98 research outputs found

    Fast and Clean: Auditable high-performance assembly via constraint solving

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    Handwritten assembly is a widely used tool in the development of high-performance cryptography: By providing full control over instruction selection, instruction scheduling, and register allocation, highest performance can be unlocked. On the flip side, developing handwritten assembly is not only time-consuming, but the artifacts produced also tend to be difficult to review and maintain – threatening their suitability for use in practice. In this work, we present SLOTHY (Super (Lazy) Optimization of Tricky Handwritten assemblY), a framework for the automated superoptimization of assembly with respect to instruction scheduling, register allocation, and loop optimization (software pipelining): With SLOTHY, the developer controls and focuses on algorithm and instruction selection, providing a readable “base” implementation in assembly, while SLOTHY automatically finds optimal and traceable instruction scheduling and register allocation strategies with respect to a model of the target (micro)architecture. We demonstrate the flexibility of SLOTHY by instantiating it with models of the Cortex-M55, Cortex-M85, Cortex-A55 and Cortex-A72 microarchitectures, implementing the Armv8.1-M+Helium and AArch64+Neon architectures. We use the resulting tools to optimize three workloads: First, for Cortex-M55 and Cortex-M85, a radix-4 complex Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in fixed-point and floating-point arithmetic, fundamental in Digital Signal Processing. Second, on Cortex-M55, Cortex-M85, Cortex-A55 and Cortex-A72, the instances of the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) underlying CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium, two recently announced winners of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization project. Third, for Cortex-A55, the scalar multiplication for the elliptic curve key exchange X25519. The SLOTHY-optimized code matches or beats the performance of prior art in all cases, while maintaining compactness and readability

    Performance Primitives for Artificial Neural Networks

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    Optimized software implementations of artificial neural networks leverage primitives from performance libraries, such as the BLAS. However, these primitives were prototyped decades ago, and do not necessarily reflect the patterns of computations in neural networks. I propose modifications to common primitives provided by performance libraries to make them better building blocks for artificial neural networks, with a focus on inference, i.e. evaluation of a pre-trained artificial neural network. I suggest three classes of performance primitives for the convolutional operators and two optimized building blocks for softmax operators. High-intensity convolutional operators with large kernel sizes and unit stride benefit from asymptotically fast convolution algorithms based on Winograd transform and Fast Fourier transform. I jointly consider Fourier or Winograd transform and the matrix-matrix multiplication of blocks of transformed coefficients and suggest tuple-GEMM primitive which balance the number of irregular memory writes in the transformation with sufficient register blocking and instruction-level parallelism in the matrix-matrix multiplication part. Tuple-GEMM primitive can be thought of as a batched GEMM with a fixed architecture-dependent batch size and can be efficiently implemented as a modification of the Goto matrix-matrix multiplication algorithm. I additionally analyze small 2D Fast Fourier transforms, and suggest options that work best for modern wide-SIMD processors. Lower-intensity convolutional operators with small kernel sizes, non-unit strides, or dilation do not benefit from the fast convolution algorithms and require a different set of optimizations. To accelerate these cases I suggest replacing the traditional GEMM primitive with a novel Indirect GEMM primitive. Indirect GEMM primitive is a slight modification of GEMM and can leverage the extensive research on efficient GEMM implementations. I further introduce the Indirect Convolution algorithm which builds on top of the Indirect GEMM primitive, eliminates the runtime overhead of patch-building memory transformations and substantially reduce the memory complexity in convolutional operators compared to the traditional GEMM-based algorithms. Pointwise, or 1x1, convolutional operators directly map to matrix-matrix multiplication, and prompt yet another approach to optimization. I demonstrate that neural networks heavy on pointwise convolutions can greatly benefit from sparsification of the weights tensor and representing the operation as a sparse-matrix-dense-matrix multiplication (SpMM) and introduce neural network-optimized SpMM primitives. While SpMM primitives in Sparse BLAS libraries target problems with extremely high sparsity (commonly 99+% sparsity) and non-random sparsity patterns, the proposed SpMM primitive is demonstrated to work well with moderate sparsity in the 70-95% range and unpredictable sparsity patterns. Softmax operator is light on elementary floating-point operations, but involves evaluation of the exponential function, which in many implementations becomes the bottleneck. I demonstrate that with the high-throughput vector exponential function the softmax computation saturates the memory bandwidth and can be further improved only by reducing the number of memory access operations. I then constructively prove that it is possible to replace the traditional three-pass softmax algorithms with a novel two-pass algorithm for up to 28% runtime reduction. I implemented the proposed ideas in the open source NNPACK, QNNPACK, and XNNPACK libraries for acceleration of neural networks on CPUs, which at the time of release delivered state-of-the-art performance on mobile, server, and Web platforms.Ph.D

    Adaptation du calcul de la Transformée de Fourier Rapide sur une architecture mixte CPU/GPU intégrée

