307 research outputs found

    Multiple human tracking in RGB-depth data: A survey

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    © The Institution of Engineering and Technology. Multiple human tracking (MHT) is a fundamental task in many computer vision applications. Appearance-based approaches, primarily formulated on RGB data, are constrained and affected by problems arising from occlusions and/or illumination variations. In recent years, the arrival of cheap RGB-depth devices has led to many new approaches to MHT, and many of these integrate colour and depth cues to improve each and every stage of the process. In this survey, the authors present the common processing pipeline of these methods and review their methodology based (a) on how they implement this pipeline and (b) on what role depth plays within each stage of it. They identify and introduce existing, publicly available, benchmark datasets and software resources that fuse colour and depth data for MHT. Finally, they present a brief comparative evaluation of the performance of those works that have applied their methods to these datasets

    Computer vision models in surveillance robotics

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    2009/2010In questa Tesi, abbiamo sviluppato algoritmi che usano l’informazione visiva per eseguire, in tempo reale, individuazione, riconoscimento e classificazione di oggetti in movimento, indipendentemente dalle condizioni ambientali e con l’accurattezza migliore. A tal fine, abbiamo sviluppato diversi concetti di visione artificial, cioè l'identificazione degli oggetti di interesse in tutta la scena visiva (monoculare o stereo), e la loro classificazione. Nel corso della ricerca, sono stati provati diversi approcci, inclusa l’individuazione di possibili candidati tramite la segmentazione di immagini con classificatori deboli e centroidi, algoritmi per la segmentazione di immagini rafforzate tramite informazioni stereo e riduzione del rumore, combinazione di popolari caratteristiche quali quelle invarianti a fattori di scala (SIFT) combinate con informazioni di distanza. Abbiamo sviluppato due grandi categorie di soluzioni associate al tipo di sistema usato. Con camera mobile, abbiamo favorito l’individuazione di oggetti conosciuti tramite scansione dell’immagine; con camera fissa abbiamo anche utilizzato algoritmi per l’individuazione degli oggetti in primo piano ed in movimento (foreground detection). Nel caso di “foreground detection”, il tasso di individuazione e classificazione aumenta se la qualita’ degli oggetti estratti e’ alta. Noi proponiamo metodi per ridurre gli effetti dell’ombra, illuminazione e movimenti ripetitivi prodotti dagli oggetti in movimento. Un aspetto importante studiato e’ la possibilita’ di usare algoritmi per l’individuazione di oggetti in movimento tramite camera mobile. Soluzioni efficienti stanno diventando sempre piu’ complesse, ma anche gli strumenti di calcolo per elaborare gli algoritmi sono piu’ potenti e negli anni recenti, le architetture delle schede video (GPU) offrono un grande potenziale. Abbiamo proposto una soluzione per architettura GPU di una gestione delle immagini di sfondo, al fine di aumentare le prestazioni di individuazione. In questa Tesi abbiamo studiato l’individuazione ed inseguimento di persone for applicazioni come la prevenzione di situazione di rischio (attraversamento delle strade), e conteggio per l’analisi del traffico. Noi abbiamo studiato questi problemi ed esplorato vari aspetti dell’individuazione delle persone, gruppi ed individuazione in scenari affollati. Comunque, in un ambiente generico, e’ impossibile predire la configurazione di oggetti che saranno catturati dalla telecamera. In questi casi, e’ richiesto di “astrarre il concetto” di oggetti. Con questo requisito in mente, abbiamo esplorato le proprieta’ dei metodi stocastici e mostrano che buoni tassi di classificazione possono essere ottenuti a condizione che l’insieme di addestramento sia abbastanza grande. Una struttura flessibile deve essere in grado di individuare le regioni in movimento e riconoscere gli oggetti di interesse. Abbiamo sviluppato una struttura per la gestione dei problemi di individuazione e classificazione. Rispetto ad altri metodi, i metodi proposti offrono una struttura flessibile per l’individuazione e classificazione degli oggetti, e che puo’ essere usata in modo efficiente in diversi ambienti interni ed esterni.XXII Cicl

