683 research outputs found

    Optimization-based interactive segmentation interface for multiregion problems.

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    Interactive segmentation is becoming of increasing interest to the medical imaging community in that it combines the positive aspects of both manual and automated segmentation. However, general-purpose tools have been lacking in terms of segmenting multiple regions simultaneously with a high degree of coupling between groups of labels. Hierarchical max-flow segmentation has taken advantage of this coupling for individual applications, but until recently, these algorithms were constrained to a particular hierarchy and could not be considered general-purpose. In a generalized form, the hierarchy for any given segmentation problem is specified in run-time, allowing different hierarchies to be quickly explored. We present an interactive segmentation interface, which uses generalized hierarchical max-flow for optimization-based multiregion segmentation guided by user-defined seeds. Applications in cardiac and neonatal brain segmentation are given as example applications of its generality

    Rapid Segmentation Techniques for Cardiac and Neuroimage Analysis

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    Recent technological advances in medical imaging have allowed for the quick acquisition of highly resolved data to aid in diagnosis and characterization of diseases or to guide interventions. In order to to be integrated into a clinical work flow, accurate and robust methods of analysis must be developed which manage this increase in data. Recent improvements in in- expensive commercially available graphics hardware and General-Purpose Programming on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) have allowed for many large scale data analysis problems to be addressed in meaningful time and will continue to as parallel computing technology improves. In this thesis we propose methods to tackle two clinically relevant image segmentation problems: a user-guided segmentation of myocardial scar from Late-Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Images (LE-MRI) and a multi-atlas segmentation pipeline to automatically segment and partition brain tissue from multi-channel MRI. Both methods are based on recent advances in computer vision, in particular max-flow optimization that aims at solving the segmentation problem in continuous space. This allows for (approximately) globally optimal solvers to be employed in multi-region segmentation problems, without the particular drawbacks of their discrete counterparts, graph cuts, which typically present with metrication artefacts. Max-flow solvers are generally able to produce robust results, but are known for being computationally expensive, especially with large datasets, such as volume images. Additionally, we propose two new deformable registration methods based on Gauss-Newton optimization and smooth the resulting deformation fields via total-variation regularization to guarantee the problem is mathematically well-posed. We compare the performance of these two methods against four highly ranked and well-known deformable registration methods on four publicly available databases and are able to demonstrate a highly accurate performance with low run times. The best performing variant is subsequently used in a multi-atlas segmentation pipeline for the segmentation of brain tissue and facilitates fast run times for this computationally expensive approach. All proposed methods are implemented using GPGPU for a substantial increase in computational performance and so facilitate deployment into clinical work flows. We evaluate all proposed algorithms in terms of run times, accuracy, repeatability and errors arising from user interactions and we demonstrate that these methods are able to outperform established methods. The presented approaches demonstrate high performance in comparison with established methods in terms of accuracy and repeatability while largely reducing run times due to the employment of GPU hardware

    Optimization-based interactive segmentation interface for multiregion problems.

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    Interactive segmentation is becoming of increasing interest to the medical imaging community in that it combines the positive aspects of both manual and automated segmentation. However, general-purpose tools have been lacking in terms of segmenting multiple regions simultaneously with a high degree of coupling between groups of labels. Hierarchical max-flow segmentation has taken advantage of this coupling for individual applications, but until recently, these algorithms were constrained to a particular hierarchy and could not be considered general-purpose. In a generalized form, the hierarchy for any given segmentation problem is specified in run-time, allowing different hierarchies to be quickly explored. We present an interactive segmentation interface, which uses generalized hierarchical max-flow for optimization-based multiregion segmentation guided by user-defined seeds. Applications in cardiac and neonatal brain segmentation are given as example applications of its generality

