25 research outputs found

    Fast simulation of large-scale growth models

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    We give an algorithm that computes the final state of certain growth models without computing all intermediate states. Our technique is based on a "least action principle" which characterizes the odometer function of the growth process. Starting from an approximation for the odometer, we successively correct under- and overestimates and provably arrive at the correct final state. Internal diffusion-limited aggregation (IDLA) is one of the models amenable to our technique. The boundary fluctuations in IDLA were recently proved to be at most logarithmic in the size of the growth cluster, but the constant in front of the logarithm is still not known. As an application of our method, we calculate the size of fluctuations over two orders of magnitude beyond previous simulations, and use the results to estimate this constant.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. To appear in Random Structures & Algorithm

    A novel Recurrence-Transience transition and Tracy-Widom growth in a cellular automaton with quenched noise

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    We study the growing patterns formed by a deterministic cellular automaton, the rotor-router model, in the presence of quenched noise. By the detailed study of two cases, we show that: (a) the boundary of the pattern displays KPZ fluctuations with a Tracy-Widom distribution, (b) as one increases the amount of randomness, the rotor-router path undergoes a transition from a recurrent to a transient walk. This transition is analysed here for the first time, and it is shown that it falls in the 3D Anisotropic Directed Percolation universality class.Comment: 6 pages + 8 pages SI, updated version with some correction

    Computing optimal strategies for a cooperative hat game

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    We consider a `hat problem' in which each player has a randomly placed stack of black and white hats on their heads, visible to the other player, but not the wearer. Each player must guess a hat position on their head with the goal of both players guessing a white hat. We address the question of finding the optimal strategy, i.e., the one with the highest probability of winning, for this game. We provide an overview of prior work on this question, and describe several strategies that give the best known lower bound on the probability of winning. Upper bounds are also considered here

    Rotor-router aggregation on the layered square lattice

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    In rotor-router aggregation on the square lattice Z^2, particles starting at the origin perform deterministic analogues of random walks until reaching an unoccupied site. The limiting shape of the cluster of occupied sites is a disk. We consider a small change to the routing mechanism for sites on the x- and y-axes, resulting in a limiting shape which is a diamond instead of a disk. We show that for a certain choice of initial rotors, the occupied cluster grows as a perfect diamond.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures

    Effect of Noise on Patterns Formed by Growing Sandpiles

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    We consider patterns generated by adding large number of sand grains at a single site in an abelian sandpile model with a periodic initial configuration, and relaxing. The patterns show proportionate growth. We study the robustness of these patterns against different types of noise, \textit{viz.}, randomness in the point of addition, disorder in the initial periodic configuration, and disorder in the connectivity of the underlying lattice. We find that the patterns show a varying degree of robustness to addition of a small amount of noise in each case. However, introducing stochasticity in the toppling rules seems to destroy the asymptotic patterns completely, even for a weak noise. We also discuss a variational formulation of the pattern selection problem in growing abelian sandpiles.Comment: 15 pages,16 figure

    Internal DLA and the Gaussian free field

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    In previous works, we showed that the internal DLA cluster on \Z^d with t particles is a.s. spherical up to a maximal error of O(\log t) if d=2 and O(\sqrt{\log t}) if d > 2. This paper addresses "average error": in a certain sense, the average deviation of internal DLA from its mean shape is of constant order when d=2 and of order r^{1-d/2} (for a radius r cluster) in general. Appropriately normalized, the fluctuations (taken over time and space) scale to a variant of the Gaussian free field.Comment: 29 pages, minor revisio