    Automatic vehicle detection and tracking in aerial video

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    This thesis is concerned with the challenging tasks of automatic and real-time vehicle detection and tracking from aerial video. The aim of this thesis is to build an automatic system that can accurately localise any vehicles that appear in aerial video frames and track the target vehicles with trackers. Vehicle detection and tracking have many applications and this has been an active area of research during recent years; however, it is still a challenge to deal with certain realistic environments. This thesis develops vehicle detection and tracking algorithms which enhance the robustness of detection and tracking beyond the existing approaches. The basis of the vehicle detection system proposed in this thesis has different object categorisation approaches, with colour and texture features in both point and area template forms. The thesis also proposes a novel Self-Learning Tracking and Detection approach, which is an extension to the existing Tracking Learning Detection (TLD) algorithm. There are a number of challenges in vehicle detection and tracking. The most difficult challenge of detection is distinguishing and clustering the target vehicle from the background objects and noises. Under certain conditions, the images captured from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are also blurred; for example, turbulence may make the vehicle shake during flight. This thesis tackles these challenges by applying integrated multiple feature descriptors for real-time processing. In this thesis, three vehicle detection approaches are proposed: the HSV-GLCM feature approach, the ISM-SIFT feature approach and the FAST-HoG approach. The general vehicle detection approaches used have highly flexible implicit shape representations. They are based on training samples in both positive and negative sets and use updated classifiers to distinguish the targets. It has been found that the detection results attained by using HSV-GLCM texture features can be affected by blurring problems; the proposed detection algorithms can further segment the edges of the vehicles from the background. Using the point descriptor feature can solve the blurring problem, however, the large amount of information contained in point descriptors can lead to processing times that are too long for real-time applications. So the FAST-HoG approach combining the point feature and the shape feature is proposed. This new approach is able to speed up the process that attains the real-time performance. Finally, a detection approach using HoG with the FAST feature is also proposed. The HoG approach is widely used in object recognition, as it has a strong ability to represent the shape vector of the object. However, the original HoG feature is sensitive to the orientation of the target; this method improves the algorithm by inserting the direction vectors of the targets. For the tracking process, a novel tracking approach was proposed, an extension of the TLD algorithm, in order to track multiple targets. The extended approach upgrades the original system, which can only track a single target, which must be selected before the detection and tracking process. The greatest challenge to vehicle tracking is long-term tracking. The target object can change its appearance during the process and illumination and scale changes can also occur. The original TLD feature assumed that tracking can make errors during the tracking process, and the accumulation of these errors could cause tracking failure, so the original TLD proposed using a learning approach in between the tracking and the detection by adding a pair of inspectors (positive and negative) to constantly estimate errors. This thesis extends the TLD approach with a new detection method in order to achieve multiple-target tracking. A Forward and Backward Tracking approach has been proposed to eliminate tracking errors and other problems such as occlusion. The main purpose of the proposed tracking system is to learn the features of the targets during tracking and re-train the detection classifier for further processes. This thesis puts particular emphasis on vehicle detection and tracking in different extreme scenarios such as crowed highway vehicle detection, blurred images and changes in the appearance of the targets. Compared with currently existing detection and tracking approaches, the proposed approaches demonstrate a robust increase in accuracy in each scenario

