4 research outputs found

    Area-driven partial reconfiguration for SEU mitigation on SRAM-based FPGAs

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    This paper presents an area-driven Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) scrubbing technique based on partial reconfiguration for Single Event Upset (SEU) mitigation. The proposed method is compared with existing techniques such as blind and on-demand scrubbing on a novel SEU mitigation framework implemented on the ZYNQ platform, supporting various SEU and scrubbing rates. A design space exploration on the availability versus data transfers from a Double Data Rate Type 3 (DDR3) memory, shows that our approach outperforms blind scrubbing for a range of availability values when a second order polynomial IP is targeted. A comparison to an existing on-demand scrubbing technique based on Dual Modular Redundancy (DMR) shows that our approach saves up to 46% area for the same case study

    A Comprehensive Survey on Non-Invasive Fault Injection Attacks

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    Non-invasive fault injection attacks have emerged as significant threats to a spectrum of microelectronic systems ranging from commodity devices to high-end customized processors. Unlike their invasive counterparts, these attacks are more affordable and can exploit system vulnerabilities without altering the hardware physically. Furthermore, certain non-invasive fault injection strategies allow for remote vulnerability exploitation without the requirement of physical proximity. However, existing studies lack extensive investigation into these attacks across diverse target platforms, threat models, emerging attack strategies, assessment frameworks, and mitigation approaches. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary research on non-invasive fault injection attacks. Our objective is to consolidate and scrutinize the various techniques, methodologies, target systems susceptible to the attacks, and existing mitigation mechanisms advanced by the research community. Besides, we categorize attack strategies based on several aspects, present a detailed comparison among the categories, and highlight research challenges with future direction. By underlining and discussing the landscape of cutting-edge, non-invasive fault injection, we hope more researchers, designers, and security professionals examine the attacks further and take such threats into consideration while developing effective countermeasures

    Enhancing Real-time Embedded Image Processing Robustness on Reconfigurable Devices for Critical Applications

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    Nowadays, image processing is increasingly used in several application fields, such as biomedical, aerospace, or automotive. Within these fields, image processing is used to serve both non-critical and critical tasks. As example, in automotive, cameras are becoming key sensors in increasing car safety, driving assistance and driving comfort. They have been employed for infotainment (non-critical), as well as for some driver assistance tasks (critical), such as Forward Collision Avoidance, Intelligent Speed Control, or Pedestrian Detection. The complexity of these algorithms brings a challenge in real-time image processing systems, requiring high computing capacity, usually not available in processors for embedded systems. Hardware acceleration is therefore crucial, and devices such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) best fit the growing demand of computational capabilities. These devices can assist embedded processors by significantly speeding-up computationally intensive software algorithms. Moreover, critical applications introduce strict requirements not only from the real-time constraints, but also from the device reliability and algorithm robustness points of view. Technology scaling is highlighting reliability problems related to aging phenomena, and to the increasing sensitivity of digital devices to external radiation events that can cause transient or even permanent faults. These faults can lead to wrong information processed or, in the worst case, to a dangerous system failure. In this context, the reconfigurable nature of FPGA devices can be exploited to increase the system reliability and robustness by leveraging Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration features. The research work presented in this thesis focuses on the development of techniques for implementing efficient and robust real-time embedded image processing hardware accelerators and systems for mission-critical applications. Three main challenges have been faced and will be discussed, along with proposed solutions, throughout the thesis: (i) achieving real-time performances, (ii) enhancing algorithm robustness, and (iii) increasing overall system's dependability. In order to ensure real-time performances, efficient FPGA-based hardware accelerators implementing selected image processing algorithms have been developed. Functionalities offered by the target technology, and algorithm's characteristics have been constantly taken into account while designing such accelerators, in order to efficiently tailor algorithm's operations to available hardware resources. On the other hand, the key idea for increasing image processing algorithms' robustness is to introduce self-adaptivity features at algorithm level, in order to maintain constant, or improve, the quality of results for a wide range of input conditions, that are not always fully predictable at design-time (e.g., noise level variations). This has been accomplished by measuring at run-time some characteristics of the input images, and then tuning the algorithm parameters based on such estimations. Dynamic reconfiguration features of modern reconfigurable FPGA have been extensively exploited in order to integrate run-time adaptivity into the designed hardware accelerators. Tools and methodologies have been also developed in order to increase the overall system dependability during reconfiguration processes, thus providing safe run-time adaptation mechanisms. In addition, taking into account the target technology and the environments in which the developed hardware accelerators and systems may be employed, dependability issues have been analyzed, leading to the development of a platform for quickly assessing the reliability and characterizing the behavior of hardware accelerators implemented on reconfigurable FPGAs when they are affected by such faults

    High-level synthesis of triple modular redundant FPGA circuits with energy efficient error recovery mechanisms

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    There is a growing interest in deploying commercial SRAM-based Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) circuits in space due to their low cost, reconfigurability, high logic capacity and rich I/O interfaces. However, their configuration memory (CM) is vulnerable to ionising radiation which raises the need for effective fault-tolerant design techniques. This thesis provides the following contributions to mitigate the negative effects of soft errors in SRAM FPGA circuits. Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) with periodic CM scrubbing or Module-based CM error recovery (MER) are popular techniques for mitigating soft errors in FPGA circuits. However, this thesis shows that MER does not recover CM soft errors in logic instantiated outside the reconfigurable regions of TMR modules. To address this limitation, a hybrid error recovery mechanism, namely FMER, is proposed. FMER uses selective periodic scrubbing and MER to recover CM soft errors inside and outside the reconfigurable regions of TMR modules, respectively. Experimental results indicate that TMR circuits with FMER achieve higher dependability with less energy consumption than those using periodic scrubbing or MER alone. An imperative component of MER and FMER is the reconfiguration control network (RCN) that transfers the minority reports of TMR components, i.e., which, if any, TMR module needs recovery, to the FPGA's reconfiguration controller (RC). Although several reliable RCs have been proposed, a study of reliable RCNs has not been previously reported. This thesis fills this research gap, by proposing a technique that transfers the circuit's minority reports to the RC via the configuration-layer of the FPGA. This reduces the resource utilisation of the RCN and therefore its failure rate. Results show that the proposed RCN achieves higher reliability than alternative RCN architectures reported in the literature. The last contribution of this thesis is a high-level synthesis (HLS) tool, namely TLegUp, developed within the LegUp HLS framework. TLegUp triplicates Xilinx 7-series FPGA circuits during HLS rather than during the register-transfer level pre- or post-synthesis flow stage, as existing computer-aided design tools do. Results show that TLegUp can generate non-partitioned TMR circuits with 500x less soft error sensitivity than non-triplicated functional equivalent baseline circuits, while utilising 3-4x more resources and having 11% lower frequency