3 research outputs found

    Optimización multiobjetivo del consumo de energía eléctrica basado en la programación de la demanda

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    This document presents a program of response to the electrical demand that allows prioritizing that electrical loads must be reduced or maintained to achieve energy savings through the mechanism of rate of prices of electricity in real time, this program is applied a Multi-Objective optimization that allows to include aspects such as the operability and times associated with the operation of an industrial process, for this case is the start time of the industrial processes the restriction that is added to achieve a complete behavior of the program, the optimization seek by means of the restrictions of energy get a management of the loads associated with the process, it is also shown how to reduce the energy consumption associated with the use of certain processes.En este documento se presenta un programa de respuesta a la demanda eléctrica que permita priorizar que cargas eléctricas deben ser reducidas o mantenerse para lograr un ahorro energético mediante el mecanismo de tarifa de precios de energía eléctrica en tiempo real , a este programa se le aplica una optimización multiobjetivo que permite incluir aspectos como la operatividad y los tiempos asociados a la operación de un proceso industrial, para este caso es el tiempo de arranque de los procesos industriales la restricción que se añade para lograr un comportamiento completo del programa, la optimización busca mediante las restricciones de tipo energético conseguir una gestión de las cargas asociadas al proceso, se muestra también como se logra reducir el consumo de energía asociados al uso de ciertos procesos

    Leaky Bucket-Inspired Power Output Smoothing with Load-Adaptive Algorithm

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    The renewables will constitute an important part of the future smart grid. As a result, the growing portion of renewable generation in the power grid will bring challenges to the operations of the power grid because of the fluctuation and intermittency properties of renewables. In order to make the operations of power grid stable and reliable, the power outputs from renewable energy sources must be smoothed. In this paper, we propose a scheme inspired from the idea of the leaky bucket mechanism for smoothing the power output from a renewable energy system. In our proposed method, the settings of energy storage size and power output level have significant effects on the system performance and thus needs to be determined. An optimization framework is thus proposed for storage and power output planning of the renewable energy system. To operate our proposed scheme practically, a load-adaptive power smoothing algorithm is devised aiming to match the power output level with the actual load in the grid. Our simulation studies show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the operation cost comparing to other algorithms and maintain high renewable energy utilization.postprin

    Semi-Distributed Demand Response Solutions for Smart Homes

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm brings an opportunity for advanced Demand Response (DR) solutions. It enables visibility and control on the various appliances that may consume, store or generate energy within a home. It has been shown that a centralized control on the appliances of a set of households leads to efficient DR mechanisms; unfortunately, such solutions raise privacy and scalability issues. In this chapter we propose an approach that deals with these issues. Specifically, we introduce a scalable two-levels control system where a centralized controller allocates power to each house on one side and, each household implements a DR local solution on the other side. A limited feedback to the centralized controller allows to enhance the performance with little impact on privacy. The solution is proposed for the general framework of capacity markets