    Efficient Pedestrian Detection in Urban Traffic Scenes

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    Pedestrians are important participants in urban traffic environments, and thus act as an interesting category of objects for autonomous cars. Automatic pedestrian detection is an essential task for protecting pedestrians from collision. In this thesis, we investigate and develop novel approaches by interpreting spatial and temporal characteristics of pedestrians, in three different aspects: shape, cognition and motion. The special up-right human body shape, especially the geometry of the head and shoulder area, is the most discriminative characteristic for pedestrians from other object categories. Inspired by the success of Haar-like features for detecting human faces, which also exhibit a uniform shape structure, we propose to design particular Haar-like features for pedestrians. Tailored to a pre-defined statistical pedestrian shape model, Haar-like templates with multiple modalities are designed to describe local difference of the shape structure. Cognition theories aim to explain how human visual systems process input visual signals in an accurate and fast way. By emulating the center-surround mechanism in human visual systems, we design multi-channel, multi-direction and multi-scale contrast features, and boost them to respond to the appearance of pedestrians. In this way, our detector is considered as a top-down saliency system. In the last part of this thesis, we exploit the temporal characteristics for moving pedestrians and then employ motion information for feature design, as well as for regions of interest (ROIs) selection. Motion segmentation on optical flow fields enables us to select those blobs most probably containing moving pedestrians; a combination of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and motion self difference features further enables robust detection. We test our three approaches on image and video data captured in urban traffic scenes, which are rather challenging due to dynamic and complex backgrounds. The achieved results demonstrate that our approaches reach and surpass state-of-the-art performance, and can also be employed for other applications, such as indoor robotics or public surveillance. In this thesis, we investigate and develop novel approaches by interpreting spatial and temporal characteristics of pedestrians, in three different aspects: shape, cognition and motion. The special up-right human body shape, especially the geometry of the head and shoulder area, is the most discriminative characteristic for pedestrians from other object categories. Inspired by the success of Haar-like features for detecting human faces, which also exhibit a uniform shape structure, we propose to design particular Haar-like features for pedestrians. Tailored to a pre-defined statistical pedestrian shape model, Haar-like templates with multiple modalities are designed to describe local difference of the shape structure. Cognition theories aim to explain how human visual systems process input visual signals in an accurate and fast way. By emulating the center-surround mechanism in human visual systems, we design multi-channel, multi-direction and multi-scale contrast features, and boost them to respond to the appearance of pedestrians. In this way, our detector is considered as a top-down saliency system. In the last part of this thesis, we exploit the temporal characteristics for moving pedestrians and then employ motion information for feature design, as well as for regions of interest (ROIs) selection. Motion segmentation on optical flow fields enables us to select those blobs most probably containing moving pedestrians; a combination of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and motion self difference features further enables robust detection. We test our three approaches on image and video data captured in urban traffic scenes, which are rather challenging due to dynamic and complex backgrounds. The achieved results demonstrate that our approaches reach and surpass state-of-the-art performance, and can also be employed for other applications, such as indoor robotics or public surveillance

    Detection of Motorcycles in Urban Traffic Using Video Analysis: A Review

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    Motorcycles are Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) and as such, in addition to bicycles and pedestrians, they are the traffic actors most affected by accidents in urban areas. Automatic video processing for urban surveillance cameras has the potential to effectively detect and track these road users. The present review focuses on algorithms used for detection and tracking of motorcycles, using the surveillance infrastructure provided by CCTV cameras. Given the importance of results achieved by Deep Learning theory in the field of computer vision, the use of such techniques for detection and tracking of motorcycles is also reviewed. The paper ends by describing the performance measures generally used, publicly available datasets (introducing the Urban Motorbike Dataset (UMD) with quantitative evaluation results for different detectors), discussing the challenges ahead and presenting a set of conclusions with proposed future work in this evolving area

    Calibration-free Pedestrian Partial Pose Estimation Using a High-mounted Kinect

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    Les applications de l’analyse du comportement humain ont subit de rapides développements durant les dernières décades, tant au niveau des systèmes de divertissements que pour des applications professionnelles comme les interfaces humain-machine, les systèmes d’assistance de conduite automobile ou des systèmes de protection des piétons. Cette thèse traite du problème de reconnaissance de piétons ainsi qu’à l’estimation de leur orientation en 3D. Cette estimation est faite dans l’optique que la connaissance de cette orientation est bénéfique tant au niveau de l’analyse que de la prédiction du comportement des piétons. De ce fait, cette thèse propose à la fois une nouvelle méthode pour détecter les piétons et une manière d’estimer leur orientation, par l’intégration séquentielle d’un module de détection et un module d’estimation d’orientation. Pour effectuer cette détection de piéton, nous avons conçu un classificateur en cascade qui génère automatiquement une boîte autour des piétons détectés dans l’image. Suivant cela, des régions sont extraites d’un nuage de points 3D afin de classifier l’orientation du torse du piéton. Cette classification se base sur une image synthétique grossière par tramage (rasterization) qui simule une caméra virtuelle placée immédiatement au-dessus du piéton détecté. Une machine à vecteurs de support effectue la classification à partir de cette image de synthèse, pour l’une des 10 orientations discrètes utilisées lors de l’entrainement (incréments de 30 degrés). Afin de valider les performances de notre approche d’estimation d’orientation, nous avons construit une base de données de référence contenant 764 nuages de points. Ces données furent capturées à l’aide d’une caméra Kinect de Microsoft pour 30 volontaires différents, et la vérité-terrain sur l’orientation fut établie par l’entremise d’un système de capture de mouvement Vicon. Finalement, nous avons démontré les améliorations apportées par notre approche. En particulier, nous pouvons détecter des piétons avec une précision de 95.29% et estimer l’orientation du corps (dans un intervalle de 30 degrés) avec une précision de 88.88%. Nous espérons ainsi que nos résultats de recherche puissent servir de point de départ à d’autres recherches futures.The application of human behavior analysis has undergone rapid development during the last decades from entertainment system to professional one, as Human Robot Interaction (HRI), Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS), Pedestrian Protection System (PPS), etc. Meanwhile, this thesis addresses the problem of recognizing pedestrians and estimating their body orientation in 3D based on the fact that estimating a person’s orientation is beneficial in determining their behavior. In this thesis, a new method is proposed for detecting and estimating the orientation, in which the result of a pedestrian detection module and a orientation estimation module are integrated sequentially. For the goal of pedestrian detection, a cascade classifier is designed to draw a bounding box around the detected pedestrian. Following this, extracted regions are given to a discrete orientation classifier to estimate pedestrian body’s orientation. This classification is based on a coarse, rasterized depth image simulating a top-view virtual camera, and uses a support vector machine classifier that was trained to distinguish 10 orientations (30 degrees increments). In order to test the performance of our approach, a new benchmark database contains 764 sets of point cloud for body-orientation classification was captured. For this benchmark, a Kinect recorded the point cloud of 30 participants and a marker-based motion capture system (Vicon) provided the ground truth on their orientation. Finally we demonstrated the improvements brought by our system, as it detected pedestrian with an accuracy of 95:29% and estimated the body orientation with an accuracy of 88:88%.We hope it can provide a new foundation for future researches

