13 research outputs found

    Separable dictionary learning for convolutional sparse coding via split updates

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    The increasing ubiquity of Convolutional Sparse Representation techniques for several image processing tasks (such as object recognition and classification, as well as image denoising) has recently sparked interest in the use of separable 2D dictionary filter banks (as alternatives to standard nonseparable dictionaries) for efficient Convolutional Sparse Coding (CSC) implementations. However, existing methods approximate a set of K non-separable filters via a linear combination of R (R << K) separable filters, which puts an upper bound on the latter鈥檚 quality. Furthermore, this implies the need to learn first the whole set of non-separable filters, and only then compute the separable set, which is not optimal from a computational perspective. In this context, the purpose of the present work is to propose a method to directly learn a set of K separable dictionary filters from a given image training set by drawing ideas from standard Convolutional Dictionary Learning (CDL) methods. We show that the separable filters obtained by the proposed method match the performance of an equivalent number of non-separable filters. Furthermore, the computational performance of this learning method is shown to be substantially faster than a state-of-the-art non-separable CDL method when either the image training set or the filter set are large. The method and results presented here have been published [1] at the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018). Furthermore, a preliminary approach (mentioned at the end of Chapter 2) was also published at ICASSP 2017 [2]. The structure of the document is organized as follows. Chapter 1 introduces the problem of interest and outlines the scope of this work. Chapter 2 provides the reader with a brief summary of the relevant literature in optimization, CDL and previous use of separable filters. Chapter 3 presents the details of the proposed method and some implementation highlights. Chapter 4 reports the attained computational results through several simulations. Chapter 5 summarizes the attained results and draws some final conclusions.Tesi

    Efficient algorithms for convolutional dictionary learning via accelerated proximal gradient

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    Convolutional sparse representations and convolutional dictionary learning are mathematical models that consist in representing a whole signal or image as a sum of convolutions between dictionary filters and coefficient maps. Unlike the patch-based counterparts, these convolutional forms are receiving an increase attention in multiple image processing tasks, since they do not present the usual patchwise drawbacks such as redundancy, multi-evaluations and non-translational invariant. Particularly, the convolutional dictionary learning (CDL) problem is addressed as an alternating minimization between coefficient update and dictionary update stages. A wide number of different algorithms based on FISTA (Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm), ADMM (Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers) and ADMM consensus frameworks have been proposed to efficiently solve the most expensive steps of the CDL problem in the frequency domain. However, the use of the existing methods on large sets of images is computationally restricted by the dictionary update stage. The present thesis report is strategically organized in three parts. On the first part, we introduce the general topic of the CDL problem and the state-of-the-art methods used to deal with each stage. On the second part, we propose our first computationally efficient method to solve the entire CDL problem using the Accelerated Proximal Gradient (APG) framework in both updates. Additionally, a novel update model reminiscent of the Block Gauss-Seidel (BGS) method is incorporated to reduce the number of estimated components during the coefficient update. On the final part, we propose another alternative method to address the dictionary update stage based on APG consensus approach. This last method considers particular strategies of theADMMconsensus and our first APG framework to develop a less complex solution decoupled across the training images. In general, due to the lower number of operations, our first approach is a better serial option while our last approach has as advantage its independent and highly parallelizable structure. Finally, in our first set of experimental results, which is composed of serial implementations, we show that our first APG approach provides significant speedup with respect to the standard methods by a factor of 1:6 5:3. A complementary improvement by a factor of 2 is achieved by using the reminiscent BGS model. On the other hand, we also report that the second APG approach is the fastest method compared to the state-of-the-art consensus algorithm implemented in serial and parallel. Both proposed methods maintain comparable performance as the other ones in terms of reconstruction metrics, such as PSNR, SSIM and sparsity, in denoising and inpainting tasks.Tesi

    Convolutional Dictionary Learning: Acceleration and Convergence

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    Convolutional dictionary learning (CDL or sparsifying CDL) has many applications in image processing and computer vision. There has been growing interest in developing efficient algorithms for CDL, mostly relying on the augmented Lagrangian (AL) method or the variant alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). When their parameters are properly tuned, AL methods have shown fast convergence in CDL. However, the parameter tuning process is not trivial due to its data dependence and, in practice, the convergence of AL methods depends on the AL parameters for nonconvex CDL problems. To moderate these problems, this paper proposes a new practically feasible and convergent Block Proximal Gradient method using a Majorizer (BPG-M) for CDL. The BPG-M-based CDL is investigated with different block updating schemes and majorization matrix designs, and further accelerated by incorporating some momentum coefficient formulas and restarting techniques. All of the methods investigated incorporate a boundary artifacts removal (or, more generally, sampling) operator in the learning model. Numerical experiments show that, without needing any parameter tuning process, the proposed BPG-M approach converges more stably to desirable solutions of lower objective values than the existing state-of-the-art ADMM algorithm and its memory-efficient variant do. Compared to the ADMM approaches, the BPG-M method using a multi-block updating scheme is particularly useful in single-threaded CDL algorithm handling large datasets, due to its lower memory requirement and no polynomial computational complexity. Image denoising experiments show that, for relatively strong additive white Gaussian noise, the filters learned by BPG-M-based CDL outperform those trained by the ADMM approach.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processin