45,553 research outputs found

    Reduction of dynamical biochemical reaction networks in computational biology

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    Biochemical networks are used in computational biology, to model the static and dynamical details of systems involved in cell signaling, metabolism, and regulation of gene expression. Parametric and structural uncertainty, as well as combinatorial explosion are strong obstacles against analyzing the dynamics of large models of this type. Multi-scaleness is another property of these networks, that can be used to get past some of these obstacles. Networks with many well separated time scales, can be reduced to simpler networks, in a way that depends only on the orders of magnitude and not on the exact values of the kinetic parameters. The main idea used for such robust simplifications of networks is the concept of dominance among model elements, allowing hierarchical organization of these elements according to their effects on the network dynamics. This concept finds a natural formulation in tropical geometry. We revisit, in the light of these new ideas, the main approaches to model reduction of reaction networks, such as quasi-steady state and quasi-equilibrium approximations, and provide practical recipes for model reduction of linear and nonlinear networks. We also discuss the application of model reduction to backward pruning machine learning techniques

    Second-Order Stochastic Optimization for Machine Learning in Linear Time

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    First-order stochastic methods are the state-of-the-art in large-scale machine learning optimization owing to efficient per-iteration complexity. Second-order methods, while able to provide faster convergence, have been much less explored due to the high cost of computing the second-order information. In this paper we develop second-order stochastic methods for optimization problems in machine learning that match the per-iteration cost of gradient based methods, and in certain settings improve upon the overall running time over popular first-order methods. Furthermore, our algorithm has the desirable property of being implementable in time linear in the sparsity of the input data

    Passive Learning with Target Risk

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    In this paper we consider learning in passive setting but with a slight modification. We assume that the target expected loss, also referred to as target risk, is provided in advance for learner as prior knowledge. Unlike most studies in the learning theory that only incorporate the prior knowledge into the generalization bounds, we are able to explicitly utilize the target risk in the learning process. Our analysis reveals a surprising result on the sample complexity of learning: by exploiting the target risk in the learning algorithm, we show that when the loss function is both strongly convex and smooth, the sample complexity reduces to \O(\log (\frac{1}{\epsilon})), an exponential improvement compared to the sample complexity \O(\frac{1}{\epsilon}) for learning with strongly convex loss functions. Furthermore, our proof is constructive and is based on a computationally efficient stochastic optimization algorithm for such settings which demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is practically useful

    A fluctuating boundary integral method for Brownian suspensions

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    We present a fluctuating boundary integral method (FBIM) for overdamped Brownian Dynamics (BD) of two-dimensional periodic suspensions of rigid particles of complex shape immersed in a Stokes fluid. We develop a novel approach for generating Brownian displacements that arise in response to the thermal fluctuations in the fluid. Our approach relies on a first-kind boundary integral formulation of a mobility problem in which a random surface velocity is prescribed on the particle surface, with zero mean and covariance proportional to the Green's function for Stokes flow (Stokeslet). This approach yields an algorithm that scales linearly in the number of particles for both deterministic and stochastic dynamics, handles particles of complex shape, achieves high order of accuracy, and can be generalized to three dimensions and other boundary conditions. We show that Brownian displacements generated by our method obey the discrete fluctuation-dissipation balance relation (DFDB). Based on a recently-developed Positively Split Ewald method [A. M. Fiore, F. Balboa Usabiaga, A. Donev and J. W. Swan, J. Chem. Phys., 146, 124116, 2017], near-field contributions to the Brownian displacements are efficiently approximated by iterative methods in real space, while far-field contributions are rapidly generated by fast Fourier-space methods based on fluctuating hydrodynamics. FBIM provides the key ingredient for time integration of the overdamped Langevin equations for Brownian suspensions of rigid particles. We demonstrate that FBIM obeys DFDB by performing equilibrium BD simulations of suspensions of starfish-shaped bodies using a random finite difference temporal integrator.Comment: Submitted to J. Comp. Phy