    Video foreground extraction for mobile camera platforms

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    Foreground object detection is a fundamental task in computer vision with many applications in areas such as object tracking, event identification, and behavior analysis. Most conventional foreground object detection methods work only in a stable illumination environments using fixed cameras. In real-world applications, however, it is often the case that the algorithm needs to operate under the following challenging conditions: drastic lighting changes, object shape complexity, moving cameras, low frame capture rates, and low resolution images. This thesis presents four novel approaches for foreground object detection on real-world datasets using cameras deployed on moving vehicles.The first problem addresses passenger detection and tracking tasks for public transport buses investigating the problem of changing illumination conditions and low frame capture rates. Our approach integrates a stable SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) background seat modelling method with a human shape model into a weighted Bayesian framework to detect passengers. To deal with the problem of tracking multiple targets, we employ the Reversible Jump Monte Carlo Markov Chain tracking algorithm. Using the SVM classifier, the appearance transformation models capture changes in the appearance of the foreground objects across two consecutives frames under low frame rate conditions. In the second problem, we present a system for pedestrian detection involving scenes captured by a mobile bus surveillance system. It integrates scene localization, foreground-background separation, and pedestrian detection modules into a unified detection framework. The scene localization module performs a two stage clustering of the video data.In the first stage, SIFT Homography is applied to cluster frames in terms of their structural similarity, and the second stage further clusters these aligned frames according to consistency in illumination. This produces clusters of images that are differential in viewpoint and lighting. A kernel density estimation (KDE) technique for colour and gradient is then used to construct background models for each image cluster, which is further used to detect candidate foreground pixels. Finally, using a hierarchical template matching approach, pedestrians can be detected.In addition to the second problem, we present three direct pedestrian detection methods that extend the HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradient) techniques (Dalal and Triggs, 2005) and provide a comparative evaluation of these approaches. The three approaches include: a) a new histogram feature, that is formed by the weighted sum of both the gradient magnitude and the filter responses from a set of elongated Gaussian filters (Leung and Malik, 2001) corresponding to the quantised orientation, which we refer to as the Histogram of Oriented Gradient Banks (HOGB) approach; b) the codebook based HOG feature with branch-and-bound (efficient subwindow search) algorithm (Lampert et al., 2008) and; c) the codebook based HOGB approach.In the third problem, a unified framework that combines 3D and 2D background modelling is proposed to detect scene changes using a camera mounted on a moving vehicle. The 3D scene is first reconstructed from a set of videos taken at different times. The 3D background modelling identifies inconsistent scene structures as foreground objects. For the 2D approach, foreground objects are detected using the spatio-temporal MRF algorithm. Finally, the 3D and 2D results are combined using morphological operations.The significance of these research is that it provides basic frameworks for automatic large-scale mobile surveillance applications and facilitates many higher-level applications such as object tracking and behaviour analysis