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    Multicore architectures Intel Core (IvyBridge, Haswell…) contain both general purpose CPU cores (4) and dedicated GPU cores embedded on the same chip (16 and 40 respectively). As part of the activity of Kontron (the company partially funding this CIFRE scholarship), an important objective is to efficiently compute arrays and sequences of fast Fourier transforms (FFT) such as one finds in radar applications, on this architecture. While native (but proprietary) libraries exist for Intel CPU, nothing is currently available for the GPU part.The aim of the thesis was to define the efficient placement of FFT modules, and to study theoretically the optimal form for grouping computing stages of such FFT according to data locality on a single computing core. This choice should allow processing efficiency, by adjusting the memory size available to the required application data size. Then the multiplicity of cores is exploitable to compute several FFT in parallel, without interference (except for possible bus contention between the CPU and the GPU). We have achieved significant results, both in the implementation of an FFT (1024 points) on a SIMD CPU core, expressed in C, and in the implementation of a FFT of the same size on a GPU SIMT core, then expressed in OpenCL. In addition, our results allow to define rules to automatically synthesize such solutions, based solely on the size of the FFT (more specifically its number of stages), and the size of the local memory for a given computing core. The performances obtained are better than the native Intel library for CPU, and demonstrate a significant gain in consumption on GPU. All these points are detailed in the thesis document.Les architectures multi-cœurs Intel Core (IvyBridge, Haswell,...) contiennent à la fois des cœurs CPU généralistes (4), mais aussi des cœurs dédiés GPU embarqués sur cette même puce (16 et 40 respectivement). Dans le cadre de l'activité de la société Kontron (qui participe à ce financement de nature CIFRE) un objectif important est de calculer efficacement sur cette architecture des tableaux et séquences de transformées de Fourier rapides (FFT), comme par exemple on en trouve dans des applications radar. Alors que des bibliothèques natives (mais propriétaires) existent chez Intel pour les CPU, rien de tel n'est actuellement disponible pour la partie GPU. L'objectif de la thèse était donc de définir le placement efficace de modules FFT, en étudiant au niveau théorique la forme optimale permettant de regrouper des étages de calcul d'une telle FFT en fonction de la localité des données sur un cœur de calcul unique. Ce choix a priori permet d'espérer une efficacité des traitements, en ajustant la taille de la mémoire disponible à celles des données nécessaires. Ensuite la multiplicité des cœurs reste exploitable pour disposer plusieurs FFT calculées en parallèle, sans interférence (sauf contention du bus entre CPU et GPU). Nous avons obtenu des résultats significatifs, tant au niveau de l'implantation d'une FFT (1024 points) sur un cœur CPU SIMD, exprimée en langage C, que pour l'implantation d'une FFT de même taille sur un cœur GPU SIMT, exprimée alors en OpenCL. De plus nos résultats permettent de définir des règles pour synthétiser automatiquement de telles solutions, en fonction uniquement de la taille de la FFT son nombre d'étages plus précisément), et de la taille de la mémoire locale pour un coeur de calcul donné. Les performances obtenues sont supérieures à celles de la bibliothèque native Intel pour CPU), et démontrent un gain important de consommation sur GPU. Tous ces points sont détaillés dans le document de thèse. Ces résultats devraient donner lieu à exploitation au sein de la société Kontron

    The Design and Implementation of FFTW3

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    Architecture and Analysis for Next Generation Mobile Signal Processing.

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    Mobile devices have proliferated at a spectacular rate, with more than 3.3 billion active cell phones in the world. With sales totaling hundreds of billions every year, the mobile phone has arguably become the dominant computing platform, replacing the personal computer. Soon, improvements to today’s smart phones, such as high-bandwidth internet access, high-definition video processing, and human-centric interfaces that integrate voice recognition and video-conferencing will be commonplace. Cost effective and power efficient support for these applications will be required. Looking forward to the next generation of mobile computing, computation requirements will increase by one to three orders of magnitude due to higher data rates, increased complexity algorithms, and greater computation diversity but the power requirements will be just as stringent to ensure reasonable battery lifetimes. The design of the next generation of mobile platforms must address three critical challenges: efficiency, programmability, and adaptivity. The computational efficiency of existing solutions is inadequate and straightforward scaling by increasing the number of cores or the amount of data-level parallelism will not suffice. Programmability provides the opportunity for a single platform to support multiple applications and even multiple standards within each application domain. Programmability also provides: faster time to market as hardware and software development can proceed in parallel; the ability to fix bugs and add features after manufacturing; and, higher chip volumes as a single platform can support a family of mobile devices. Lastly, hardware adaptivity is necessary to maintain efficiency as the computational characteristics of the applications change. Current solutions are tailored specifically for wireless signal processing algorithms, but lose their efficiency when other application domains like high definition video are processed. This thesis addresses these challenges by presenting analysis of next generation mobile signal processing applications and proposing an advanced signal processing architecture to deal with the stringent requirements. An application-centric design approach is taken to design our architecture. First, a next generation wireless protocol and high definition video is analyzed and algorithmic characterizations discussed. From these characterizations, key architectural implications are presented, which form the basis for the advanced signal processor architecture, AnySP.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86344/1/mwoh_1.pd

