3 research outputs found

    Index Assignment for N Balanced Multiple Description Scalar Quantization

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    In this paper, we address the design of any number of balanced multiple descriptions using the multiple description scalar quantization(MDSQ) technique. The proposed scheme has the advantages of low complexity, the possibility of being extended easily to any number of descriptions and the possibility to trade off between the side, partial and central distortions. Unlike existing schemes, it can produce balanced descriptions at low rates, at the price however of a slightly higher distortion. The behavior of the proposed index assignment at high rate is in the same time similar to state-of-the-art schemes. The proposed scheme offers the possibility to adapt to loss probability, and rate constraints, in playing with both the number of descriptions, and the rate of each of them, to minimize the average distortion. The comparison with the systematic FEC (N; k) scheme shows that the FEC scheme in general gives smaller average distortion, but that our scheme seems to be more robust to sudden changes in network conditions and that receiving all the descriptions in general gives smaller distortions

    Fast index assignment for balanced n-description scalar quantization

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    In this paper, we address the design of any number of balanced descriptions using multiple description scalar quantization(MDSQ), based on fast index assignment. The proposed scheme has the advantages of low complexity, and the possibility of being extended easily to any number of descriptions. Unlike existing schemes, it can produce balanced descriptions even at low rate, at the price however of a slightly higher distortion. The behavior of the proposed index assignment at high rate is in the same time similar to state-of-the-art schemes. The proposed scheme offers the possibility to adapt to loss probability, and rate constraints, in playing with both the number of descriptions, and the rate of each of them, to minimize the average distortion. I

    Joint coding/decoding techniques and diversity techniques for video and HTML transmission over wireless point/multipoint: a survey

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    I. Introduction The concomitant developments of the Internet, which offers to its users always larger and more evolved contents (from HTML (HyperText Markup Language) files to multimedia applications), and of wireless systems and handhelds integrating them, have progressively convinced a fair share of people of the interest to always be connected. Still, constraints of heterogeneity, reliability, quality and delay over the transmission channels are generally imposed to fulfill the requirements of these new needs and their corresponding economical goals. This implies different theoretical and practical challenges for the digital communications community of the present time. This paper presents a survey of the different techniques existing in the domain of HTML and video stream transmission over erroneous or lossy channels. In particular, the existing techniques on joint source and channel coding and decoding for multimedia or HTML applications are surveyed, as well as the related problems of streaming and downloading files over an IP mobile link. Finally, various diversity techniques that can be considered for such links, from antenna diversity to coding diversity, are presented...L’engouement du grand public pour les applications multimédia sans fil ne cesse de croître depuis le développement d’Internet. Des contraintes d’hétérogénéité de canaux de transmission, de fiabilité, de qualité et de délai sont généralement exigées pour satisfaire les nouveaux besoins applicatifs entraînant ainsi des enjeux économiques importants. À l’heure actuelle, il reste encore un certain nombre de défis pratiques et théoriques lancés par les chercheurs de la communauté des communications numériques. C’est dans ce cadre que s’inscrit le panorama présenté ici. Cet article présente d’une part un état de l’art sur les principales techniques de codage et de décodage conjoint développées dans la littérature pour des applications multimédia de type téléchargement et diffusion de contenu sur lien mobile IP. Sont tout d’abord rappelées des notions fondamentales des communications numériques à savoir le codage de source, le codage de canal ainsi que les théorèmes de Shannon et leurs principales limitations. Les techniques de codage décodage conjoint présentées dans cet article concernent essentiellement celles développées pour des schémas de codage de source faisant intervenir des codes à longueur variable (CLV) notamment les codes d’Huffman, arithmétiques et les codes entropiques universels de type Lempel-Ziv (LZ). Faisant face au problème de la transmission de données (Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) et vidéo) sur un lien sans fil, cet article présente d’autre part un panorama de techniques de diversités plus ou moins complexes en vue d’introduire le nouveau système à multiples antennes d’émission et de réception