    Computer Vision Based Structural Identification Framework for Bridge Health Mornitoring

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    The objective of this dissertation is to develop a comprehensive Structural Identification (St-Id) framework with damage for bridge type structures by using cameras and computer vision technologies. The traditional St-Id frameworks rely on using conventional sensors. In this study, the collected input and output data employed in the St-Id system are acquired by series of vision-based measurements. The following novelties are proposed, developed and demonstrated in this project: a) vehicle load (input) modeling using computer vision, b) bridge response (output) using full non-contact approach using video/image processing, c) image-based structural identification using input-output measurements and new damage indicators. The input (loading) data due vehicles such as vehicle weights and vehicle locations on the bridges, are estimated by employing computer vision algorithms (detection, classification, and localization of objects) based on the video images of vehicles. Meanwhile, the output data as structural displacements are also obtained by defining and tracking image key-points of measurement locations. Subsequently, the input and output data sets are analyzed to construct novel types of damage indicators, named Unit Influence Surface (UIS). Finally, the new damage detection and localization framework is introduced that does not require a network of sensors, but much less number of sensors. The main research significance is the first time development of algorithms that transform the measured video images into a form that is highly damage-sensitive/change-sensitive for bridge assessment within the context of Structural Identification with input and output characterization. The study exploits the unique attributes of computer vision systems, where the signal is continuous in space. This requires new adaptations and transformations that can handle computer vision data/signals for structural engineering applications. This research will significantly advance current sensor-based structural health monitoring with computer-vision techniques, leading to practical applications for damage detection of complex structures with a novel approach. By using computer vision algorithms and cameras as special sensors for structural health monitoring, this study proposes an advance approach in bridge monitoring through which certain type of data that could not be collected by conventional sensors such as vehicle loads and location, can be obtained practically and accurately

    Computer vision in target pursuit using a UAV

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    Research in target pursuit using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has gained attention in recent years, this is primarily due to decrease in cost and increase in demand of small UAVs in many sectors. In computer vision, target pursuit is a complex problem as it involves the solving of many sub-problems which are typically concerned with the detection, tracking and following of the object of interest. At present, the majority of related existing methods are developed using computer simulation with the assumption of ideal environmental factors, while the remaining few practical methods are mainly developed to track and follow simple objects that contain monochromatic colours with very little texture variances. Current research in this topic is lacking of practical vision based approaches. Thus the aim of this research is to fill the gap by developing a real-time algorithm capable of following a person continuously given only a photo input. As this research considers the whole procedure as an autonomous system, therefore the drone is activated automatically upon receiving a photo of a person through Wi-Fi. This means that the whole system can be triggered by simply emailing a single photo from any device anywhere. This is done by first implementing image fetching to automatically connect to WIFI, download the image and decode it. Then, human detection is performed to extract the template from the upper body of the person, the intended target is acquired using both human detection and template matching. Finally, target pursuit is achieved by tracking the template continuously while sending the motion commands to the drone. In the target pursuit system, the detection is mainly accomplished using a proposed human detection method that is capable of detecting, extracting and segmenting the human body figure robustly from the background without prior training. This involves detecting face, head and shoulder separately, mainly using gradient maps. While the tracking is mainly accomplished using a proposed generic and non-learning template matching method, this involves combining intensity template matching with colour histogram model and employing a three-tier system for template management. A flight controller is also developed, it supports three types of controls: keyboard, mouse and text messages. Furthermore, the drone is programmed with three different modes: standby, sentry and search. To improve the detection and tracking of colour objects, this research has also proposed several colour related methods. One of them is a colour model for colour detection which consists of three colour components: hue, purity and brightness. Hue represents the colour angle, purity represents the colourfulness and brightness represents intensity. It can be represented in three different geometric shapes: sphere, hemisphere and cylinder, each of these shapes also contains two variations. Experimental results have shown that the target pursuit algorithm is capable of identifying and following the target person robustly given only a photo input. This can be evidenced by the live tracking and mapping of the intended targets with different clothing in both indoor and outdoor environments. Additionally, the various methods developed in this research could enhance the performance of practical vision based applications especially in detecting and tracking of objects
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