1,481 research outputs found

    SPHR-SAR-Net: Superpixel High-resolution SAR Imaging Network Based on Nonlocal Total Variation

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    High-resolution is a key trend in the development of synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which enables the capture of fine details and accurate representation of backscattering properties. However, traditional high-resolution SAR imaging algorithms face several challenges. Firstly, these algorithms tend to focus on local information, neglecting non-local information between different pixel patches. Secondly, speckle is more pronounced and difficult to filter out in high-resolution SAR images. Thirdly, the process of high-resolution SAR imaging generally involves high time and computational complexity, making real-time imaging difficult to achieve. To address these issues, we propose a Superpixel High-Resolution SAR Imaging Network (SPHR-SAR-Net) for rapid despeckling in high-resolution SAR mode. Based on the concept of superpixel techniques, we initially combine non-convex and non-local total variation as compound regularization. This approach more effectively despeckles and manages the relationship between pixels while reducing bias effects caused by convex constraints. Subsequently, we solve the compound regularization model using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) algorithm and unfold it into a Deep Unfolded Network (DUN). The network's parameters are adaptively learned in a data-driven manner, and the learned network significantly increases imaging speed. Additionally, the Deep Unfolded Network is compatible with high-resolution imaging modes such as spotlight, staring spotlight, and sliding spotlight. In this paper, we demonstrate the superiority of SPHR-SAR-Net through experiments in both simulated and real SAR scenarios. The results indicate that SPHR-SAR-Net can rapidly perform high-resolution SAR imaging from raw echo data, producing accurate imaging results

    Advanced image formation and processing of partial synthetic aperture radar data

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    Parameter selection in sparsity-driven SAR imaging

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    We consider a recently developed sparsity-driven synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging approach which can produce superresolution, feature-enhanced images. However, this regularization-based approach requires the selection of a hyper-parameter in order to generate such high-quality images. In this paper we present a number of techniques for automatically selecting the hyper-parameter involved in this problem. In particular, we propose and develop numerical procedures for the use of Stein’s unbiased risk estimation, generalized cross-validation, and L-curve techniques for automatic parameter choice. We demonstrate and compare the effectiveness of these procedures through experiments based on both simple synthetic scenes, as well as electromagnetically simulated realistic data. Our results suggest that sparsity-driven SAR imaging coupled with the proposed automatic parameter choice procedures offers significant improvements over conventional SAR imaging
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