54 research outputs found

    Fast and Incremental Method for Loop-Closure Detection Using Bags of Visual Words

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    Viewpoint invariant semantic object and scene categorization with RGB-D sensors

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    Understanding the semantics of objects and scenes using multi-modal RGB-D sensors serves many robotics applications. Key challenges for accurate RGB-D image recognition are the scarcity of training data, variations due to viewpoint changes and the heterogeneous nature of the data. We address these problems and propose a generic deep learning framework based on a pre-trained convolutional neural network, as a feature extractor for both the colour and depth channels. We propose a rich multi-scale feature representation, referred to as convolutional hypercube pyramid (HP-CNN), that is able to encode discriminative information from the convolutional tensors at different levels of detail. We also present a technique to fuse the proposed HP-CNN with the activations of fully connected neurons based on an extreme learning machine classifier in a late fusion scheme which leads to a highly discriminative and compact representation. To further improve performance, we devise HP-CNN-T which is a view-invariant descriptor extracted from a multi-view 3D object pose (M3DOP) model. M3DOP is learned from over 140,000 RGB-D images that are synthetically generated by rendering CAD models from different viewpoints. Extensive evaluations on four RGB-D object and scene recognition datasets demonstrate that our HP-CNN and HP-CNN-T consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods for several recognition tasks by a significant margin

    An Efficient Index for Visual Search in Appearance-based SLAM

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    Vector-quantization can be a computationally expensive step in visual bag-of-words (BoW) search when the vocabulary is large. A BoW-based appearance SLAM needs to tackle this problem for an efficient real-time operation. We propose an effective method to speed up the vector-quantization process in BoW-based visual SLAM. We employ a graph-based nearest neighbor search (GNNS) algorithm to this aim, and experimentally show that it can outperform the state-of-the-art. The graph-based search structure used in GNNS can efficiently be integrated into the BoW model and the SLAM framework. The graph-based index, which is a k-NN graph, is built over the vocabulary words and can be extracted from the BoW's vocabulary construction procedure, by adding one iteration to the k-means clustering, which adds small extra cost. Moreover, exploiting the fact that images acquired for appearance-based SLAM are sequential, GNNS search can be initiated judiciously which helps increase the speedup of the quantization process considerably

    Fast Monte-Carlo Localization on Aerial Vehicles using Approximate Continuous Belief Representations

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    Size, weight, and power constrained platforms impose constraints on computational resources that introduce unique challenges in implementing localization algorithms. We present a framework to perform fast localization on such platforms enabled by the compressive capabilities of Gaussian Mixture Model representations of point cloud data. Given raw structural data from a depth sensor and pitch and roll estimates from an on-board attitude reference system, a multi-hypothesis particle filter localizes the vehicle by exploiting the likelihood of the data originating from the mixture model. We demonstrate analysis of this likelihood in the vicinity of the ground truth pose and detail its utilization in a particle filter-based vehicle localization strategy, and later present results of real-time implementations on a desktop system and an off-the-shelf embedded platform that outperform localization results from running a state-of-the-art algorithm on the same environment

    Deep Learning Features at Scale for Visual Place Recognition

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    The success of deep learning techniques in the computer vision domain has triggered a range of initial investigations into their utility for visual place recognition, all using generic features from networks that were trained for other types of recognition tasks. In this paper, we train, at large scale, two CNN architectures for the specific place recognition task and employ a multi-scale feature encoding method to generate condition- and viewpoint-invariant features. To enable this training to occur, we have developed a massive Specific PlacEs Dataset (SPED) with hundreds of examples of place appearance change at thousands of different places, as opposed to the semantic place type datasets currently available. This new dataset enables us to set up a training regime that interprets place recognition as a classification problem. We comprehensively evaluate our trained networks on several challenging benchmark place recognition datasets and demonstrate that they achieve an average 10% increase in performance over other place recognition algorithms and pre-trained CNNs. By analyzing the network responses and their differences from pre-trained networks, we provide insights into what a network learns when training for place recognition, and what these results signify for future research in this area.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Accepted by International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2017. This is the submitted version. The final published version may be slightly differen