (SDD) matrices that runs in polylogarithmic time and nearly-linear work. The heart of our algorithm is a construction of a sparse approximate inverse chain for the input matrix: a sequence of sparse matrices whose product approximates its inverse. Whereas other fast algorithms for solving systems of equations in SDD matrices exploit low-stretch spanning trees, our algorithm only requires spectral graph sparsifiers

    Similarity-Aware Spectral Sparsification by Edge Filtering

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    In recent years, spectral graph sparsification techniques that can compute ultra-sparse graph proxies have been extensively studied for accelerating various numerical and graph-related applications. Prior nearly-linear-time spectral sparsification methods first extract low-stretch spanning tree from the original graph to form the backbone of the sparsifier, and then recover small portions of spectrally-critical off-tree edges to the spanning tree to significantly improve the approximation quality. However, it is not clear how many off-tree edges should be recovered for achieving a desired spectral similarity level within the sparsifier. Motivated by recent graph signal processing techniques, this paper proposes a similarity-aware spectral graph sparsification framework that leverages efficient spectral off-tree edge embedding and filtering schemes to construct spectral sparsifiers with guaranteed spectral similarity (relative condition number) level. An iterative graph densification scheme is introduced to facilitate efficient and effective filtering of off-tree edges for highly ill-conditioned problems. The proposed method has been validated using various kinds of graphs obtained from public domain sparse matrix collections relevant to VLSI CAD, finite element analysis, as well as social and data networks frequently studied in many machine learning and data mining applications

    A Matrix Hyperbolic Cosine Algorithm and Applications

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    In this paper, we generalize Spencer's hyperbolic cosine algorithm to the matrix-valued setting. We apply the proposed algorithm to several problems by analyzing its computational efficiency under two special cases of matrices; one in which the matrices have a group structure and an other in which they have rank-one. As an application of the former case, we present a deterministic algorithm that, given the multiplication table of a finite group of size nn, it constructs an expanding Cayley graph of logarithmic degree in near-optimal O(n^2 log^3 n) time. For the latter case, we present a fast deterministic algorithm for spectral sparsification of positive semi-definite matrices, which implies an improved deterministic algorithm for spectral graph sparsification of dense graphs. In addition, we give an elementary connection between spectral sparsification of positive semi-definite matrices and element-wise matrix sparsification. As a consequence, we obtain improved element-wise sparsification algorithms for diagonally dominant-like matrices.Comment: 16 pages, simplified proof and corrected acknowledging of prior work in (current) Section

    An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Spectral Sparsification of Laplacian and SDDM Matrix Polynomials

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    For "large" class C\mathcal{C} of continuous probability density functions (p.d.f.), we demonstrate that for every w∈Cw\in\mathcal{C} there is mixture of discrete Binomial distributions (MDBD) with Tβ‰₯NΟ•w/Ξ΄T\geq N\sqrt{\phi_{w}/\delta} distinct Binomial distributions B(β‹…,N)B(\cdot,N) that Ξ΄\delta-approximates a discretized p.d.f. w^(i/N)β‰œw(i/N)/[βˆ‘β„“=0Nw(β„“/N)]\widehat{w}(i/N)\triangleq w(i/N)/[\sum_{\ell=0}^{N}w(\ell/N)] for all i∈[3:Nβˆ’3]i\in[3:N-3], where Ο•wβ‰₯max⁑x∈[0,1]∣w(x)∣\phi_{w}\geq\max_{x\in[0,1]}|w(x)|. Also, we give two efficient parallel algorithms to find such MDBD. Moreover, we propose a sequential algorithm that on input MDBD with N=2kN=2^k for k∈N+k\in\mathbb{N}_{+} that induces a discretized p.d.f. Ξ²\beta, B=Dβˆ’MB=D-M that is either Laplacian or SDDM matrix and parameter ϡ∈(0,1)\epsilon\in(0,1), outputs in O^(Ο΅βˆ’2m+Ο΅βˆ’4nT)\widehat{O}(\epsilon^{-2}m + \epsilon^{-4}nT) time a spectral sparsifier Dβˆ’M^Nβ‰ˆΟ΅Dβˆ’Dβˆ‘i=0NΞ²i(Dβˆ’1M)iD-\widehat{M}_{N} \approx_{\epsilon} D-D\sum_{i=0}^{N}\beta_{i}(D^{-1} M)^i of a matrix-polynomial, where O^(β‹…)\widehat{O}(\cdot) notation hides poly(log⁑n,log⁑N)\mathrm{poly}(\log n,\log N) factors. This improves the Cheng et al.'s [CCLPT15] algorithm whose run time is O^(Ο΅βˆ’2mN2+NT)\widehat{O}(\epsilon^{-2} m N^2 + NT). Furthermore, our algorithm is parallelizable and runs in work O^(Ο΅βˆ’2m+Ο΅βˆ’4nT)\widehat{O}(\epsilon^{-2}m + \epsilon^{-4}nT) and depth O(log⁑Nβ‹…poly(log⁑n)+log⁑T)O(\log N\cdot\mathrm{poly}(\log n)+\log T). Our main algorithmic contribution is to propose the first efficient parallel algorithm that on input continuous p.d.f. w∈Cw\in\mathcal{C}, matrix B=Dβˆ’MB=D-M as above, outputs a spectral sparsifier of matrix-polynomial whose coefficients approximate component-wise the discretized p.d.f. w^\widehat{w}. Our results yield the first efficient and parallel algorithm that runs in nearly linear work and poly-logarithmic depth and analyzes the long term behaviour of Markov chains in non-trivial settings. In addition, we strengthen the Spielman and Peng's [PS14] parallel SDD solver

    Approximate Gaussian Elimination for Laplacians: Fast, Sparse, and Simple

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    We show how to perform sparse approximate Gaussian elimination for Laplacian matrices. We present a simple, nearly linear time algorithm that approximates a Laplacian by a matrix with a sparse Cholesky factorization, the version of Gaussian elimination for symmetric matrices. This is the first nearly linear time solver for Laplacian systems that is based purely on random sampling, and does not use any graph theoretic constructions such as low-stretch trees, sparsifiers, or expanders. The crux of our analysis is a novel concentration bound for matrix martingales where the differences are sums of conditionally independent variables
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