    The fast multipole method at exascale

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    This thesis presents a top to bottom analysis on designing and implementing fast algorithms for current and future systems. We present new analysis, algorithmic techniques, and implementations of the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) for solving N- body problems. We target the FMM because it is broadly applicable to a variety of scientific particle simulations used to study electromagnetic, fluid, and gravitational phenomena, among others. Importantly, the FMM has asymptotically optimal time complexity with guaranteed approximation accuracy. As such, it is among the most attractive solutions for scalable particle simulation on future extreme scale systems. We specifically address two key challenges. The first challenge is how to engineer fast code for today’s platforms. We present the first in-depth study of multicore op- timizations and tuning for FMM, along with a systematic approach for transforming a conventionally-parallelized FMM into a highly-tuned one. We introduce novel opti- mizations that significantly improve the within-node scalability of the FMM, thereby enabling high-performance in the face of multicore and manycore systems. The second challenge is how to understand scalability on future systems. We present a new algorithmic complexity analysis of the FMM that considers both intra- and inter- node communication costs. Using these models, we present results for choosing the optimal algorithmic tuning parameter. This analysis also yields the surprising prediction that although the FMM is largely compute-bound today, and therefore highly scalable on current systems, the trajectory of processor architecture designs, if there are no significant changes could cause it to become communication-bound as early as the year 2015. This prediction suggests the utility of our analysis approach, which directly relates algorithmic and architectural characteristics, for enabling a new kind of highlevel algorithm-architecture co-design. To demonstrate the scientific significance of FMM, we present two applications namely, direct simulation of blood which is a multi-scale multi-physics problem and large-scale biomolecular electrostatics. MoBo (Moving Boundaries) is the infrastruc- ture for the direct numerical simulation of blood. It comprises of two key algorithmic components of which FMM is one. We were able to simulate blood flow using Stoke- sian dynamics on 200,000 cores of Jaguar, a peta-flop system and achieve a sustained performance of 0.7 Petaflop/s. The second application we propose as future work in this thesis is biomolecular electrostatics where we solve for the electrical potential using the boundary-integral formulation discretized with boundary element methods (BEM). The computational kernel in solving the large linear system is dense matrix vector multiply which we propose can be calculated using our scalable FMM. We propose to begin with the two dielectric problem where the electrostatic field is cal- culated using two continuum dielectric medium, the solvent and the molecule. This is only a first step to solving biologically challenging problems which have more than two dielectric medium, ion-exclusion layers, and solvent filled cavities. Finally, given the difficulty in producing high-performance scalable code, productivity is a key concern. Recently, numerical algorithms are being redesigned to take advantage of the architectural features of emerging multicore processors. These new classes of algorithms express fine-grained asynchronous parallelism and hence reduce the cost of synchronization. We performed the first extensive performance study of a recently proposed parallel programming model, called Concurrent Collections (CnC). In CnC, the programmer expresses her computation in terms of application-specific operations, partially-ordered by semantic scheduling constraints. The CnC model is well-suited to expressing asynchronous-parallel algorithms, so we evaluate CnC using two dense linear algebra algorithms in this style for execution on state-of-the-art mul- ticore systems. Our implementations in CnC was able to match and in some cases even exceed competing vendor-tuned and domain specific library codes. We combine these two distinct research efforts by expressing FMM in CnC, our approach tries to marry performance with productivity that will be critical on future systems. Looking forward, we would like to extend this to distributed memory machines, specifically implement FMM in the new distributed CnC, distCnC to express fine-grained paral- lelism which would require significant effort in alternative models.Ph.D

    Indexed dependence metadata and its applications in software performance optimisation

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    To achieve continued performance improvements, modern microprocessor design is tending to concentrate an increasing proportion of hardware on computation units with less automatic management of data movement and extraction of parallelism. As a result, architectures increasingly include multiple computation cores and complicated, software-managed memory hierarchies. Compilers have difficulty characterizing the behaviour of a kernel in a general enough manner to enable automatic generation of efficient code in any but the most straightforward of cases. We propose the concept of indexed dependence metadata to improve application development and mapping onto such architectures. The metadata represent both the iteration space of a kernel and the mapping of that iteration space from a given index to the set of data elements that iteration might use: thus the dependence metadata is indexed by the kernel’s iteration space. This explicit mapping allows the compiler or runtime to optimise the program more efficiently, and improves the program structure for the developer. We argue that this form of explicit interface specification reduces the need for premature, architecture-specific optimisation. It improves program portability, supports intercomponent optimisation and enables generation of efficient data movement code. We offer the following contributions: an introduction to the concept of indexed dependence metadata as a generalisation of stream programming, a demonstration of its advantages in a component programming system, the decoupled access/execute model for C++ programs, and how indexed dependence metadata might be used to improve the programming model for GPU-based designs. Our experimental results with prototype implementations show that indexed dependence metadata supports automatic synthesis of double-buffered data movement for the Cell processor and enables aggressive loop fusion optimisations in image processing, linear algebra and multigrid application case studies
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