3 research outputs found

    Differential 28-Days Cyclic Modulation of Affective Intensity in Female and Male Participants via Social Media

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    The menstrual cycle affects many aspects of female physiology, from the immune system to behavioral and emotional regulation. It is unclear however if these physiological changes are reflected in everyday, naturalistic language production, and moreover whether these putative effects can be consistently quantified. Using a novel approach based on social networks, we characterized linguistic expression differences in female and male volunteers over the course of several months, while having no physiological or reported information of the female participants' menstrual cycles. We used a simple algorithm to quantify the linguistic affect intensity of 418 (184 females and 234 males) subjects using their social networks production and found a 7-day modulatory cycle of affect intensity that corresponds to labor-week fluctuations, with no significant difference by biological sex, and a 28-day cycle over which females are significantly different than males. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the menstrual cycle modulates affective features of naturalistic linguistic production

    The ontogeny of discourse structure mimics the development of literature

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    Discourse varies with age, education, psychiatric state and historical epoch, but the ontogenetic and cultural dynamics of discourse structure remain to be quantitatively characterized. To this end we investigated word graphs obtained from verbal reports of 200 subjects ages 2-58, and 676 literary texts spanning ~5,000 years. In healthy subjects, lexical diversity, graph size, and long-range recurrence departed from initial near-random levels through a monotonic asymptotic increase across ages, while short-range recurrence showed a corresponding decrease. These changes were explained by education and suggest a hierarchical development of discourse structure: short-range recurrence and lexical diversity stabilize after elementary school, but graph size and long-range recurrence only stabilize after high school. This gradual maturation was blurred in psychotic subjects, who maintained in adulthood a near-random structure. In literature, monotonic asymptotic changes over time were remarkable: While lexical diversity, long-range recurrence and graph size increased away from near-randomness, short-range recurrence declined, from above to below random levels. Bronze Age texts are structurally similar to childish or psychotic discourses, but subsequent texts converge abruptly to the healthy adult pattern around the onset of the Axial Age (800-200 BC), a period of pivotal cultural change. Thus, individually as well as historically, discourse maturation increases the range of word recurrence away from randomness.Comment: Natalia Bezerra Mota and Sylvia Pinheiro: Equal contribution Sidarta Ribeiro and Mauro Copelli: Corresponding author

    Fast Distributed Dynamics of Semantic Networks via Social Media

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    We investigate the dynamics of semantic organization using social media, a collective expression of human thought. We propose a novel, time-dependent semantic similarity measure (TSS), based on the social network Twitter. We show that TSS is consistent with static measures of similarity but provides high temporal resolution for the identification of real-world events and induced changes in the distributed structure of semantic relationships across the entire lexicon. Using TSS, we measured the evolution of a concept and its movement along the semantic neighborhood, driven by specific news/events. Finally, we showed that particular events may trigger a temporary reorganization of elements in the semantic network