4 research outputs found

    Achieving Efficient Strong Scaling with PETSc using Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Optimisation

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    The increasing number of processing elements and decreas- ing memory to core ratio in modern high-performance platforms makes efficient strong scaling a key requirement for numerical algorithms. In order to achieve efficient scalability on massively parallel systems scientific software must evolve across the entire stack to exploit the multiple levels of parallelism exposed in modern architectures. In this paper we demonstrate the use of hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelisation to optimise parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication in PETSc, a widely used scientific library for the scalable solution of partial differential equations. Using large matrices generated by Fluidity, an open source CFD application code which uses PETSc as its linear solver engine, we evaluate the effect of explicit communication overlap using task-based parallelism and show how to further improve performance by explicitly load balancing threads within MPI processes. We demonstrate a significant speedup over the pure-MPI mode and efficient strong scaling of sparse matrix-vector multiplication on Fujitsu PRIMEHPC FX10 and Cray XE6 systems

    Reliability models for HPC applications and a Cloud economic model

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    With the enormous number of computing resources in HPC and Cloud systems, failures become a major concern. Therefore, failure behaviors such as reliability, failure rate, and mean time to failure need to be understood to manage such a large system efficiently. This dissertation makes three major contributions in HPC and Cloud studies. First, a reliability model with correlated failures in a k-node system for HPC applications is studied. This model is extended to improve accuracy by accounting for failure correlation. Marshall-Olkin Multivariate Weibull distribution is improved by excess life, conditional Weibull, to better estimate system reliability. Also, the univariate method is proposed for estimating Marshall-Olkin Multivariate Weibull parameters of a system composed of a large number of nodes. Then, failure rate, and mean time to failure are derived. The model is validated by using log data from Blue Gene/L system at LLNL. Results show that when failures of nodes in the system have correlation, the system becomes less reliable. Secondly, a reliability model of Cloud computing is proposed. The reliability model and mean time to failure and failure rate are estimated based on a system of k nodes and s virtual machines under four scenarios: 1) Hardware components fail independently, and software components fail independently; 2) software components fail independently, and hardware components are correlated in failure; 3) correlated software failure and independent hardware failure; and 4) dependent software and hardware failure. Results show that if the failure of the nodes and/or software in the system possesses a degree of dependency, the system becomes less reliable. Also, an increase in the number of computing components decreases the reliability of the system. Finally, an economic model for a Cloud service provider is proposed. This economic model aims at maximizing profit based on the right pricing and rightsizing in the Cloud data center. Total cost is a key element in the model and it is analyzed by considering the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the Cloud

    Sparse Matrix Sparse Vector Multiplication using Parallel and Reconfigurable Computing

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    The purpose of this thesis is to provide analysis and insight into the implementation of sparse matrix sparse vector multiplication on a reconfigurable parallel computing platform. Common implementations of sparse matrix sparse vector multiplication are completed by unary processors or parallel platforms today. Unary processor implementations are limited by their sequential solution of the problem while parallel implementations suffer from communication delays and load balancing issues when preprocessing techniques are not used or unavailable. By exploiting the deficiencies in sparse matrix sparse vector multiplication on a typical unary processor as a strength of parallelism on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), the potential performance improvements and tradeoffs for shifting the operation to hardware assisted implementation will be evaluated. This will simply be accomplished through multiple collaborating processes designed on an FPGA