1,123 research outputs found

    Faster Black-Box Algorithms Through Higher Arity Operators

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    We extend the work of Lehre and Witt (GECCO 2010) on the unbiased black-box model by considering higher arity variation operators. In particular, we show that already for binary operators the black-box complexity of \leadingones drops from Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) for unary operators to O(nlogn)O(n \log n). For \onemax, the Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n \log n) unary black-box complexity drops to O(n) in the binary case. For kk-ary operators, knk \leq n, the \onemax-complexity further decreases to O(n/logk)O(n/\log k).Comment: To appear at FOGA 201

    Reducing the Arity in Unbiased Black-Box Complexity

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    We show that for all 1<klogn1<k \leq \log n the kk-ary unbiased black-box complexity of the nn-dimensional \onemax function class is O(n/k)O(n/k). This indicates that the power of higher arity operators is much stronger than what the previous O(n/logk)O(n/\log k) bound by Doerr et al. (Faster black-box algorithms through higher arity operators, Proc. of FOGA 2011, pp. 163--172, ACM, 2011) suggests. The key to this result is an encoding strategy, which might be of independent interest. We show that, using kk-ary unbiased variation operators only, we may simulate an unrestricted memory of size O(2k)O(2^k) bits.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper has been accepted for inclusion in the proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2012

    Black-Box Complexity of the Binary Value Function

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    The binary value function, or BinVal, has appeared in several studies in theory of evolutionary computation as one of the extreme examples of linear pseudo-Boolean functions. Its unbiased black-box complexity was previously shown to be at most log2n+2\lceil \log_2 n \rceil + 2, where nn is the problem size. We augment it with an upper bound of log2n+2.42141558o(1)\log_2 n + 2.42141558 - o(1), which is more precise for many values of nn. We also present a lower bound of log2n+1.1186406o(1)\log_2 n + 1.1186406 - o(1). Additionally, we prove that BinVal is an easiest function among all unimodal pseudo-Boolean functions at least for unbiased algorithms.Comment: 24 pages, one figure. An extended two-page abstract of this work will appear in proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO'1

    Black-Box Complexity: Breaking the O(nlogn)O(n \log n) Barrier of LeadingOnes

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    We show that the unrestricted black-box complexity of the nn-dimensional XOR- and permutation-invariant LeadingOnes function class is O(nlog(n)/loglogn)O(n \log (n) / \log \log n). This shows that the recent natural looking O(nlogn)O(n\log n) bound is not tight. The black-box optimization algorithm leading to this bound can be implemented in a way that only 3-ary unbiased variation operators are used. Hence our bound is also valid for the unbiased black-box complexity recently introduced by Lehre and Witt (GECCO 2010). The bound also remains valid if we impose the additional restriction that the black-box algorithm does not have access to the objective values but only to their relative order (ranking-based black-box complexity).Comment: 12 pages, to appear in the Proc. of Artificial Evolution 2011, LNCS 7401, Springer, 2012. For the unrestricted black-box complexity of LeadingOnes there is now a tight Θ(nloglogn)\Theta(n \log\log n) bound, cf. http://eccc.hpi-web.de/report/2012/087

    Better Fixed-Arity Unbiased Black-Box Algorithms

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    In their GECCO'12 paper, Doerr and Doerr proved that the kk-ary unbiased black-box complexity of OneMax on nn bits is O(n/k)O(n/k) for 2kO(logn)2\le k\le O(\log n). We propose an alternative strategy for achieving this unbiased black-box complexity when 3klog2n3\le k\le\log_2 n. While it is based on the same idea of block-wise optimization, it uses kk-ary unbiased operators in a different way. For each block of size 2k112^{k-1}-1 we set up, in O(k)O(k) queries, a virtual coordinate system, which enables us to use an arbitrary unrestricted algorithm to optimize this block. This is possible because this coordinate system introduces a bijection between unrestricted queries and a subset of kk-ary unbiased operators. We note that this technique does not depend on OneMax being solved and can be used in more general contexts. This together constitutes an algorithm which is conceptually simpler than the one by Doerr and Doerr, and at the same time achieves better constant factors in the asymptotic notation. Our algorithm works in (2+o(1))n/(k1)(2+o(1))\cdot n/(k-1), where o(1)o(1) relates to kk. Our experimental evaluation of this algorithm shows its efficiency already for 3k63\le k\le6.Comment: An extended abstract will appear at GECCO'1

