30,069 research outputs found

    Penalized Orthogonal Iteration for Sparse Estimation of Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

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    We propose a new algorithm for sparse estimation of eigenvectors in generalized eigenvalue problems (GEP). The GEP arises in a number of modern data-analytic situations and statistical methods, including principal component analysis (PCA), multiclass linear discriminant analysis (LDA), canonical correlation analysis (CCA), sufficient dimension reduction (SDR) and invariant co-ordinate selection. We propose to modify the standard generalized orthogonal iteration with a sparsity-inducing penalty for the eigenvectors. To achieve this goal, we generalize the equation-solving step of orthogonal iteration to a penalized convex optimization problem. The resulting algorithm, called penalized orthogonal iteration, provides accurate estimation of the true eigenspace, when it is sparse. Also proposed is a computationally more efficient alternative, which works well for PCA and LDA problems. Numerical studies reveal that the proposed algorithms are competitive, and that our tuning procedure works well. We demonstrate applications of the proposed algorithm to obtain sparse estimates for PCA, multiclass LDA, CCA and SDR. Supplementary materials are available online

    Binary Linear Classification and Feature Selection via Generalized Approximate Message Passing

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    For the problem of binary linear classification and feature selection, we propose algorithmic approaches to classifier design based on the generalized approximate message passing (GAMP) algorithm, recently proposed in the context of compressive sensing. We are particularly motivated by problems where the number of features greatly exceeds the number of training examples, but where only a few features suffice for accurate classification. We show that sum-product GAMP can be used to (approximately) minimize the classification error rate and max-sum GAMP can be used to minimize a wide variety of regularized loss functions. Furthermore, we describe an expectation-maximization (EM)-based scheme to learn the associated model parameters online, as an alternative to cross-validation, and we show that GAMP's state-evolution framework can be used to accurately predict the misclassification rate. Finally, we present a detailed numerical study to confirm the accuracy, speed, and flexibility afforded by our GAMP-based approaches to binary linear classification and feature selection

    Linear Time Feature Selection for Regularized Least-Squares

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    We propose a novel algorithm for greedy forward feature selection for regularized least-squares (RLS) regression and classification, also known as the least-squares support vector machine or ridge regression. The algorithm, which we call greedy RLS, starts from the empty feature set, and on each iteration adds the feature whose addition provides the best leave-one-out cross-validation performance. Our method is considerably faster than the previously proposed ones, since its time complexity is linear in the number of training examples, the number of features in the original data set, and the desired size of the set of selected features. Therefore, as a side effect we obtain a new training algorithm for learning sparse linear RLS predictors which can be used for large scale learning. This speed is possible due to matrix calculus based short-cuts for leave-one-out and feature addition. We experimentally demonstrate the scalability of our algorithm and its ability to find good quality feature sets.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure