53 research outputs found

    Estimating Nuisance Parameters in Inverse Problems

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    Many inverse problems include nuisance parameters which, while not of direct interest, are required to recover primary parameters. Structure present in these problems allows efficient optimization strategies - a well known example is variable projection, where nonlinear least squares problems which are linear in some parameters can be very efficiently optimized. In this paper, we extend the idea of projecting out a subset over the variables to a broad class of maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum a posteriori likelihood (MAP) problems with nuisance parameters, such as variance or degrees of freedom. As a result, we are able to incorporate nuisance parameter estimation into large-scale constrained and unconstrained inverse problem formulations. We apply the approach to a variety of problems, including estimation of unknown variance parameters in the Gaussian model, degree of freedom (d.o.f.) parameter estimation in the context of robust inverse problems, automatic calibration, and optimal experimental design. Using numerical examples, we demonstrate improvement in recovery of primary parameters for several large- scale inverse problems. The proposed approach is compatible with a wide variety of algorithms and formulations, and its implementation requires only minor modifications to existing algorithms.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    An approximate empirical Bayesian method for large-scale linear-Gaussian inverse problems

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    We study Bayesian inference methods for solving linear inverse problems, focusing on hierarchical formulations where the prior or the likelihood function depend on unspecified hyperparameters. In practice, these hyperparameters are often determined via an empirical Bayesian method that maximizes the marginal likelihood function, i.e., the probability density of the data conditional on the hyperparameters. Evaluating the marginal likelihood, however, is computationally challenging for large-scale problems. In this work, we present a method to approximately evaluate marginal likelihood functions, based on a low-rank approximation of the update from the prior covariance to the posterior covariance. We show that this approximation is optimal in a minimax sense. Moreover, we provide an efficient algorithm to implement the proposed method, based on a combination of the randomized SVD and a spectral approximation method to compute square roots of the prior covariance matrix. Several numerical examples demonstrate good performance of the proposed method

    Automatic Construction of Predictive Neuron Models through Large Scale Assimilation of Electrophysiological Data.

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    We report on the construction of neuron models by assimilating electrophysiological data with large-scale constrained nonlinear optimization. The method implements interior point line parameter search to determine parameters from the responses to intracellular current injections of zebra finch HVC neurons. We incorporated these parameters into a nine ionic channel conductance model to obtain completed models which we then use to predict the state of the neuron under arbitrary current stimulation. Each model was validated by successfully predicting the dynamics of the membrane potential induced by 20-50 different current protocols. The dispersion of parameters extracted from different assimilation windows was studied. Differences in constraints from current protocols, stochastic variability in neuron output, and noise behave as a residual temperature which broadens the global minimum of the objective function to an ellipsoid domain whose principal axes follow an exponentially decaying distribution. The maximum likelihood expectation of extracted parameters was found to provide an excellent approximation of the global minimum and yields highly consistent kinetics for both neurons studied. Large scale assimilation absorbs the intrinsic variability of electrophysiological data over wide assimilation windows. It builds models in an automatic manner treating all data as equal quantities and requiring minimal additional insight

    Final Report: Large-Scale Optimization for Bayesian Inference in Complex Systems

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    Algorithms for Kullback-Leibler Approximation of Probability Measures in Infinite Dimensions

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    In this paper we study algorithms to find a Gaussian approximation to a target measure defined on a Hilbert space of functions; the target measure itself is defined via its density with respect to a reference Gaussian measure. We employ the Kullback-Leibler divergence as a distance and find the best Gaussian approximation by minimizing this distance. It then follows that the approximate Gaussian must be equivalent to the Gaussian reference measure, defining a natural function space setting for the underlying calculus of variations problem. We introduce a computational algorithm which is well-adapted to the required minimization, seeking to find the mean as a function, and parameterizing the covariance in two different ways: through low rank perturbations of the reference covariance; and through Schr\"odinger potential perturbations of the inverse reference covariance. Two applications are shown: to a nonlinear inverse problem in elliptic PDEs, and to a conditioned diffusion process. We also show how the Gaussian approximations we obtain may be used to produce improved pCN-MCMC methods which are not only well-adapted to the high-dimensional setting, but also behave well with respect to small observational noise (resp. small temperatures) in the inverse problem (resp. conditioned diffusion).Comment: 28 page
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