    Better Fixed-Arity Unbiased Black-Box Algorithms

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    In their GECCO'12 paper, Doerr and Doerr proved that the kk-ary unbiased black-box complexity of OneMax on nn bits is O(n/k)O(n/k) for 2kO(logn)2\le k\le O(\log n). We propose an alternative strategy for achieving this unbiased black-box complexity when 3klog2n3\le k\le\log_2 n. While it is based on the same idea of block-wise optimization, it uses kk-ary unbiased operators in a different way. For each block of size 2k112^{k-1}-1 we set up, in O(k)O(k) queries, a virtual coordinate system, which enables us to use an arbitrary unrestricted algorithm to optimize this block. This is possible because this coordinate system introduces a bijection between unrestricted queries and a subset of kk-ary unbiased operators. We note that this technique does not depend on OneMax being solved and can be used in more general contexts. This together constitutes an algorithm which is conceptually simpler than the one by Doerr and Doerr, and at the same time achieves better constant factors in the asymptotic notation. Our algorithm works in (2+o(1))n/(k1)(2+o(1))\cdot n/(k-1), where o(1)o(1) relates to kk. Our experimental evaluation of this algorithm shows its efficiency already for 3k63\le k\le6.Comment: An extended abstract will appear at GECCO'1

    Unbiased Black-Box Complexities of Jump Functions

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    We analyze the unbiased black-box complexity of jump functions with small, medium, and large sizes of the fitness plateau surrounding the optimal solution. Among other results, we show that when the jump size is (1/2ε)n(1/2 - \varepsilon)n, that is, only a small constant fraction of the fitness values is visible, then the unbiased black-box complexities for arities 33 and higher are of the same order as those for the simple \textsc{OneMax} function. Even for the extreme jump function, in which all but the two fitness values n/2n/2 and nn are blanked out, polynomial-time mutation-based (i.e., unary unbiased) black-box optimization algorithms exist. This is quite surprising given that for the extreme jump function almost the whole search space (all but a Θ(n1/2)\Theta(n^{-1/2}) fraction) is a plateau of constant fitness. To prove these results, we introduce new tools for the analysis of unbiased black-box complexities, for example, selecting the new parent individual not by comparing the fitnesses of the competing search points, but also by taking into account the (empirical) expected fitnesses of their offspring.Comment: This paper is based on results presented in the conference versions [GECCO 2011] and [GECCO 2014

    OneMax in Black-Box Models with Several Restrictions

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    Black-box complexity studies lower bounds for the efficiency of general-purpose black-box optimization algorithms such as evolutionary algorithms and other search heuristics. Different models exist, each one being designed to analyze a different aspect of typical heuristics such as the memory size or the variation operators in use. While most of the previous works focus on one particular such aspect, we consider in this work how the combination of several algorithmic restrictions influence the black-box complexity. Our testbed are so-called OneMax functions, a classical set of test functions that is intimately related to classic coin-weighing problems and to the board game Mastermind. We analyze in particular the combined memory-restricted ranking-based black-box complexity of OneMax for different memory sizes. While its isolated memory-restricted as well as its ranking-based black-box complexity for bit strings of length nn is only of order n/lognn/\log n, the combined model does not allow for algorithms being faster than linear in nn, as can be seen by standard information-theoretic considerations. We show that this linear bound is indeed asymptotically tight. Similar results are obtained for other memory- and offspring-sizes. Our results also apply to the (Monte Carlo) complexity of OneMax in the recently introduced elitist model, in which only the best-so-far solution can be kept in the memory. Finally, we also provide improved lower bounds for the complexity of OneMax in the regarded models. Our result enlivens the quest for natural evolutionary algorithms optimizing OneMax in o(nlogn)o(n \log n) iterations.Comment: This is the full version of a paper accepted to GECCO 201

    Toward an architecture for quantum programming

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    It is becoming increasingly clear that, if a useful device for quantum computation will ever be built, it will be embodied by a classical computing machine with control over a truly quantum subsystem, this apparatus performing a mixture of classical and quantum computation. This paper investigates a possible approach to the problem of programming such machines: a template high level quantum language is presented which complements a generic general purpose classical language with a set of quantum primitives. The underlying scheme involves a run-time environment which calculates the byte-code for the quantum operations and pipes it to a quantum device controller or to a simulator. This language can compactly express existing quantum algorithms and reduce them to sequences of elementary operations; it also easily lends itself to automatic, hardware independent, circuit simplification. A publicly available preliminary implementation of the proposed ideas has been realized using the C++ language.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, A4paper. Final version accepted by EJPD ("swap" replaced by "invert" for Qops). Preliminary implementation available at: http://sra.itc.it/people/serafini/quantum-computing/qlang.htm