5,521 research outputs found

    Guided Filtering based Pyramidal Stereo Matching for Unrectified Images

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    Stereo matching deals with recovering quantitative depth information from a set of input images, based on the visual disparity between corresponding points. Generally most of the algorithms assume that the processed images are rectified. As robotics becomes popular, conducting stereo matching in the context of cloth manipulation, such as obtaining the disparity map of the garments from the two cameras of the cloth folding robot, is useful and challenging. This is resulted from the fact of the high efficiency, accuracy and low memory requirement under the usage of high resolution images in order to capture the details (e.g. cloth wrinkles) for the given application (e.g. cloth folding). Meanwhile, the images can be unrectified. Therefore, we propose to adapt guided filtering algorithm into the pyramidical stereo matching framework that works directly for unrectified images. To evaluate the proposed unrectified stereo matching in terms of accuracy, we present three datasets that are suited to especially the characteristics of the task of cloth manipulations. By com- paring the proposed algorithm with two baseline algorithms on those three datasets, we demonstrate that our proposed approach is accurate, efficient and requires low memory. This also shows that rather than relying on image rectification, directly applying stereo matching through the unrectified images can be also quite effective and meanwhile efficien

    Use of 3D vision for fine robot motion

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    An integration of 3-D vision systems with robot manipulators will allow robots to operate in a poorly structured environment by visually locating targets and obstacles. However, by using computer vision for objects acquisition makes the problem of overall system calibration even more difficult. Indeed, in a CAD based manipulation a control architecture has to find an accurate mapping between the 3-D Euclidean work space and a robot configuration space (joint angles). If a stereo vision is involved, then one needs to map a pair of 2-D video images directly into the robot configuration space. Neural Network approach aside, a common solution to this problem is to calibrate vision and manipulator independently, and then tie them via common mapping into the task space. In other words, both vision and robot refer to some common Absolute Euclidean Coordinate Frame via their individual mappings. This approach has two major difficulties. First a vision system has to be calibrated over the total work space. And second, the absolute frame, which is usually quite arbitrary, has to be the same with a high degree of precision for both robot and vision subsystem calibrations. The use of computer vision to allow robust fine motion manipulation in a poorly structured world which is currently in progress is described along with the preliminary results and encountered problems

    On the Calibration of Active Binocular and RGBD Vision Systems for Dual-Arm Robots

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    This paper describes a camera and hand-eye calibration methodology for integrating an active binocular robot head within a dual-arm robot. For this purpose, we derive the forward kinematic model of our active robot head and describe our methodology for calibrating and integrating our robot head. This rigid calibration provides a closedform hand-to-eye solution. We then present an approach for updating dynamically camera external parameters for optimal 3D reconstruction that are the foundation for robotic tasks such as grasping and manipulating rigid and deformable objects. We show from experimental results that our robot head achieves an overall sub millimetre accuracy of less than 0.3 millimetres while recovering the 3D structure of a scene. In addition, we report a comparative study between current RGBD cameras and our active stereo head within two dual-arm robotic testbeds that demonstrates the accuracy and portability of our proposed methodology

    Markerless visual servoing on unknown objects for humanoid robot platforms

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    To precisely reach for an object with a humanoid robot, it is of central importance to have good knowledge of both end-effector, object pose and shape. In this work we propose a framework for markerless visual servoing on unknown objects, which is divided in four main parts: I) a least-squares minimization problem is formulated to find the volume of the object graspable by the robot's hand using its stereo vision; II) a recursive Bayesian filtering technique, based on Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) filtering, estimates the 6D pose (position and orientation) of the robot's end-effector without the use of markers; III) a nonlinear constrained optimization problem is formulated to compute the desired graspable pose about the object; IV) an image-based visual servo control commands the robot's end-effector toward the desired pose. We demonstrate effectiveness and robustness of our approach with extensive experiments on the iCub humanoid robot platform, achieving real-time computation, smooth trajectories and sub-pixel precisions

    Enabling Depth-driven Visual Attention on the iCub Humanoid Robot: Instructions for Use and New Perspectives

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    The importance of depth perception in the interactions that humans have within their nearby space is a well established fact. Consequently, it is also well known that the possibility of exploiting good stereo information would ease and, in many cases, enable, a large variety of attentional and interactive behaviors on humanoid robotic platforms. However, the difficulty of computing real-time and robust binocular disparity maps from moving stereo cameras often prevents from relying on this kind of cue to visually guide robots' attention and actions in real-world scenarios. The contribution of this paper is two-fold: first, we show that the Efficient Large-scale Stereo Matching algorithm (ELAS) by A. Geiger et al. 2010 for computation of the disparity map is well suited to be used on a humanoid robotic platform as the iCub robot; second, we show how, provided with a fast and reliable stereo system, implementing relatively challenging visual behaviors in natural settings can require much less effort. As a case of study we consider the common situation where the robot is asked to focus the attention on one object close in the scene, showing how a simple but effective disparity-based segmentation solves the problem in this case. Indeed this example paves the way to a variety of other similar applications