6 research outputs found

    Fast micro-differential evolution for topological active net optimization

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    This paper studies the optimization problem of topological active net (TAN), which is often seen in image segmentation and shape modeling. A TAN is a topological structure containing many nodes, whose positions must be optimized while a predefined topology needs to be maintained. TAN optimization is often time-consuming and even constructing a single solution is hard to do. Such a problem is usually approached by a ``best improvement local search'' (BILS) algorithm based on deterministic search (DS), which is inefficient because it spends too much efforts in nonpromising probing. In this paper, we propose the use of micro-differential evolution (DE) to replace DS in BILS for improved directional guidance. The resultant algorithm is termed deBILS. Its micro-population efficiently utilizes historical information for potentially promising search directions and hence improves efficiency in probing. Results show that deBILS can probe promising neighborhoods for each node of a TAN. Experimental tests verify that deBILS offers substantially higher search speed and solution quality not only than ordinary BILS, but also the genetic algorithm and scatter search algorithm

    Pseudo derivative evolutionary algorithm and convergence analysis

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    Deadline Constrained Cloud Computing Resources Scheduling through an Ant Colony System Approach

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    Cloud computing resources scheduling is essential for executing workflows in the cloud platform because it relates to both execution time and execution cost. In this paper, we adopt a model that optimizes the execution cost while meeting deadline constraints. In solving this problem, we propose an Improved Ant Colony System (IACS) approach featuring two novel strategies. Firstly, a dynamic heuristic strategy is used to calculate a heuristic value during an evolutionary process by taking the workflow topological structure into consideration. Secondly, a double search strategy is used to initialize the pheromone and calculate the heuristic value according to the execution time at the beginning and to initialize the pheromone and calculate heuristic value according to the execution cost after a feasible solution is found. Therefore, the proposed IACS is adaptive to the search environment and to different objectives. We have conducted extensive experiments based on workflows with different scales and different cloud resources. We compare the result with a particle swarm optimization (PSO) approach and a dynamic objective genetic algorithm (DOGA) approach. Experimental results show that IACS is able to find better solutions with a lower cost than both PSO and DOGA do on various scheduling scales and deadline conditions

    Cloud computing resource scheduling and a survey of its evolutionary approaches

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    A disruptive technology fundamentally transforming the way that computing services are delivered, cloud computing offers information and communication technology users a new dimension of convenience of resources, as services via the Internet. Because cloud provides a finite pool of virtualized on-demand resources, optimally scheduling them has become an essential and rewarding topic, where a trend of using Evolutionary Computation (EC) algorithms is emerging rapidly. Through analyzing the cloud computing architecture, this survey first presents taxonomy at two levels of scheduling cloud resources. It then paints a landscape of the scheduling problem and solutions. According to the taxonomy, a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art approaches is presented systematically. Looking forward, challenges and potential future research directions are investigated and invited, including real-time scheduling, adaptive dynamic scheduling, large-scale scheduling, multiobjective scheduling, and distributed and parallel scheduling. At the dawn of Industry 4.0, cloud computing scheduling for cyber-physical integration with the presence of big data is also discussed. Research in this area is only in its infancy, but with the rapid fusion of information and data technology, more exciting and agenda-setting topics are likely to emerge on the horizon

    Adaptive distributed differential evolution

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    Due to the increasing complexity of optimization problems, distributed differential evolution (DDE) has become a promising approach for global optimization. However, similar to the centralized algorithms, DDE also faces the difficulty of strategies' selection and parameters' setting. To deal with such problems effectively, this article proposes an adaptive DDE (ADDE) to relieve the sensitivity of strategies and parameters. In ADDE, three populations called exploration population, exploitation population, and balance population are co-evolved concurrently by using the master-slave multipopulation distributed framework. Different populations will adaptively choose their suitable mutation strategies based on the evolutionary state estimation to make full use of the feedback information from both individuals and the whole corresponding population. Besides, the historical successful experience and best solution improvement are collected and used to adaptively update the individual parameters (amplification factor F and crossover rate CR) and population parameter (population size N), respectively. The performance of ADDE is evaluated on all 30 widely used benchmark functions from the CEC 2014 test suite and all 22 widely used real-world application problems from the CEC 2011 test suite. The experimental results show that ADDE has great superiority compared with the other state-of-the-art DDE and adaptive differential evolution variants