    Contributions of Continuous Max-Flow Theory to Medical Image Processing

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    Discrete graph cuts and continuous max-flow theory have created a paradigm shift in many areas of medical image processing. As previous methods limited themselves to analytically solvable optimization problems or guaranteed only local optimizability to increasingly complex and non-convex functionals, current methods based now rely on describing an optimization problem in a series of general yet simple functionals with a global, but non-analytic, solution algorithms. This has been increasingly spurred on by the availability of these general-purpose algorithms in an open-source context. Thus, graph-cuts and max-flow have changed every aspect of medical image processing from reconstruction to enhancement to segmentation and registration. To wax philosophical, continuous max-flow theory in particular has the potential to bring a high degree of mathematical elegance to the field, bridging the conceptual gap between the discrete and continuous domains in which we describe different imaging problems, properties and processes. In Chapter 1, we use the notion of infinitely dense and infinitely densely connected graphs to transfer between the discrete and continuous domains, which has a certain sense of mathematical pedantry to it, but the resulting variational energy equations have a sense of elegance and charm. As any application of the principle of duality, the variational equations have an enigmatic side that can only be decoded with time and patience. The goal of this thesis is to show the contributions of max-flow theory through image enhancement and segmentation, increasing incorporation of topological considerations and increasing the role played by user knowledge and interactivity. These methods will be rigorously grounded in calculus of variations, guaranteeing fuzzy optimality and providing multiple solution approaches to addressing each individual problem

    Directed Acyclic Graph Continuous Max-Flow Image Segmentation for Unconstrained Label Orderings

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    Label ordering, the specification of subset–superset relationships for segmentation labels, has been of increasing interest in image segmentation as they allow for complex regions to be represented as a collection of simple parts. Recent advances in continuous max-flow segmentation have widely expanded the possible label orderings from binary background/foreground problems to extendable frameworks in which the label ordering can be specified. This article presents Directed Acyclic Graph Max-Flow image segmentation which is flexible enough to incorporate any label ordering without constraints. This framework uses augmented Lagrangian multipliers and primal–dual optimization to develop a highly parallelized solver implemented using GPGPU. This framework is validated on synthetic, natural, and medical images illustrating its general applicability

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationImage segmentation entails the partitioning of an image domain, usually two or three dimensions, so that each partition or segment has some meaning that is relevant to the application at hand. Accurate image segmentation is a crucial challenge in many disciplines, including medicine, computer vision, and geology. In some applications, heterogeneous pixel intensities; noisy, ill-defined, or diffusive boundaries; and irregular shapes with high variability can make it challenging to meet accuracy requirements. Various segmentation approaches tackle such challenges by casting the segmentation problem as an energy-minimization problem, and solving it using efficient optimization algorithms. These approaches are broadly classified as either region-based or edge (surface)-based depending on the features on which they operate. The focus of this dissertation is on the development of a surface-based energy model, the design of efficient formulations of optimization frameworks to incorporate such energy, and the solution of the energy-minimization problem using graph cuts. This dissertation utilizes a set of four papers whose motivation is the efficient extraction of the left atrium wall from the late gadolinium enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (LGE-MRI) image volume. This dissertation utilizes these energy formulations for other applications, including contact lens segmentation in the optical coherence tomography (OCT) data and the extraction of geologic features in seismic data. Chapters 2 through 5 (papers 1 through 4) explore building a surface-based image segmentation model by progressively adding components to improve its accuracy and robustness. The first paper defines a parametric search space and its discrete formulation in the form of a multilayer three-dimensional mesh model within which the segmentation takes place. It includes a generative intensity model, and we optimize using a graph formulation of the surface net problem. The second paper proposes a Bayesian framework with a Markov random field (MRF) prior that gives rise to another class of surface nets, which provides better segmentation with smooth boundaries. The third paper presents a maximum a posteriori (MAP)-based surface estimation framework that relies on a generative image model by incorporating global shape priors, in addition to the MRF, within the Bayesian formulation. Thus, the resulting surface not only depends on the learned model of shapes,but also accommodates the test data irregularities through smooth deviations from these priors. Further, the paper proposes a new shape parameter estimation scheme, in closed form, for segmentation as a part of the optimization process. Finally, the fourth paper (under review at the time of this document) presents an extensive analysis of the MAP framework and presents improved mesh generation and generative intensity models. It also performs a thorough analysis of the segmentation results that demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method qualitatively, quantitatively, and clinically. Chapter 6, consisting of unpublished work, demonstrates the application of an MRF-based Bayesian framework to segment coupled surfaces of contact lenses in optical coherence tomography images. This chapter also shows an application related to the extraction of geological structures in seismic volumes. Due to the large sizes of seismic volume datasets, we also present fast, approximate surface-based energy minimization strategies that achieve better speed-ups and memory consumption
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