4,208 research outputs found

    Fast and backward stable computation of roots of polynomials

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    A stable algorithm to compute the roots of polynomials is presented. The roots are found by computing the eigenvalues of the associated companion matrix by Francis's implicitly shifted QR algorithm. A companion matrix is an upper Hessenberg matrix that is unitary-plus-rankone, that is, it is the sum of a unitary matrix and a rank-one matrix. These properties are preserved by iterations of Francis's algorithm, and it is these properties that are exploited here. The matrix is represented as a product of 3n - 1 Givens rotators plus the rank-one part, so only O(n) storage space is required. In fact, the information about the rank-one part is also encoded in the rotators, so it is not necessary to store the rank-one part explicitly. Francis's algorithm implemented on this representation requires only O(n) flops per iteration and thus O(n2) flops overall. The algorithm is described, normwise backward stability is proved, and an extensive set of numerical experiments is presented. The algorithm is shown to be about as accurate as the (slow) Francis QR algorithm applied to the companion matrix without exploiting the structure. It is faster than other fast methods that have been proposed, and its accuracy is comparable or better

    A CMV--based eigensolver for companion matrices

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    In this paper we present a novel matrix method for polynomial rootfinding. By exploiting the properties of the QR eigenvalue algorithm applied to a suitable CMV-like form of a companion matrix we design a fast and computationally simple structured QR iteration.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Computing the common zeros of two bivariate functions via Bezout resultants

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    The common zeros of two bivariate functions can be computed by finding the common zeros of their polynomial interpolants expressed in a tensor Chebyshev basis. From here we develop a bivariate rootfinding algorithm based on the hidden variable resultant method and B�ezout matrices with polynomial entries. Using techniques including domain subdivision, B�ezoutian regularization and local refinement we are able to reliably and accurately compute the simple common zeros of two smooth functions with polynomial interpolants of very high degree (�\ge 1000). We analyze the resultant method and its conditioning by noting that the B�ezout matrices are matrix polynomials. Our robust algorithm is implemented in the roots command in Chebfun2, a software package written in object-oriented MATLAB for computing with bivariate functions