29 research outputs found

    Construction of near-optimal vertex clique covering for real-world networks

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    We propose a method based on combining a constructive and a bounding heuristic to solve the vertex clique covering problem (CCP), where the aim is to partition the vertices of a graph into the smallest number of classes, which induce cliques. Searching for the solution to CCP is highly motivated by analysis of social and other real-world networks, applications in graph mining, as well as by the fact that CCP is one of the classical NP-hard problems. Combining the construction and the bounding heuristic helped us not only to find high-quality clique coverings but also to determine that in the domain of real-world networks, many of the obtained solutions are optimal, while the rest of them are near-optimal. In addition, the method has a polynomial time complexity and shows much promise for its practical use. Experimental results are presented for a fairly representative benchmark of real-world data. Our test graphs include extracts of web-based social networks, including some very large ones, several well-known graphs from network science, as well as coappearance networks of literary works' characters from the DIMACS graph coloring benchmark. We also present results for synthetic pseudorandom graphs structured according to the Erdös-Renyi model and Leighton's model

    Finding Near-Optimal Independent Sets at Scale

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    The independent set problem is NP-hard and particularly difficult to solve in large sparse graphs. In this work, we develop an advanced evolutionary algorithm, which incorporates kernelization techniques to compute large independent sets in huge sparse networks. A recent exact algorithm has shown that large networks can be solved exactly by employing a branch-and-reduce technique that recursively kernelizes the graph and performs branching. However, one major drawback of their algorithm is that, for huge graphs, branching still can take exponential time. To avoid this problem, we recursively choose vertices that are likely to be in a large independent set (using an evolutionary approach), then further kernelize the graph. We show that identifying and removing vertices likely to be in large independent sets opens up the reduction space---which not only speeds up the computation of large independent sets drastically, but also enables us to compute high-quality independent sets on much larger instances than previously reported in the literature.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, 8 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0168

    Scalable Kernelization for Maximum Independent Sets

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    The most efficient algorithms for finding maximum independent sets in both theory and practice use reduction rules to obtain a much smaller problem instance called a kernel. The kernel can then be solved quickly using exact or heuristic algorithms---or by repeatedly kernelizing recursively in the branch-and-reduce paradigm. It is of critical importance for these algorithms that kernelization is fast and returns a small kernel. Current algorithms are either slow but produce a small kernel, or fast and give a large kernel. We attempt to accomplish both of these goals simultaneously, by giving an efficient parallel kernelization algorithm based on graph partitioning and parallel bipartite maximum matching. We combine our parallelization techniques with two techniques to accelerate kernelization further: dependency checking that prunes reductions that cannot be applied, and reduction tracking that allows us to stop kernelization when reductions become less fruitful. Our algorithm produces kernels that are orders of magnitude smaller than the fastest kernelization methods, while having a similar execution time. Furthermore, our algorithm is able to compute kernels with size comparable to the smallest known kernels, but up to two orders of magnitude faster than previously possible. Finally, we show that our kernelization algorithm can be used to accelerate existing state-of-the-art heuristic algorithms, allowing us to find larger independent sets faster on large real-world networks and synthetic instances.Comment: Extended versio

    A Survey of League Championship Algorithm: Prospects and Challenges

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    The League Championship Algorithm (LCA) is sport-inspired optimization algorithm that was introduced by Ali Husseinzadeh Kashan in the year 2009. It has since drawn enormous interest among the researchers because of its potential efficiency in solving many optimization problems and real-world applications. The LCA has also shown great potentials in solving non-deterministic polynomial time (NP-complete) problems. This survey presents a brief synopsis of the LCA literatures in peer-reviewed journals, conferences and book chapters. These research articles are then categorized according to indexing in the major academic databases (Web of Science, Scopus, IEEE Xplore and the Google Scholar). The analysis was also done to explore the prospects and the challenges of the algorithm and its acceptability among researchers. This systematic categorization can be used as a basis for future studies.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 201